This campaign is to fund the first wave of a children's book called THE ATOPOTS. The story is about a group of benevolent beings that embody the spirit of many different facets of life, bringing magic and wonder to the eyes and ears of its readers. Each Atopot bring forth their own set of special skills and invite the Reader to use their imagination & creativity to bring these beautiful beings to life.
The goal for this project is to raise enough funds to cover the cost of getting 500 hardcover books printed with quality inks that are safe for all the readers, especially the children. The book is already formatted and ready for print....All it needs is some financial support to make it happen. I plan to order the books at the end of the campaign in October, if all goes well. From there it will take 6-8 weeks to receive the first shipment of books! Anyone who donates $25 or more will receive a copy of the book (estimated by December) so make sure to select the perk!
I was inspired to create this book once I found out I was pregnant with my son, Rhythm. He was the source of pure bliss that I needed in order to begin the creative process of putting together what is now, this story. I had wanted to create a children’s book for quite some time, and now I had the best reason to. It became my pregnancy project that lasted well past the 9 months it takes to grow a baby. I began creating the images with acrylic paint on canvas. When I painted the first image, I did not know at the time that it would be the start of this project. I was inspired to create a Mamma and her baby. Humorously, My husband had told me that it looked like they were potato people. I agreed, so then got inspired to create more of them, which led to enough images for a story and a better name....the Atopots (Which is the word potato rearranged.) The Atopots had a ring to it and was destined to become what it is today. Once I had all the images, I asked my husband to help write the story with his beautiful way of blending words. I was so happy to once again be creating together. I listened as the story unfolded and got excited to move on to the final stages of development. It took some time, as my focus turned into Mothering our beautiful son, but it came together in perfect time, for his almost 1st year birthday!
My prayer is for the story of the Atopots to be in the hands of many parents and children and to inspire and uplift them in this challenging time.
Risks and challenges:
Some of the potential risks and challenges of this project include not being able to sell as many books as I Intend to, making sure it is completely ready for print and making sure all the design aspects are correct, allowing enough time to raise the necessary funds, and reaching its target audience.