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HO 40' Single Sheathed Box and Auto Cars 1929-'70s

HO-scale models of ATSF, CGW, C&O, L&N, PM and RI Pratt-truss single-sheathed box and auto cars

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HO 40' Single Sheathed Box and Auto Cars 1929-'70s

HO 40' Single Sheathed Box and Auto Cars 1929-'70s

HO 40' Single Sheathed Box and Auto Cars 1929-'70s

HO 40' Single Sheathed Box and Auto Cars 1929-'70s

HO 40' Single Sheathed Box and Auto Cars 1929-'70s

HO-scale models of ATSF, CGW, C&O, L&N, PM and RI Pratt-truss single-sheathed box and auto cars

HO-scale models of ATSF, CGW, C&O, L&N, PM and RI Pratt-truss single-sheathed box and auto cars

HO-scale models of ATSF, CGW, C&O, L&N, PM and RI Pratt-truss single-sheathed box and auto cars

HO-scale models of ATSF, CGW, C&O, L&N, PM and RI Pratt-truss single-sheathed box and auto cars

Randall Hammill
Randall Hammill
Randall Hammill
Randall Hammill
1 Campaign |
Canton, United States
$23,258 USD 163 backers
9% of $250,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

The picture at the top of the page is a crop from a Kent Cochrane photo in New Britain, CT c1946. This picture of ATSF Bx-11 124528 with an 8" extended roof is what started this project. 


This project is different than a typical model railroad release. It's super important that you read the site, and ask questions if you have them. We only get to make these models if enough of you step up and make a pledge to back the project. 


Crowd Funding? Backers? What is it and what do I get?

Crowd Funding is a way to spread the cost of a project among a community of Backers who would like to get something made that wouldn't otherwise be possible. In this case, a bunch of cool HO scale single sheathed box and auto cars produced as ready-to-run models, or decorated or undecorated kits.

We will not produce these cars if we don't meet the funding goal,  which covers the entire cost of producing the cars.

You can back the project by making a contribution, or selecting a Perk.

Each Perk gives you a certain number of cars at a discount. That discount also applied to anything else you choose to add to your order later on. 

You'll make your final selections shortly before production, and you can add additional items at that time, and we'll collect shipping and applicable taxes.

We have an anticipated delivery of early 2021. 

IndieGoGo holds the money, so if we don't reach our funding goal your pledge will be refunded automatically.

The models are a $50 SRP, and kits are the same price but come with extra parts.

You can scroll down for a more in depth look at how this works and why we're doing it. But we know you're really here for the models. So let's get to those:

Ready-to-Run Models

All of the cars in this announcement will be produced at the same time.

This requires several different car bodies to account for dimensional differences. Roofs, ends, the side bracing, doors, and underframes are all separate parts to ensure that we can feature road and era specific details, along with painting and lettering for the life of the cars.

We will continue to provide more detail about these prototypes at

ATSF Bx-11, 12 and 13 Classes


The Bx-11 and -12 classes are near clones of each other, differing primarily in their trucks. The Bx-11 class rode on Dalman Two-Level trucks, but the Bx-12 used Dalman One-Level trucks (which have never been produced in HO scale before).

These cars used Dreadnaught ends with 3 corrugations in the top panel, and 4 in the lower panel, but they were pressed inward ("indented") rather than protruding outward. The Bx-11, and -12 classes used a radial roof, but the Bx-13 used a Murphy Solidsteel Roof.

A spotting feature unique to the ATSF cars are threaded tension rods in the lower corners of the ends, instead of the steel strapping that most single sheathed box cars used. Photos show that over the years these tension rods were removed, but not necessarily all at once. On assembled models, these tension rods will be applied based on photos, but extra parts will be included for the modeler to apply.

ATSF Bx-11 and -12 class box cars modified with extended roofs


Starting in 1941, the Santa Fe started rebuilding many of the Bx-11 and -12 classes and increased the interior height through the use of a roof extension. Initially this was an 8" increase, but in 1943 they further increased the height by a full 12". In both cases they received new rectangular panel roofs.

None of the Bx-13 cars received these modifications. The cars, especially those with the 12" extension, are easy to spot. The shorter cars had a blank panel added to the end, but the taller modification had an extra corrugation. 

ATSF Bx-11, -12, and -13 classes rebuilt with steel sides


From 1950, a more extensive rebuilding took place for all three classes, starting with the Bx-13 class, replacing the composite single sheathed sides with steel. Many of these cars ran into the early '80s.

RI 141000-142999 series SS Box Cars


Although not clones of the Bx-11/12/13 classes, the RI built similar single sheathed cars with 4/5 ends and Hutchins Dry Lading roofs. Like many of the cars built 1929-1930 they rode on Dalman Two-Level trucks, but unlike the ATSF cars, they used Barber Stablizing devices and look slightly different.

CGW 80000-80978 series SS Auto Cars


Along with box cars, a number of roads adapted the ARA XM-1 Standard Box Car design into 40' double-door auto cars. The cars built for CGW used 3/3/3 Dreadnaught ends and radial roofs.

L&N 46000-46399 series SS Auto Cars


Built in 1929, these cars had 3/3/3 Dreadnaught ends with a Murphy Outside Metal roof.

PM 89350-90349 series SS Auto Cars


These cars, built in 1929, feature their preferred (and unusual) Hutchins ends. 

Starting in 1941, they started converting some of these double-door auto cars to single-door box cars by removing the left door, and adding an additional side panel and diagonal brace. 

When the PM was acquired by C&O, the cars in both classes were renumbered into the 289350-290349 series, although not all cars were relettered and renumbered. The double door cars ran into the '50s and the single door cars into the '60s.


Some of you want kits, so we've got kits!

Decorated Kits

These are the same as the ready-to-run cars, other than not being assembled yet. They include the sprues needed for a specific prototoype, so you'll get extra parts for other projects.

Undecorated Kits

There are three primary car kits in the project. Each kit includes all the parts produced for that car kit. This will allow you to build one car of one of several prototypes.

Undecorated Kit #1

This kit includes all of the parts used for the ATSF Bx-11, 12, and 13 classes, plus the RI car, iincluding the 8" and 12" extended roof variations.

Undecorated Kit #2

This kit includes all of the parts used for the CGW, L&N, PM and C&O cars, including those cars rebuilt as single-door box cars. 

Undecorated Kit #3

This kit includes all of the parts used for the ATSF Bx-11, 12, and 13 classes rebuilt with steel sides.


All of the parts we produce are available to order separately. The cars are designed with a body core that includes the floor, sides, and false ends. The ends, underframe, roof, side bracing, and all detail parts are separate.

You can also purchase boxes that are suitable for storing and shipping 40' box cars. These will be plain boxes, with vacuum-formed inserts.

Some of the parts that will be available:


  • Dreadnaught: 3/3/3,
  • Dreadnaught: 3/4 (indented) plus extended height variations with a blank panel, or an extra corrugation
  • Dreadnaught: 4/5 
  • Hutchins: 4+1 rib

40' Roofs

  • Hutchins Dry Lading
  • Murphy Outside Metal
  • Murphy Rectangular Panel
  • Murphy Solidsteel
  • Radial


  • Dalman One-Level
  • Dalman Two-Level
  • Dalman Two-Level with Barber Stabilizing Devices

Detail Parts

  • Brake appliances with AB and K-brake variations, multiple retainer valves, clevisis, etc.
  • Ladders
  • Grab irons

Other parts will also be available. And yes, we will happily allow resin kit manufacturers to use our parts for pattern making. 

What are we doing and why?

If you have a short attention span, or know that you really want (need) the freight cars you see here, then:

The Short Answer

  • We want to make a bunch of freight cars that nobody else has produced. 
  • We want to make RTR cars, decorated and undecorated kits, and parts.
  • We want to support the prototype modeling hobby, such as affordable detail parts for resin kit manufacturers.
  • We have production lined up at a factory where we have done business before, and that has made high quality, prototypically accurate model trains for multiple manufacturers over the last decade.
  • We need you to help us fund the project. In return, you'll get the models of your choice at a discount.
  • If we raise enough pledges in 30 days, we'll deliver the models in early 2021. 
  • We will keep you fully up-to-date on the process as it continues.
  • We may have a few more surprises along the way!

If we don't raise the funds within the 30 days, then this project will not move forward. So join our community of backers and let's make some models.

The Long Answer

While every model train manufacturer has its own business plan, expertise, and approach, there were some common hurdles that many companies (and us specifically) have to address. 

The Problems

1. Cash flow. Manufacturing is a capital heavy business, and everything is paid up front by the company and not recovered until models have been produced and shipped. Most of the time, one product's profits is a significant portion of the funding for the next product. Delays due to cash flow issues from lower-than-expected sales, receivables, and even external sources can cascade, delaying and threatening future projects.

This is perhaps the single biggest issue that causes delays or cancellation of products.

2. Resistance to "niche" products. Because of the amount of money that is tied up in a project, companies tend to try to avoid maintaining inventory. So the tendency is to focus on projects that the owner believes will sell quickly. Good business sense. But not great when you want to make single sheathed box cars for a handful of roads. Working for/with other companies meant that projects I wanted to do were repeatedly pushed to the back burner.

All manufacturers get plenty of suggestions on what products to make, but determining what will really be a good selling model sometimes seems like fortune telling.

3. Insufficient sales. A common approach to make models is to pick the prototype you think will sell best, and hope that you'll break even on the first run. Then, for the second run, you add an additional variation or two (with a modest amount of new tooling), and you start to make a profit on the second run. Really good selling prototypes may sell for multiple runs, and you can always run one or more of the older models with the new variation.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of prototypes we want that are, "being released in the next run," except that the last run was insufficient to warrant any future runs and a future run is doubtful.

A Solution?

As an avid role-playing gamer, Randy saw that hobby embrace crowd funding as an alternate approach to getting niche products manufactured. With our existing contacts at experienced factories ready to make models, this looked to be the perfect solution:

1. Minimized risk. Since the process of making the models is already well established, we can produce the models in factories that we have previously worked with, who have (and continue to produce) model trains for multiple manufacturers, there is very little risk in getting the models produced.

The risk is almost entirely on the sales side - will this model sell enough to cover the cost of production? 

2. We can focus on "niche" products. The answer, of course, is entirely dependent on the modeling community. Will this model sell enough? Are they really "niche" products?

You tell us. Are you willing to help make this model a reality by helping to fund it now?  We think so.

3. We can make all variations now...and then some. By looking at the entirety of a project, we can offer, say, CGW, L&N and PM/C&O single sheathed auto cars that totaled less than 3,000 total cars when built. These probably wouldn't sell enough to warrant a project by themselves.

While prototypically they share similar design and construction, from a model standpoint they don't actually share that many parts with the Bx-11/12/13 cars we are also running.

But by grouping them together as a single project we hope that there are enough variations to generate the sales needed to make the whole project viable. Instead of having to sell thousands of units per prototype, we only have to sell hundreds of each one.

The Process

We've already lined up the production for the models we've chosen for the first project. There really hasn't been a good plastic or even brass model of these prototypes, and resin kits for only some of them. 

Raise Funding

We've got a 30 day funding period to raise the capital needed to make this project happen. 

If we don't raise enough pledges in the 30 days, then the project is over and nobody pays anything. 

If we do raise enough pledges, then all pledges are final, and we get to work on making the models.

  • To be clear: Once the pledge period ends, you will not be able to cancel your order for any reason. 
  • We take this very seriously. The money we raise is reserved solely to produce the models. The money will not be used for anything else except activities directly related to producing, marketing, and delivering the models until you have your model(s). Only then do we get paid. The reality is, it's a win for us, if we can get some cool models and not lose money.

To Pledge, select a Perk. The Perks are based on an SRP of $50, but they are priced at a discount to thank you for your support. Your credit card is charged, but the money is held by IndieGogo. If we do not reach our funding goal, then IndieGoGo refunds your money within 5-7 business days. We do not have access to the money unless we fully fund our goal.

You won't be selecting your specific models just yet. Shortly before we go to production, you'll provide us with your final selections, including things like prototype, road, road numbers, paint schemes, even whether you want RTR, kits, etc.

There isn't any limit to how many models or parts you can purchase when you make your final selections, and you'll receive your discount on your final order. Taxes (if applicable) and shipping are extra. 


The first benefit, obviously, is that you'll receive some really cool models, at a discount.

But as backers you are also the group that helps shape the project as we progress. Many crowd funded projects have stretch goals. These can be upgrades, additional options, models, swag, etc. that can be added to the original project should enough money beyond the initial funding be raised.

For this project, there are additional variations that could be added to the project, should we raise enough to cover the tooling required for those prototypes. It could be as simple as a new roof for the Bx-12 cars that received roof hatches for cement service, or an entire new car body for PM stock cars, or the Bx-class cars that received Transco sides. 

Rather than guess which ones you, the backers, want most, once we reach our initial funding we'll ask you, the backers.

The point is, this is a team project. We can't produce these cars without your help, and we want to make sure we deliver the cars that you, the backers, want. 

What's the Risk?

We think that for the backers the risk is very low. We are following an established process with a factory that we (and other companies) have been using to manufacture model trains for over a decade. So we know what to expect, and what the costs will be.

While we are approaching the project a little differently, with more variations, the process itself remains the same, and the cost is mostly a function of the amount of tooling required plus the production costs of running the models, assembly, decoration, packaging and shipping from China. We are prepared for potential problems, for example we will have the models insured when they ship from China. 

We're asking for you to trust us with about a tank-full of gas, or maybe a week's worth of groceries. We won't say it's an insignificant amount of money, but we do think the models will be worth it, and we have the expertise and capabilities to deliver the models.

As we stated above, we also take our fiduciary responsibilities very seriously. As far as we're concerned, this isn't our money until the products are delivered to the backers. All of the money raised is specifically for the marketing, production, and delivery of the models and will be used only for that purpose until the models are delivered. We aren't on a salary or drawing a paycheck during this process.

Once Funding is Complete

Once the project is funded, we will provide regular updates on the process itself. This will include such things as CAD drawings as they are produced, 3D sample models that we'll have available at shows and for examination and approval by us and key advisors, pictures of the tooling as its cut, test shots that will also be displayed at shows, etc. Basically, the process from start to finish. 

During this process, we welcome your input. You are, after all, the only way this project moves forward, and we want to involve the backers as much as we can, and as much as you'd like. 

We will request your final orders shortly before we order materials for the final production. So it's vital that we have your proper contact information. At that time, you'll select what models or parts you want, and we'll charge for taxes (if applicable) and shipping, along with any extra stuff you added to your order.

After the final orders are taken, we expect to deliver the models within 90 days.

Our Approach

This project, and future projects, are intended to be self-contained. That is, we don't anticipate a second run any time in the near future, since all of the variations of a given project will be produced. If there seems to be the demand, we are happy to oblige, but don't count on it.

It also means that instead of maintaining high margins so we can fund the next project, we can put that money into additional tooling instead. That allows us to start with a lot of variations, and potentially add more as the project progresses.

We want to move forward to more new models, and we want to continue to do big projects with many variations instead of relying on prior sales to decide what variations we may or may not do.

The most important point, though, is don't wait. This (and if you like our approach, future projects from us) are entirely dependent upon us reaching our funding goal within the 30 days.

For this project, the funding goal is $250,000 or about 6,000 box cars, or less than 500 units per prototype, not including various paint schemes.


Will they be available in stores? We hope so. If you're a dealer, contact us for terms instead of selecting a Perk.


This is a community project and we think it's important to give credit where it's due. We can't possibly do this alone, and we greatly appreciate all of the help we get. 

Of course, the biggest credit goes to our backers. And if you'd like to be added to this list, we're happy to do that. Many prefer to remain anonymous, and that's fine too.

Some of the folks that have helped us get this far:

John Barry, Ray Breyer, Ted Culotta, Gene Deimling, Eric Hansmann, Steve Hile, Bill Welch, C&O Historical Society,  L&N Historical Society, PM Historical SocietySanta Fe Railroad Historical and Modeling Society, North Model Railroad Supplies, RR Model & Hobby Supply, the Train Station


See your friends here? Join them!

John D Sutkus, Ralph Brown, Mark William Rossiter, Eugene Holub, Duncan McRee, Denny Krausman, Ashley Bishop, Michael Gross, Michael W. Collins, John W. Landrum, Mark Hemphill, Stephen M Shaffer, Todd Hermann, Jeffrey R Adams, Mark Charles, Ryan Mendell, Paul W Brown, Dave Webb, gn2059, Karl Zawadzki, Geoffrey Brigham, Barry Thompson, Mike Bowen, John Hammond, Dale Kritzky, Michael Redden, Mike Motyl, Mike Motyl, John Ritchie, Michael D. Vaughn, T.J. Stratton, gregor moe, Mike Deverell, Paolo Roffo, Eric Vandiver, Grant Langan, John Flanigan, Kaylee Zheng, TOM LARSEN, Andy Laurent, Warren Beckwith, John Jones, Arthur Haberlin, Chad Rancourt, mattlee, William Chapin, Richard Stern, Rick Woods, Joseph Antosiak, Matthew Robert Smith, Bruce A. Metcalf, djwelbig, Jonathon Hedtke, Fritz Milhaupt, Rick Harris, Timothy Moses, James Allen Mattern, Robert Hanmer, Kevin McConnell, Paul Eklund, Brian H. Durbin, RJ Dial, John Burroughs, Schuyler Larrabee, Robert Cronin, Dennis Jacobs, rdkirkham, Matthieu Lachance, Erik Kloeppel, Cliff Rasco, Jerry Zeman, William w. Childers, Michael Hauk, jrs060, James P deBree, D Norton, HOWARD GARNER, rileytriggs, Robert Denes, rdemo2, Ken O'Brien, Matt Goodman, Fred Swanson, Adam Robillard, Roger Engelbach, Robert Daniels, Rory Murchison, Rick De Candido, jekuban , Steve Thoma, John Barry, Charles Peck, Eric Hiser, Charles E. Hepperle, eric.mumper, abrown, Bruce F. Smith, Gregory Snook, Marc Truitt, Peter Weiglin, Christopher Graham, Bill Woelfel, Mark W. H. Kapka, Pat McCarthy, Joe W Sullivan Jr, Clark W Propst, Philip A. Weibler, Rob Hinkle, Walter A.  Appel, Perry Scheuerman, espeefan, John Barry, Christopher Nanak, Gary Roe, shile, Dave Evans, Douglas Good, Stephen J. Dolezal, Douglas H Dirks, Brian Kistenmacher, Jerome Albin, olin4812, Edward K Rethwisch, Jim DuFour, Peter Aue, David Ball, Thomas Thompson, Roger Wilson, Kenneth J. Adams, Matthew Herson, eric, npin53, etc2, Wayne Lunsford, Tim VanMersbergen, Karl Scribner, Jay & Brook Qualman, David Hunt, Brian LaManna, wbf1, bpehni, Paul Krueger, John Hile, Hugh Hales, George E Toman, A. Drake Hokanson, Jeff Higgins, Fritz Milhaupt, Charlie Duckworth

There are many other contributors and backers who have chosen to remain anonymous. But we thank them too!

What/Who is Prototype Junction?

(There's much more on our website).

Trust us when we say we spared you the agony of sitting through a video about who we are...

(OK, Otto caught us at Springfield. He made us do it...)

Prototype Junction is a new company started by John Drake and Randy Hammill.

John, now semi-retired, had a brief stint working for Union Pacific before his 30 years as an insurance/finance executive. He was a founder and the first president of the P&LE Railroad Historical Society, and has recently switched from living in Grand Cayman and modeling in N-scale to living in the US and modeling in HO Scale.

You may be familiar with Randy from his site about his model of the New Haven Railroad at New Britain Station. He's also been manufacturing model trains for about a decade with several companies, and occasionally actually finishes building a resin kit.

We have a backlog of freight cars we want to produce, but they haven't been considered viable projects. In particular, cars such as the Bx-11 pictured above that are generally considered as a "niche" product that wouldn't sell enough to cover the costs of tooling such a car in plastic. 

Randy is also an avid role-playing gamer and noticed that the RPG industry has embraced Crowd Funding as the primary way to produce niche products. The advantages are obvious - the backers are also the customer. There is no question that a product is viable, and the cost (and risk) is shared right from the start.

Together, we have the expertise and contacts, and a factory that has produced many highly detailed models ready to make more. With your help, we can make these and many other cool freight car models a reality.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


6 cars (20% off)

$240 USD $300 USD (20% off)
This Perk is valued at 6 cars, with a 20% discount. Shortly before final production (ETA early 2021), you'll make your selections and can add additional items at that time. You will receive a 20% discount on your entire order (not including taxes or shipping). Show everybody your support and your name to our list of backers.
Included Items
  • 20% Discount
Estimated Shipping
March 2021
0 claimed

1 car (5% off)

$47 USD $50 USD (6% off)
This Perk is valued at 1 car, with a 5% discount. Shortly before final production (ETA early 2021), you'll make your selections and can add additional items at that time. You will receive a 5% discount on your entire order (not including taxes or shipping). Show everybody your support and your name to our list of backers.
Included Items
  • 5% Discount
Estimated Shipping
March 2021
0 claimed

2 cars (10% off)

$90 USD $100 USD (10% off)
This Perk is valued at 2 cars, with a 10% discount. Shortly before final production (ETA early 2021), you'll make your selections and can add additional items at that time. You will receive a 10% discount on your entire order (not including taxes or shipping). Show everybody your support and your name to our list of backers.
Included Items
  • 10% Discount
Estimated Shipping
March 2021
0 claimed

3 cars (15% off)

$127 USD $150 USD (15% off)
This Perk is valued at 3 cars, with a 15% discount. Shortly before final production (ETA early 2021), you'll make your selections and can add additional items at that time. You will receive a 15% discount on your entire order (not including taxes or shipping). Show everybody your support and your name to our list of backers.
Included Items
  • 15% discount
Estimated Shipping
March 2021
0 claimed

4 cars (16% off!)

$168 USD $200 USD (16% off)
This Perk is valued at 4 cars, with a 16% discount. Shortly before final production (ETA early 2021), you'll make your selections and can add additional items at that time. You will receive a 16% discount on your entire order (not including taxes or shipping). Show everybody your support and your name to our list of backers.
Included Items
  • 16% Discount
Estimated Shipping
March 2021
0 claimed
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