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Sunrise Skater Kids 2016 Debut Album

Defend the pop punk scene and help Sunrise Skater Kids make their first independent release!

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Sunrise Skater Kids 2016 Debut Album

Sunrise Skater Kids 2016 Debut Album

Sunrise Skater Kids 2016 Debut Album

Sunrise Skater Kids 2016 Debut Album

Sunrise Skater Kids 2016 Debut Album

Defend the pop punk scene and help Sunrise Skater Kids make their first independent release!

Defend the pop punk scene and help Sunrise Skater Kids make their first independent release!

Defend the pop punk scene and help Sunrise Skater Kids make their first independent release!

Defend the pop punk scene and help Sunrise Skater Kids make their first independent release!

Jarrod Alonge
Jarrod Alonge
Jarrod Alonge
Jarrod Alonge
3 Campaigns |
Chattanooga, United States
$28,654 USD by 1,046 backers
$28,456 USD by 1,040 backers on Feb 29, 2016
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

*UPDATE (6/13): "Friendville" music video!

*UPDATE (3/28): "Rylo Ken" music video!

*UPDATE (2/29): Thanks to you guys, the campaign is complete at nearly TRIPLE the original amount! If you selected a perk that includes a T-shirt, you must give me info regarding your size HERE.

*UPDATE (2/25): The campaign is 200% funded, which means that I'll be making a full-length album! "Friendville" will feature Patty Walters (As It Is) and Dave Stephens (We Came As Romans), in addition to JB Brubaker (August Burns Red).

*UPDATE (2/19): Sneak peek at the new songs!

*UPDATE (2/10): New guest artist announced!

*UPDATE (2/5): All shipping options are updated to include Canada and Mexico, and I have also fixed a shipping error on the Pizza-Themed Wall Flag perk. If you need to change your perk, email me ASAP by clicking HERE.

*UPDATE (2/1): Seeing that the SSK posters sold out so quickly, I've added 100 Beating a Dead Horse signed posters. Find the design in "Updates."


STRETCH GOALS: What if you raise over $10,000?

In only 4 days, we've surpassed our initial goal of $10,000! For now, this release will be starting at the bare minimum of a 6-song EP. If you want to see music videos, merch upgrades or perhaps a full album, get your friends in on the campaign and help us exceed our stretch goals!

  • $10,000: Campaign success!
  • $12,500: I will shoot, direct and release a music video!
  • $15,000: One extra song (7 songs total)!
  • $20,000: The EP will become a full-length album (10-12 songs total)!
  • $25,000: I might do a small tour... Touring is complicated, so no promises.
  • $1,000,000: I will literally eat my own foot and put the video on YouTube.

STORY: What is this all about?

In August of 2013, a band known as Sunrise Skater Kids took the Baltimore pop punk scene by storm and changed the world forever. After releasing hit songs like Love Me Back, Take It Easycore and First World Tragedy, the band transcended the genre and distinguished themselves as purebred musical geniuses. Grammy Award-winning rapper Kanye West describes them as "everything I aspire to be." Having only been featured on a single compilation album (and a reissue), it is finally time for the band's first standalone release.

On a less ridiculous note, my last crowdfunded album Beating A Dead Horse was a (relatively) successful project that really turned my attention to comedy music. Writing this stuff is a REAL pleasure for me, and I feel that I have any more laughs to gain in the future. With the help of online contributors and some amazingly talented producers, singers and instrumentalists, I was able to create something that I had no idea was in me to make. It would be dumb to stop there, so I figured that we could start 2016 off with a release by the much-loved Sunrise Skater Kids.

This crowdfunding campaign will be very similar to the last one, but with some notable differences. To make things more visually appealing, here's the rest of what you need to know in a series of bullet points...

  • I am raising $10,000 for this release.
  • For now, the release will be a 6-song EP.
  • If we surpass $20,000, I will turn this into a full-length album.
  • If the goal is not met in 30 days, the project will be CANCELLED.
  • All of these songs will be completely new (no remasters).
  • You will not be charged and can keep your money if this happens.
  • The songs will be professionally produced by Johnny Franck.
  • It will sound super legit and confuse scene kids into thinking it's real.
  • The project could be ready for release as early as March 2016.
This project will be as good as the amount it raises. More money means better production, better rewards, better guest vocalists, and better music videos.

THE FIRST SONG IS DONE! Listen to it here...

PERKS: What do I get?

The perks (or rewards) of this crowdfunding campaign are divided into separate tiers based on how much you donate. Because this is a Fixed Funding Indiegogo project, you will NOT be charged unless the final $10,000 goal is achieved. It's all-or-nothing, so don't worry about not getting anything in return.

  • $1 donation: Your name in a shout-out video! All donors get this.
  • $5 donation: A signed 18x24" SSK poster! *SOLD OUT* 
  • $5 donation: A signed 12x16" BADH poster! *LIMITED*
  • $10 donation: Digital download on release date!
  • $15 donation: Physical CD and digital download!
  • $25 donation: T-shirt and digital download!
  • $35 donation: Snapback hat and digital download!
  • $50 donation: T-shirt, snapback, CD, download and stickers!
  • $65 donation: A massive 48x48" pizza-themed wall flag!**
  • $75 donation: Skype in during a live SSK recording session!**
  • $100 donation: Personal Skype conversation and 48x48" wall flag!**
  • $250 donation: Local pizza party with me and your friends!**
  • $1,000 donation: All-American pizza party, anywhere in the USA!**
  • $1,000,000,000 donation: I will conquer a small country!**
**Includes T-shirt, snapback hat, physical CDdownload and stickers.
NOTE: A while after you donate, you will receive an email requesting your shirt size (if you ordered a T-shirt). If you wish to customize a perk, email me HERE.

BUDGET: Why do you need $10,000?

As a relatively low-profile YouTuber, I have a very humble income. The only reason why I was able to make Beating A Dead Horse (my first album) was because I managed to raise $20,000 on Indiegogo. Although I did raise more than the original budget of $12,500, I still ran out and used some of my own money. Luckily, it all worked out in the end financially and I'm not living on the streets.

In case you didn't know, making music can be pretty expensive. I'm VERY good at saving money, but my frugality can only go so far. Production value is very important to me, but keep in mind that not all of the $10,000 raised will be used for actual production. Here are the things that I need to pay for in order to make this Sunrise Skater Kids release happen...

  • Recording, mixing & mastering: $3,000
  • Guest vocalists: $250 to $750
  • Media (artwork, videos, etc.): $500 to $1500
  • Online distribution & publishing: $150
  • Reward fulfilment: $2,000
  • Indiegogo & PayPal fees: $1,000
  • Taxes (estimated): $1,500 to $2,000
NOTE: Ultimately, ALL of the money raised will go back into my music somehow.

SUPPORT: How else can I help?

Some of you are poor as shit (but somehow still have access to the internet). If you are unable to contribute, you can still help by spreading the word and telling your friends about the campaign. Here are some things you can do...

  • Tell your friends about Sunrise Skater Kids and this new project.
  • Show your friends All The Old Things and First World Tragedy.
  • Post the campaign video to Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.
  • Follow me on social media to like/share/retweet my garbage.
  • Send me encouraging smiley faces.
  • Post dank pizza memes on Alternative Press articles.
  • Establish a meth empire and donate a portion of the earnings.

If you have questions about anything that weren't made clear by this page, you can always send me an email at

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk



$25 USD
You get a newly designed Sunrise Skater Kids T-shirt and a digital download! You also get a verbal shout-out in a video!
105 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$1 USD
Along with every other donor for this project, your name will be verbally included in a shout-out video! It is possible that I may butcher the pronunciation.
74 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$5 USD
Since the SSK posters sold out quickly, I've added these 12x16" Beating A Dead Horse: Deluxe Ultra-Limited Exclusive Undead Edition autographed posters (leftover from the last album). It is recommended that you include this perk with an additional perk to get the most out of the campaign!
74 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$10 USD
You get a digital download of the entire project at the time of its release. You also get a verbal shout-out in a video!
113 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$15 USD
You get a hardcopy CD and a digital download at the time of its release!
149 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$35 USD
You get a high-quality Sunrise Skater Kids snapback hat and a digital download! You also get a verbal shout-out in a video!
46 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$50 USD
You get a T-shirt, a snapback hat, a physical CD, a digital download AND some Sunrise Skater Kids stickers! Those will look good on your MacBook.
97 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$65 USD
You get a massive, 48x48" 'Pizza Is The Essence Of Life' wall flag for your room! I made a mistake with shipping costs when I first made this perk. Also includes a T-shirt, snapback hat, CD, digital download and stickers!
100 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$75 USD
Sit in with me, Johnny Franck, and others on a Skype video chat while we make music! Also includes a T-shirt, snapback hat, CD, digital download and stickers!
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$100 USD
You get a 1-on-1 personal Skype call with me to talk about anything your heart desires! Also includes a 48x48" wall flag, T-shirt, snapback hat, CD, digital download and stickers!
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$250 USD
I will come throw you a pizza party! Share this perk with your friends! Five pizzas maximum, and it must be within a 150 mile radius of Chattanooga (places like Atlanta, Nashville, Knoxville, Birmingham, etc.). Also includes a T-shirt, snapback hat, CD, digital download and stickers!
1 claimed
Ships to United States of America


$1,000 USD
Pizza party anywhere in the United States (except Alaska and Hawaii)! Share this perk with your friends! Five pizzas maximum, and I really wouldn't mind staying a night or two. Please email me before selecting this perk. Also includes a T-shirt, snapback hat, CD, digital download and stickers!
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America


$1,000,000,000 USD
With this amount, I could realistically hire a small army of highly-trained mercenaries to destabilize a small country! A portion of this donation will be used to help establish a new regime with me, Jarrod Alonge, as its supreme leader. You may get indicted for war crimes by the United Nations, but you'll be making history!
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out


$5 USD
Only -1 left
Ships worldwide.
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