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The Cassie Chronicles - TV Series Pilot

Can a young girl, born of prophecy, with a team of humans/inhumans, stop the rise of the underworld?

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The Cassie Chronicles - TV Series Pilot

The Cassie Chronicles - TV Series Pilot

The Cassie Chronicles - TV Series Pilot

The Cassie Chronicles - TV Series Pilot

The Cassie Chronicles - TV Series Pilot

Can a young girl, born of prophecy, with a team of humans/inhumans, stop the rise of the underworld?

Can a young girl, born of prophecy, with a team of humans/inhumans, stop the rise of the underworld?

Can a young girl, born of prophecy, with a team of humans/inhumans, stop the rise of the underworld?

Can a young girl, born of prophecy, with a team of humans/inhumans, stop the rise of the underworld?

Brian Williams
Brian Williams
Brian Williams
Brian Williams
1 Campaign |
Clarksville, United States
$110 USD 1 backers
0% of $250,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

At a time when the world faced the evils of mankind and the underworld, a child was born of the dark and the light. Marked with the sign of a Blood Mortal she grew to possess the power of divinity. Now, together with a team of Humans and Inhumans, they fight to restore the balance between good and evil. She was born an abomination, she was destined a savior, she became a warrior, and they called her Cassie!

  • We are J5 Productions and we want to bring the Cassie Chronicles into your living room.
  • We believe Cassie will be a positive role model to teenage girls and young women. The chronicles of her adventures is a modern take on the hero's journey, from a young girl's perspective.
  • You can view full details about the series, its cast and crew, and even a synopsis of the series pilot we are ready to film, on our website

Cassie and her friends may be the only thing that can prevent the unleashing of the gates of hell upon our world. Please help us tell their story.


What We Need & What You Get

It takes a great deal of money to shoot a pilot with the high quality of acting and special effects that audiences have come to demand in the age of Netflix.

Our budget for the pilot is $250,000.00. This includes all actors' fees, costs to film on location, our film crews and special effects.

  • Donors at the $5 level and above will receive a shout-out on our website.
  • Donors at the $10 level will receive a promotional poster.
  • Donors at the $25 level will receive a Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt.
  • Donors at the $50 level will receive a DVD of the pilot episode once it is completed.
  • Donors at the $100 level will receive a DVD set of the entire season once completed.
  • Donors at the $250 level will receive all of the above, plus the poster will be signed by the cast and director.
  • Donors at the $500 level will receive all of the above, plus be listed in the credits as a contributor.
  • Donors at the $1000 level will receive all of the above, plus have the opportunity to appear in the series as an extra. *
  • Donors at the $2500 level will receive everything from the $500 level, as well as an invitation to the wrap party for the pilot, attended by the cast. *
  • Donors at the $5000 level will receive an invitation to the wrap party for the pilot, and the opportunity to appear as an extra in a first season episode. *
  • Donors at the $10,000 level will receive a one-time credited speaking role in the series. *
  • Donors at the $25,000 level will receive a recurring credited speaking role in the series. *

* Donor is responsible for transportation and lodging.


The Impact

Once this pilot episode is completed, we will not rest until the series is picked up by a television network or streaming service and broadcasted to the world. Your contribution now will help Cassie's story play out much farther than just the first 50 minutes.

Any contribution to help make this happen, no matter how big or small, will help tremendously.


Other Ways You Can Help

Even if you can't contribute financially, you can still help us get the Cassie Chronicles on the air:

  • If you are even a fraction as excited about Cassie's adventures as we are, help us get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
  • Please use Indiegogo's share tools to share this with all of your friends!

See you on the small screen.

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Choose your Perk

Shout-Out On Our Web Site

Shout-Out On Our Web Site

$5 USD
You will receive our undying gratitude, not only from our hearts, but also enshrined in text via a shout-out on a backers page on our website,
Included Items
  • Shout Out
Estimated Shipping
November 2019
0 claimed
Promotional Series Poster

Promotional Series Poster

$10 USD $15 USD (33% off)
A promotional series poster featuring the main cast of the Cassie Chronicles, plus the title.
Included Items
  • Shout Out
  • Promotional Series Poster
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 out of 9000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt

Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt

$25 USD $40 USD (37% off)
Your very own Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt, made of the finest quality, in your size.
Included Items
  • Shout Out
  • Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 out of 7500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
DVD - Cassie Chronicles Pilot

DVD - Cassie Chronicles Pilot

$50 USD
Your very own copy of the Cassie Chronicles series pilot episode, on DVD, to watch again and again.
Included Items
  • Shout Out
  • DVD - Cassie Chronicles Pilot
Estimated Shipping
April 2020
0 out of 5000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
DVD Set - Cassie Chronicles S1

DVD Set - Cassie Chronicles S1

$100 USD
The entire first season of the Cassie Chronicles, once filming and production is completed, on a DVD set to watch again and again.
Included Items
  • Shout Out
  • DVD Set - Cassie Chronicles S1
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
1 out of 2500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Autographed Poster - Full Cast

Autographed Poster - Full Cast

$250 USD
All of the above, plus the promotional poster is signed by the full cast, and director.
Included Items
  • Shout Out
  • Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt
  • DVD Set - Cassie Chronicles S1
  • Autographed Poster - Full Cast
Estimated Shipping
February 2020
0 out of 1000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Name Listed in the End Credits

Name Listed in the End Credits

$500 USD
In addition to all of the above, get your name listed in the end credits as a contributor.
Included Items
  • Shout Out
  • Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt
  • DVD Set - Cassie Chronicles S1
  • Autographed Poster - Full Cast
  • Name Listed in the End Credits
Estimated Shipping
February 2020
0 out of 500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Be an Extra in the Series

Be an Extra in the Series

$1,000 USD
This is your opportunity to be on camera, seen by millions on the small screen. For just $1000 you can be a part of the Cassie Chronicles. Donor is responsible for all transportation, lodging and travel expenses.
Included Items
  • Shout Out
  • Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt
  • DVD Set - Cassie Chronicles S1
  • Autographed Poster - Full Cast
  • Name Listed in the End Credits
  • Be an Extra in the Series
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Invitation to S1 Wrap Party

Invitation to S1 Wrap Party

$2,500 USD
This is your opportunity to meet and hang out with the cast and crew for one amazing evening at our Chapter One (Season One) Wrap Party. Donor is responsible for any transportation, lodging or other travel costs.
Included Items
  • Shout Out
  • Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt
  • DVD Set - Cassie Chronicles S1
  • Name Listed in the End Credits
  • Invitation to S1 Wrap Party
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
S1 Extra & Wrap Party Invite

S1 Extra & Wrap Party Invite

$5,000 USD
This is your opportunity to both appear on camera as an extra in Chapter One (Season One) of the Cassie Chronicles, and meet and hang out with the cast and crew for one amazing evening at our Chapter One Wrap Party. Donor is responsible for all transportation, lodging and travel expenses.
Included Items
  • Shout Out
  • Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt
  • DVD Set - Cassie Chronicles S1
  • Autographed Poster - Full Cast
  • Name Listed in the End Credits
  • Invitation to S1 Wrap Party
  • Be an Extra in Season 1
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 out of 10 of claimed
Credited Speaking Role

Credited Speaking Role

$10,000 USD
This is your big chance to break into film and TV. Donors at this level will have an opportunity for a one-time speaking role in an episode of the Cassie Chronicles, which will be listed in the end credits. Start your own IMDB profile the right way. Donor is responsible for all transportation, lodging and travel expenses.
Included Items
  • Shout Out
  • Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt
  • DVD Set - Cassie Chronicles S1
  • Autographed Poster - Full Cast
  • Credited Speaking Role
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Recurring Speaking Role

Recurring Speaking Role

$25,000 USD
This is your big chance to break into film and TV. Donors at this level will have an opportunity for a recurring speaking role in two or more episodes of the Cassie Chronicles, which will be listed in the end credits. Start your own IMDB profile the right way. Donor is responsible for all transportation, lodging and travel expenses.
Included Items
  • Shout Out
  • Cassie Chronicles T-Shirt
  • DVD Set - Cassie Chronicles S1
  • Autographed Poster - Full Cast
  • Recurring Speaking Role
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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