The Charles River Conservancy is dedicated to the stewardship,
renewal, and enhancement of the urban parklands along the Charles River, for
the enjoyment of all. Through its annual City Splash community swims, the
Conservancy has introduced over 1000 people to swimming in the Charles.
Swimming in the Charles was once a favorite summer
pastime for all ages. In the mid-1950’s, a growing awareness of the
river’s pollution and the possible health risks it posed forced the closure of
riverfront beaches along the Charles. The potential for public swimming in the
Charles River exists today as a result of a number of federal and state
initiatives, including the 1972 amendments to the Clean Water Act and 50 years of
hard work by our partners at the Charles River Watershed Association, a devoted
advocate to water quality in the Charles.
In 2013, the EPA upgraded the Charles’ water quality grade to
an A-, making it the healthiest urban river in the United States. That summer,
the CRC began to hold its annual community swimming events, which demonstrated
the sizable public interest in swimming in the Charles. With a partnership
grant from Common Impact, a team of volunteer professionals from Stantec
Engineering conducted a study for the Charles River Conservancy exploring the feasibility
of a permanent swimming facility in the Charles River at North Point Park. In
order to evaluate the feasibility of such a site, Stantec compiled a team of landscape architects, civil
engineers, environmental scientists, and much more. Their work determined that
given further study and due diligence, a permanent swimming area is feasible!
Your contribution will help complete further
testing recommended by Stantec and get us one step closer to bringing swimming
back to the Charles River.
What We Need & What You Get
In their feasibility study for the Charles River Conservancy,
the design and consulting firm Stantec recommended the following next steps:
Conduct a bathymetric survey of the area (mapping the depths of
the river).
2. Conduct an engineering study to analyze level of turbidity (water cloudiness) and generate best practice solutions.
Continue water quality testing throughout the process.
We are seeking funding for the administration of the
aforementioned tests. Each test requires contracting a company or individual to
conduct the actual test, and also requires time from Conservancy staff to oversee the administration of these tests and to interpret the
results of tests so they can then be relayed to key stakeholders in the
Your donation to our IndieGoGo campaign will directly fund
these tests. As you can see below, the cost of administering the three tests
together is estimated to be $25,000.
Bathymetric Testing
$7500 (est)
Water Quality Testing
$6000 (est)
Turbidity Testing
$5000 (est)
Subtotal Cost of Tests
CRC Swimmable Charles Coordinator
Creating a permanent swimming location for the Charles River
will be a long process with a seven-figure price tag. However, the tests that
this campaign will help us conduct are key early steps that will bridge the gap
between now and the completed project.
We consider the following to be our stretch goals if our initial goal of $25,000 is met:
Stretch Goal #1-$50,000- Begin preliminary design
Stretch Goal #2-$75,000- Environmental Permitting
Stretch Goal #3-$100,000- Exploration of Operational Models
Some of the exciting perks we’re able to offer include a
swimming lesson with Olympic swimmer Erik Vendt (3 time Olympian and gold medalist), a tour of internationally renowned sculptor Nancy
Schon’s studio (known for Make Way for Ducklings), a private swimming block at
next year’s City Splash for you and 19 friends, stand-up paddleboard
lessons for two, and much more! See the full list below, and note-- many of them
are first come, first served. Donate early for your best chance of securing a
perk! All perks will be fulfilled by the end of November.
The Charles River Conservancy is a
non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)3 of the
Internal Revenue Code and is
registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. All contributions are
tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. law, less the
fair market value of any perks received.
If we don’t reach our whole goal, your donations will be used
to complete as many of the discrete funding needs listed above as possible.
They will be prioritized based on the recommendations of Stantec’s feasibility study.
The Impact
With each person who goes swimming in the Charles for the first
time, the Conservancy creates a new steward of the river and its health.
There’s no experience like swimming in a great urban river such as the Charles
with views of Cambridge and Boston. Traditional pools just don’t compare to the open water surrounding you-- the feeling of unfiltered, natural water gently
flowing around you.
With every dollar raised, we move closer to providing a home
for river swimmers who will work to keep their beloved river clean and healthy
for future generations. A person who has experienced swimming in the Charles is
more likely to engage in stewardship of our natural resources as well as to
continue to pursue healthy recreational opportunities with friends and family.
Our Proven Track Record
From its founding, the CRC tenaciously pursued the creation
of a world-class skatepark along the Charles, where urban youth and athletes
could have a sanctioned place to pursue a sport they love. Much of the energy
of CRC staff, for fundraising, government relations and project management, was
consumed by the planning and construction of the skatepark in a perfect, but
challenging, location: underneath the Zakim Bridge but on heavily toxic
soil. On November 14, 2015 with some
2000 people in attendance, the CRC proudly opened the state park system’s first
skatepark—the first of its size in New England—and transferred the 40,000
square feet of skatepark to the state’s Department of Conservation and
Recreation (DCR). The large number of users and the videos and press generated
by the skatepark now speak for themselves.
Risks & Challenges
Despite the dramatic improvements to the water quality of the
Charles over the last 40 years, there are still significant challenges to meet
before the public can have a safe, permanent location to swim in the lower
Charles River, including access constraints, sediment contamination, and
increasing levels of phosphorous affecting the river’s health. It is clear that the main source of water
pollution to the Charles River is stormwater runoff, or rainwater that falls on
roads, buildings, parking lots, even lawns, and runs into local storm drain
systems. Runoff picks up pollutants as it flows and, from storm drains, dumps into the Charles. After rainstorms, the river often fails to meet water
quality standards. Nutrients, like phosphorus, are a major concern in the
Charles River. Today, about twice as much phosphorus is getting into the river
as there would be in a stable river system. Acting as fertilizer, phosphorus
causes plants to grow prolifically, disrupting the river’s natural
balance. Phosphorus feeds toxic cyanobacteria blooms (a.k.a. blue-green
algae), impacting summer recreation in the Charles River.
Cities, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, private land owners, and individuals working
together can address this problem. Effective stormwater management techniques
also offer numerous co-benefits such as improved air quality, lower energy
costs, and neighborhood beautification. Techniques known collectively as “green
infrastructure” are systems that use plants and soil to collect, cool, clean,
and infiltrate stormwater runoff. By incorporating green infrastructure into
roadways, sidewalks, parking lots, parks, private homes, and commercial
complexes we can significantly reduce pollution to the Charles River. Today,
the Charles is clean enough for swimming roughly 60-70% of days out of the
year; let’s work together to bring that up to 100%!
We expect to work in close partnership with the Charles River
Watershed Association (CRWA) to address water quality issues. The CRWA is one
of the country’s oldest watershed associations; founded in 1965, their tireless efforts
have led to the Charles River’s transformation from the infamous “Dirty Water”
popularized by The Standells to what the EPA named our nation's “cleanest urban
river”! CRWA is dedicated to restoring the river to its pre-development,
natural state with clean, free-flowing water and a healthy balanced ecosystem
with vibrant native fish and bird populations, an end CRWA research science has
shown can be achieved.
Other challenges include the:
DCR - the MA
Department of Conservation and Recreation owns the river and the land on either
side. We plan to work in close partnership with them to make this facility a
reality. Our experience with building the Lynch Family Skatepark on DCR land
proves that we are able to do this.
Boston, Cambridge and
the State Legislature - good relationships with both cities bordering the
river, as well as the State House and Senate will be critical to getting the
support needed to work with various government agencies on the project.
Permitting - the
Conservancy received the necessary permits for a skatepark on a brownfield
(contaminated industrial site) that was a land transfer parcel between agencies
as mitigation for the Big Dig. A swim facility will need permits from such
agencies as the Army Corps of Engineers and federal and state environmental
agencies like the MA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the EPA.
Design - landscape
architects and designers are represented on the Conservancy’s board and will be
able to advise on the process of design solicitation in consultation with the DCR
Safety - we will work
hand in hand with DCR and the American Red Cross to ensure that the facility
meets all aquatic best practices, is safe to use and is suitable for training
life guards.
Fundraising - we
raised just under $5M for the Lynch Family Skatepark described above. Current
projections have this facility at $3M.
Throughout the process of building this facility, we will rely on
our partnerships, including the Charles River Watershed Association, an expert
in water quality issues, the Charles River Swimming Club, which hosts a one
mile swim in the Charles each year, Community Boating, Inc, the Massachusetts
Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Department of Public Health, and
Northeastern University. Partnerships augment our capacity, beyond our small
Historically, we’ve successfully been able to tap pro bono
services, particularly for legal advice and permitting, which we hope to
continue here, in order to keep costs low.
1. Share
on your networks!
Please help us get
the word out. Use the Indiegogo share tools linked here to advertise this campaign
on your own social media channels.
If you live in MA, ask your legislative officials to
support this permanent facility
Making this
facility a reality will require buy-in from numerous government agencies.
Contact your elected and appointed officials today and tell them that you
support clean water and the establishment of a permanent swim facility for the
enjoyment of all.