So, what is the Black Zodiac?
The Black Zodiac explores humanity’s darker spaces by identifying cracks in the ego structure and peering beneath the mask we wear to reveal our Shadow nature. This deck is intended to assist you in embracing your Shadow Self, to puncture through the "day time" mask that so many of us fear to remove. Whether it’s a fear to examine the truth within ourselves or the terror of being discovered by some outside entity. These masks serve us well, but to evolve we must look at what awaits us under these facades. In order to fully integrate we must embrace the Shadow in all of its devilish forms. The Black Zodiac Tarot is, in short, a Shadow Deck. These tarot cards are variations on existing themes that run through an endless series of decks, posing the question, “Who am I?”
What We Need & What You Get.
The cards and the book are almost finished, so the money goes to the printing and handling of the cards, boxes, books, and a number of other cool items....depending on how orders go.
A Dream Project.
As a tarot specialist, Cara Cutro has long wanted to create her own tarot deck, and after working with Brandon Yowell on images for a related project, ideas between the two merged into the project you're looking at now.
Late into 2019 we released the "Proto" deck to positive reviews and customer feedback. A big part of that effort was seeing how the cards would look in print and maintain their impact in a smaller form (typically these images are created in a 24x32 in ratio). A few cards in that deck here dropped for more powerful or meaning-specific reasons (those cards will be available as a smaller, add on, deck to swap out preferred cards per the readers specific tastes), while others were adjusted for visual reasons. Additionally, due to time constraints, that deck was printed at a baseball card size...not standard for tarot reading. The complete deck will be printed at standard tarot deck size (2.75" x 4.75").
While pre-order supplies last, previous purchasers of the "proto" deck will be given a significant discount on their deck. Proof of purchase ill need to be confirmed. We have a list of online purchasers, so no worries.
WE have a number of additional add-ons we want to add to this project, and as orders come in we will be unlocking these exciting additions to your deck.
As a side note, if you PREFER KICKSTARTER, we will be running this campaign in November on that platform as well. Since Indiegogo was our original crowdfunding spot, we wanted the original contributors to get first crack at the decks.
So, Are There Any Risks & Challenges?
Well, it is 2020, so every month is a fresh hell. Outside of real challenges. Printers have been picked, all of the model pictures are in and placed with the connected card. All together we have around 100 cards (duplicated cards with different models and "look" to the image)and of the complete deck, we are finishing up around twenty-five final cards. Our planned shipping date is the second week of December for the deck, add-on alternate card deck, and books. Add-on items could ship before or after this, depending on the distributors. Once the campaigns close a detailed timeline will be available and updated on the website: