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The Be You Be Sure Project

Join the millennial revolution. Our mission is to liberate the people in our generation to pursue their life purpose. We're here to encourage the search.

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The Be You Be Sure Project

The Be You Be Sure Project

The Be You Be Sure Project

The Be You Be Sure Project

The Be You Be Sure Project

Join the millennial revolution. Our mission is to liberate the people in our generation to pursue their life purpose. We're here to encourage the search.

Join the millennial revolution. Our mission is to liberate the people in our generation to pursue their life purpose. We're here to encourage the search.

Join the millennial revolution. Our mission is to liberate the people in our generation to pursue their life purpose. We're here to encourage the search.

Join the millennial revolution. Our mission is to liberate the people in our generation to pursue their life purpose. We're here to encourage the search.

Alison Sher
Alison Sher
Alison Sher
Alison Sher
1 Campaign |
New York, United States
$23,172 USD 453 backers
115% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


STEP 1. Read the book's Preface

STEP 2. Keep reading. 

The Be You Be Sure Project (a.k.a. BYBS!) is a mixed-media publishing venture on a mission to help millennials discover and pursue their convictions. We're here to encourage the search young people take to find out who they are and what they believe in. 

Our ultimate goal is to promote liberty through self-discovery. We want to make our readers feel good about who they are and where they're at, while offering tools (never taught in school) to help them decide for themselves the best way to move forward in their lives. 

We believe this process can help heal our planet. 

The millennial movement of young adults on a quest to find their purpose is already happening.

  • Who am I? 
  • What should I do? 

Perhaps no two questions haunt modern emerging adults more (and certainly some more than others). Yet, these two questions have inspired our entire campaign.


 “There is only one success – to be able to spend life in your own way.” - Christopher Morley 


Emerging adults. 20-somethings. Kidults. Members of Generation Screwed. The infamous millennials, who may seem from the outside like drifters who won't grow up and can't commit. This book is for all the people who want to better understand us, too. 

If you’re someone who believes that maximizing profits is the only North Star, that confusion is life's only constant, that you must look around at other people to figure out who you are and what to do  – than this is not your book.

This book is a crash-course through America for the young people who want to take the jump to test their dreams, because now is the time to do it. Our book is for the 83 percent of 20-somethings who know this decade in life is full of change, and the 86 percent who crave careers with meaning. We are an ode to the many millennials out there who are choosing to live their truth in the face of uncertainty. 

Our founders started this project to address the widely documented rates of anxiety, depression, and feelings of worthlessness currently afflicting young adults worldwide due to disheartening economic realities. It is our hope to inspire; to energize young people to hold tightly to their virtues, despite the disappointment, rejection, sadness, and trauma that are a part of life. 

We are building empathy by humanizing the life experiences of the people in our diverse generation. 

We are fuel to keep you banging on the door of opportunity, until someone lets you inside the damn gate. 


There are a ton of books on how to come-of-age in post-industrial America. Really, there are a ton. We’re different. We’re not going to tell you to define the value of your life based on how quickly you get married, buy a house, make babies, and land a job that earns you a spot in the upper middle class. Yes, all these things are lovely. They are what most people ultimately desire. However, due to economic and political forces outside of our control like: debt, inflation, unemployment, and staggering income inequality, the reality of many millennials resides far from this picture-perfect scenario. So much so that 50 percent of 25 to 32-year-olds see this 'American Dream' as fading

Our book is the missing voice willing to celebrate this shift in social norms. We recognize that depending on luck, biology, your capitalist-imposed lot in life, and what you feel called to do as a career, you may never get the proposal by age 30, or the mortgage you can't afford, or the kids – and this shouldn’t constitute failing if it was the outcome of self-understanding and a steady stream of conscious decision-making. 

Our book is for the outliers, as well as those who want a conventional life. We've interviewed bankers, homeless people, lobbyists, artists, law school students, non-profit workers, plus size models, farmers, nurses, plus many others to create the most comprehensive guide through your twenties MADE BY 20-SOMETHINGS that exists in the market today. 

This is a book people of all ages can learn from. 

The millennials are throwing away traditional notions of success. We, along with a growing number of Americans, know there is no linear track toward true wealth and wellness. 



A country where people are personally liberated to live the life they choose, where diversity and variance is embraced; a place where free will and creativity is more fully realized to implement solutions and cooperatively transform the structure of our society to be more caring, more sustainable, and more beneficial for more of its participants.

We believe your twenties are the perfect time to pursue self-realization, and that doing so is essential for the future of this planet.  We need more intentional members of society if we are going to rise to solve its most pressing issues.

Across the board, it is the goal of emerging adults everywhere to live a better life than their parents. Previously, this 'better' life was defined as moving up in class and income. All this has changed since the recession that has not ended. Millennials are now the first generation in history predicted to be worse off than our predecessors by this definition. 

It is BYBS's vision that our generation will grow to redefine quality of life in America - that we will reject this quantitative interpretation, learn to do more with less, and work together to enjoy a joyful existence on this planet filled with so much visible suffering as well as beauty. 

We. Dream. Big. 

Join us as we steadfastly stride toward the ideal...

tripping. along. the. way. 


We need to complete the second half of our research - to stay on the road to interview more people. Gas is expensive. Our RV runs like an old woman with osteoporosis. She breaks down and needs constant maintenance. 

The septic tank leaks. Our fridge doesn't work. A rat ate through our water pump and our electrical system. This isn't meant to be a sob story, but to keep going we have to face this reality. 

We've invested all our savings (every last penny) to get this far. Publishing is expensive. Not only will the funds received make our research more thorough, it will also help us pay for: 

  • conceptual & line editing
  • proofreading
  • bulk printing
  • marketing & PR 
  • distribution

Our ultimate goal is to have this be on the shelves of bookstores and in college campuses across America. 

Increased visibility = increased awareness = increased action. 

We are open to being picked up by a publishing house - if we get to keep our message, as it is - because this is the best way to achieve our goal. However, it's a crap shoot. We are doing this fundraising campaign to make sure this information is brought to the masses.  


We used our brains on this. Learn more about the science behind our research.

Give your two cents on topics far and wide by filling out this Likert-scale questionnaire.


Song: "Follow the Sun" - Xavier Rudd

Sound Editing: Joshua Van Dyke // Contact:

Big thanks to Adam Saewitz and TruthNow for all the love, push, and support. 

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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
A playlist compiled by our social media mensch DJ Gimmy Gan. Tunes to keep you grooving like sex in the champagne room.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
21 claimed


$10 USD
Get yer playlist, along with a BYBS sticker.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
39 claimed


$20 USD
A digital copy of our book, compatible with Kindle.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
67 claimed


$30 USD
A physical copy of the outcome of The BYBS Project.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
150 claimed


$60 USD
Snag a BYBS tee & sticker, along with a Kindle download of our book.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
27 claimed


$100 USD
You get the e-book AND the self-directed journal in this deal. The whole BYBS experience at your fingertips.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
32 claimed


$250 USD
Jams, t-shirt, a sticker, the e-book, the self-directed journal, and an original BYBS poster.
5 claimed


$500 USD
Have your story help define a generation. All of the above, plus a two hour Skype interview. Your responses will be incorporated into our book.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
2 claimed


$1,000 USD
Everything previously listed, plus a 1:1 writing workshop. Sift through your memory. Pick a personal story. Put it on paper, and walk through your words with our narrator-in-residence, Alison, until your recollection of the event stems from a place of 100 percent wholeness. Donors leave the workshop with new neural pathways and a personal essay (edited for grammar and spelling). We promise this experience will be way more fun than crying at the shrink.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
0 claimed


$2,000 USD
Get a one page customizable theme website decked out by our web designer, Alexa of ACYD Arts. Bring your ideas to life. This website comes with copy, a logo, and potential for e-commerce. Invest in a brand new online platform to represent your genius.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 claimed

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