The fantasy magazine helped define the sword and sorcery genre. These magazines were filled with amazing art and stories that electrified the imagination. They whisked us away to new lands, where heroes fought monsters, evil wizards and unspoken horrors.
Those magazines were thought lost to time.
Tales of Noveterra is a 48+ page fantasy entertainment magazine that is filled with action, entertainment and ass kicking.
Presented in black and white, to showcase the amazing line work of top talent working in independent comics today. To truly enjoy the art it will be printed in a large magazine format (approx. 8.5x11. Regular comics are 6x10)
Cover by InkSpots (@MyEvilRobot)
Tales of Noveterra will include:
4 sequential stories
4 traditional stories (with illustrations)
Roleplaying game adventure. (includes illustrations and maps)
New Monsters and characters to add to your campaign (Fully illustrated)
Letters page
and more!
Sequential stories
Spite your Face Art by Pat Maxton. (@Doodle_Bags) Story Rob Shaffer
The Front Art by John J. Ball. (@Comicartmaster1) Story Rob Shaffer
Opportunity Art by Allen Allonzo (@The_Howl_Comics) Story Rob Shaffer
Seize the Moment Art by Preston Asevedo (@nickythepipe) Story Rob Shaffer
Traditional Stories by these amazing writers
Edwin Acevedo (@EdwinAces)
Phill Diaz (@FillPops)
Mark Middleton (@markmakescomix)
Eddie Winkler (@DoseTrue)
Roleplaying section
The attack on LoneHolme
A one night adventure (3-4 hours) for 3-5 characters level 1-3.
Creature section: 6 new monsters and 4 new characters to add to your campaign!
Additional content by
Simon Pothier (@Simon_Pothier)
Dan Dahl (@B00ty_Juice)
Brandon Diaz (@Zaidninja)
Gabriel Caitano (@Gcaithanos)
Anthony Figaro (@KidDestructo1)
Clayton Barton (@howtodrawcomics)
Shelby Robertson (@shelbywankenob)
and more to be announced.
Stretch Goals
(will be added to the Deluxe and Epic tiers)
- $5000- 11x17 poster by John Joseph Ball
$6000- Anthony Figaro Trading card
$7000- Clayton Barton trading card
$8000- Dan Dahl trading card.
$9000- Pat Maxton vertical mini print page saver
$10000- 2nd issue is go! Stretch goal TBA
Project Status
Story & Art-finished
Lettering- To be done
Traditional stories
All stories- In editing stage.
Roleplaying module and creature section
RPG-Editing/testing. Illustration 75% complete
Creature section-Illustrations complete. Testing and editing to be done.
Overall magazine is 75% finished. July due date should not be a problem unless printing becomes an issue.