In 2014, I set out to create a New Slasher Character reminiscent of the Horror Heavyweights of films past. This would lead to the creation of The Wicked One, a corrupted teen who transforms into a hulking psychopath in a scarecrow mask. It would take two years, but finally The Wicked One premiered at Fright Night Film Festival 2016 to a sold out crowd of nearly 600 people. The film took home six awards that evening and a few months later, went on to screen at HorrorHound Weekend to another large crowd, before being released domestically by Petri Entertainment in 2017. The film sold out its first pressing on day one at all major retailers and to this day is still the most financially successful film I’ve ever released. Since its release, the film has went on to win several more awards, introduce a second installment Wicked Ones, amass cosplayers in different countries, appear on the top Horror Websites and Publications and surpass all expectations I could have dreamed up for a tiny little indie flick made for no money. I’ve spent the last 9 years taking this character from conventions to film festivals and everywhere in between building this brand, all in hopes of getting to this Moment...
The BOY from BELOW is the Wicked One Movie Fans Deserve and I've always wanted to make. With A REAL Budget, Talented Cast and Crew, It is my hope to deliver a film and Character, Horror Fans will respond to and love for years to come. This is not a remake, but in many ways a retelling of that original film and a fresh direction and story for this character. In an era starved for original Horror Characters crossing over into Main Stream Pop Culture, I am prepared to take my biggest swing for the fences in hope of bringing to life an original Antagonist and Franchise. Not to mention, this film includes elements that were so informative in establishing my love and passion for the Genre and Filmmaking like The VIDEO STORE, Halloween Season, and more! This is a Fresh Start, A Reimagining, A New Direction!
Local video store clerk Quinn Curtis’s Annual Halloween movie marathon with her friends turns deadly when a Creepy Figure in a bizarre truck begins following them and playing his own terrifying game of trick or treat at their expense. Now the reclusive Quinn must survive her own horror movie come to life at the hands of The Boy from Below.
Our Goal with our Crowdfunding/Fundraising/Investment Efforts is to Secure a Total Budget of $120,000 for all Phases of Production and Perk Fulfillment. This Goal is the MINIMUM we need in order to bring this film to life and do it, the way it should be done. Of course, the more financing we can attain, the bigger and better film we can deliver to Horror Fans. This will allow our team to head into production in Fall 2023 and deliver this film and perks within a year to our Supporters.
The Character of Colin Miller aka "The Wicked One" aka "The Boy from Below" has unlimited potential to become a Horror Character fans can get behind and root for! One that pulls no punches, shows no mercy, and has a killer look.... pun intended.
65% of our Goal will go into the Production of the Actual Film. This will cover all Expenses associated with making this feature film. This film will require No Holds Barred Special Effects, Extensive Production Design and Set Decoration, Retro Wardrobe and Costume Design, Stunt Work, and more! We also have to compensate, feed, and lodge our team for the three weeks it will take to shoot this film!
15% of our Goal will go to Perk Fulfillment. The Perks and Items secured by our Backers and Supporters through this Campaign will require major funding to produce and Deliver!
10% of our Goal will go to Shipping Your Perks. It cost money to send out the many items we offer our Backers. Packaging, Mailing, Postage all can get pricey when shipping to other countries and continents.
10% of our Goal will go to Indiegogo and the Fees the Platform requires for our Crowdfunding Efforts. It will also go to cover Taxes etc.
Our Campaign Features LIMITED EDITION PERKS including Physical Media, Digital Downloads, Bundles, T-Shirts, Multiple Posters, Memorabilia, Stickers, Plushies, Screen Used Props, Producer Credits, Acting Opportunities, On Set Internships, Original Artwork, Legacy Items and so many other Unique Ways you can be Involved with the Film!
New Perks will be unveiled every Friday for the Duration of the Campaign! There's so many awesome things in store!
Thank you so much for Checking out the Campaign for "The BOY from BELOW" Please Help us Realize our Dream by Contributing and securing a Perk of some sort! If you are not interested in physical perks, you can make a custom donation of any size and amount. If you cannot donate, please share our campaign on social media! Sharing our Campaign to Horror Fans you feel may want to be involved with this Epic Reinvention of Character with so much Untapped Potential would help tremendously!
For the Better Part of 14 Years my Company, Jonestown Films has been Producing and Delivering Low Budget Indie Horror Content, all of which has been acquired for Distribution and Released. I started my Indie film career in 2009 with a small fan film tribute to Halloween, and two years later produced and directed my first original film "Killbillies" However my professional career didn't find it's footing until the creation of the character we are here discussing on this campaign "The Wicked One." This character is the foundation of my indie film career. One of the Most Exciting Elements about my company is each film's budget has doubled in size and scale since its inception.
Our Film Library is available on most streaming platforms or physical media can be ordered at some major retailers online.