Hello, my name is Stephen Andrew Missick and I have teamed
up with Walker Cable Productions of Conroe, Texas to make a motion picture
entitled “The Acts of the Apostle Thaddeus.”
Lorenzo Lamas has agreed to play the role of Thaddeus, one
of the twelve apostles of Jesus.
I am an ordained minister and have served in the military in
Iraq twice.
The story of Thaddeus comes from the early church fathers.
According to the traditions, Thaddeus, at Thomas’ command, went to Mesopotamia
and founded the Assyrian Church of the East. He went before King Abgar of
Edessa and then traveled the region, enduring various challenges, trials, and
tribulations. The story is important for several reasons. Now, the Assyrian
Christians are under attack by ISIS. It is important that their story is told.
Those who believe in the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin believe that it is
the Image of Edessa that was brought to the East at the time of Thaddeus. Also,
the story is very fascinating and compelling!
The goal is to make a high-quality, entertaining film that
accurately reflects the scriptures and the other ancient sources.
When this movie is made, we will be able to create awareness
of the Assyrians and their plight. Also, the film is ecumenical. By telling the
stories of the Apostles, and the simple message of Jesus, we find unity on what
Christians of whatever faith background, agree on.
I think this movie has the potential of literally changing
the world, with the message of Christ and a testament to the Assyrian people,
who, without intervention, will be ethnically cleansed from their homeland by
This movie has important educational, historical, cultural,
ecumenical, and evangelistic value.
Through our perks-you can become directly involved in this
film-making project.
The Walker Cable team has produced several movies and has
worked with many celebrities in previous projects.
We are planning on filming near San Antonio late in July
2015. The set, Alamo Village, which was built by John Wayne in 1958, will be
very hot. However, the production team has a lot of experience and we will be
able to make this happen!
Every contribution helps, and gets a perk! If you do give,
or can’t, please pray for our project and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.