Short Summary
I'm Victor Richards, actor, poet and published author of 'Poetry Trilogy'. I cover African and
Caribbean History especially about the Windrush stories of our parents arrivals
and the first generation born here in the UK through my one man plays and spoken word.
Trip to Barbados
I have been invited to attend the 5th edition of the Caribbean Fine Art Fair (CaFA) -Barbados will be staged in Bridgetown, Barbados from March 11-15, 2015. This exposition will feature over 35 exhibitors showcasing works by artists of Caribbean ancestry. They have created a format with 4 full days of exhibition which will include theatrical performances, spoken word and film screenings on each day of the Fair. I am taking part to present my spoken word with reggae music at the event.
CaFA website
Trip To Jamaica
Also I have been invited to perform at the International Safeguarding Children‟s Conference.,‘Cocktail Evening, Dance with Entertainment’. This will be held on Saturday 16th May 2015 and will take place at the University of the West Indies, The Mona Visitors‟ Lodge & Conference Centre, 2, Garden Lane, UWI, Mona, Kingston 7.
This will be the first time that One Step Forward Consultancy will be bringing together such an event and will be approaching sponsors. I am presently approaching sponsors to assist me to support this event.
I.S.C.C. Every child matters in the Caribbean 15th May 2015
Asking Your Help and Support
These are two exciting opportunities for me to present my work internationally.
My work is very important part of British and Caribbean History. My presence as an UK artist at these events in Barbados and Jamaica will be an great opportunity to share my unique work with people there and support the events to help local young artists and children to achieve their goals.
Your contribution to my campaign will be a significant help for me to reach my dream faster.
What We Need & What You Get
I need £2000 to cover travel cost and accommodation for both Barbados and Jamaica for 7 nights during the event taking place, also to cover marketing materials to promote my business there to make strong connection with Barbados, Jamaica and other Caribbean islands.
If you can contribute for my campaign whether it's small or large, I will email you to express my appreciation and keep you informed my progress in the future. If you are big contributors, I will discuss with you what you want me to do for you or your business.
e.g. your logo on my website, to distribute your business information in Barbados, free voiceover for your business advert/video, free performance of my play or spoken word at your event ... etc
If you wish to discuss in advance, please contact me by email
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't make a monetary contribution, but you still want to help, you can.
I want you to:
• Spread the word to your friends and family.
• Offer me useful ideas or information for my trip to Barbados and Jamaica
I appreciate any support I can receive from you. Please contact me for more information. Email: