Supervillains Anonymous - The Graphic Novel by Sitch & Adam
Supervillains Anonymous is a 48 page full-color graphic novel. This is the comedy superhero story Sitch and I (Adam) have been developing for the past year and we are super excited to finally launch our campaign!! Many of our fans from the Sitch & Adam Show have helped us with encouragement and story ideas along the way. We are so thankful for all your help and appreciation. Let's make history together!
The Story: Supervillains Anonymous is the story of two low-level supervillains who take on an omnipresent supervillain establishment. It takes place in a world where the supervillains have won and created a sterile, dystopian nightmare. In this future world, hunger and disease have been completely eliminated, but so have freedom and excitement. It’s in this overbearing hellscape that our two friends embark on a mission to recapture some of the magnificence their city, New Evil Angeles, has lost.
Main Cover:
First 3 pages:
S-CLASS Variant Cover (below)
A-TEAM Variant Cover (below)
This cover has naked ladies on it. The "censored" graphics are just for Indiegogo!
Who is creating this thing?
The Makers:
PSA Sitch is a YouTuber who makes funny videos about politics and culture. Together, Sitch and Adam co-authored the story.
Adam Strange is an artist, filmmaker and laser addict. Adam created all three variant covers and the first 3 pages displayed here and is now penciling, inking and coloring the rest of the 48 page book.
The Sitch & Adam Show began as two friends watching videos together over the internet and has morphed into a popular (10k-25k views per episode) Sunday show on YouTube. For the first half of the livestream we comment on the latest current and cultural events. In the second half of the show we read superchats, show fan art and interact with our audience. As of this writing we are on episode #121 so you can count on us for weekly comic updates on the show! Come join us!
Stretch Goals
✔ $10k - S-Class is the best class.
✔ $20k - A-Team reigns supreme.
✔ $30k - S-Class and A-Team unite and every order gets two FREE trading cards!
✔ $50k - Every order gets a FREE sticker!