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A film about a secret video that destroys the friendship between two teens and leads one to the brink of a tragic decision.

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A film about a secret video that destroys the friendship between two teens and leads one to the brink of a tragic decision.

A film about a secret video that destroys the friendship between two teens and leads one to the brink of a tragic decision.

A film about a secret video that destroys the friendship between two teens and leads one to the brink of a tragic decision.

A film about a secret video that destroys the friendship between two teens and leads one to the brink of a tragic decision.

Michael Emanuel
Michael Emanuel
Michael Emanuel
Michael Emanuel
2 Campaigns |
Los Angeles, United States
$10,369 USD 152 backers
2% of $500,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


3.2 MILLION children in grades sixth through ten, nearly ONE out of every SIX kids, are bullied each year.


This film will be an engaging and poignant story that surfaces the honest and raw truth behind bullying.  It's a story that should be told.  

The script, from writer ADAM C. BLOOM, will be directed by MICHAEL EMANUEL and produced by MICHAEL EMANUEL and DAVID REIVERS. It will be executive produced by TED STANFORD, GLEN REYNOLDS and CORBIN BLEU, from HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL and DANCING WITH THE STARS, who will also star in a pivotal role as the first year drama teacher who serves as the moral rudder in our movie. 


We know that we're asking for a lot of money...  $500,000.  We also know that's a steep mountain to climb and that's why we think it's important for you to know that we are dedicated to getting this movie made, one way or the other.  Not reaching that goal will not stop us.  Yes, in a perfect world, we would raise the full $500,000 and have all the funds we need to go out and make this film the way we want.  However, if we don't reach our goal, we can, and will, use whatever we do raise here on Indiegogo and put it towards this anti-bullying cause and getting this story told.  This story and this cause is something that we're passionate about and if you're reading this, chances are you're passionate about this, too.  We sincerely hope that you consider donating to this cause and, if you do, do know that we'll be using every last penny towards making THE DAY I DIED.  

We will make a change!


16-years-old Cameron is struggling to come to terms with his homosexuality. He is too ashamed to share what he’s going through with his prejudiced father, or even with his best friend Kelsie. She is outgrowing their friendship, and so desperate to fit in with the popular crowd that she fails to notice the physical and emotional abuse Cameron is enduring at school from other boys who suspect he’s gay.

When Kelsie stumbles on Cameron during a moment of sexual exploration with another boy, she secretly captures the moment on her cell phone. In an attempt to gain favor with the popular kids, she betrays Cameron by showing the tape to a fellow classmate. The tape spreads like wildfire, and Cameron is now the victim of brutal bullying. As his world seemingly collapses around him, Cameron is so desperate for relief that he is drawn to the brink of a tragic decision.


We chose INDIEGOGO for two reasons. Firstly, if successful, INDIEGOGO allows us the creative freedom to make the film the way we feel it needs to be made – based on reality. Bullying is malicious, anxiety-provoking, and can be deadly. We want this film to represent that, and in turn, bring awareness and positive change to schools and communities around the world.

Secondly, INDIEGOGO's crowdsourcing format allows us to connect with our audience in a unique way. Through both our INDIEGOGO and Facebook page, we look forward to hearing from and working with our backers and supporters to both raise awareness of our film, as well as bullying at large. This will be a collaborative effort and we NEED YOUR HELP!

INDIEGOGO is the best funding platform available, and because of its success, we have been so fortunate to witness many great art, music and film projects brought to life. This film, The Day I Died, is as much yours as it is ours... and we need you on our team. The more people that get involved, the more people we'll reach, which means the bigger change we’ll make! Please help us by donating and spreading the word. Share this link; "Like" us on Facebook; tweet about us; email your friends, family and co-workers! 

Together we’ll make a difference in the lives of those victim to bullying.


When this INDIEGOGO campaign is successful, the first step in making this movie will be hiring a casting director. From there, we will secure locations, open production offices, and hire crew and remaining cast members. We will begin our principal photography within the first few months of 2014 and estimate approximately 12 weeks of post-production work. By the spring of 2014, we plan to submit THE DAY I DIED to major film festivals, with the goal to secure a favorable distribution deal.  

What happens if we can raise more than our budget of $500,000?  It will be put to very good use.  What doesn't go in to the production, will go to taking the film to market.  It will be used in advertising and PR efforts to further build awareness and get more people watching the film.    

Finally, in addition to distributing the film widely, our hope is to work with schools across the nation in order to host school screenings and theatrical releases to drive further awareness of bullying and its effects on our teens and schools.


If you want more information, want to read about our team or if you'd like to contact us, please go to our website: or find us on Facebook:

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Choose your Perk


$1 USD
Even if all you can afford is spare change we "pinkie promise" you will receive a 'special thanks" in the end credits of the movie. We don't hold this donation lightly and really appreciate any and all support for the movie we get.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
9 claimed


$5 USD
If we had a secret handshake, we'd teach it to you, but we don't. Instead, we sincerely THANK YOU for your support. Every dollar counts and guess what? Everyone that pledges will get their name in the OPENING credits. That's right, YOUR name in the opening credits!
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
39 claimed


$25 USD
Who doesn't like a high five? We certainly do... and we also appreciate the generous donation. Want to follow our progress and be in the know? Well, at this level, here's what you get: your name in the credits, a shout out on our Facebook page, a subscription to our email newsletter and access to our production blog.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
37 claimed


$50 USD
In real life, a fist bump may or may not be a step up from a high five, but when it comes to pledge levels here, it is... and this pledge level is for the CORBIN BLEU fans out there! Love High School Musical? Are you watching Corbin on Dancing With The Stars? Well, he'll give you a PERSONAL shout out! At this level, you'll also get: your name in the credits, a shout out on our Facebook page, a subscription to our email newsletter and access to our production blog.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
15 claimed


$100 USD
C'mon, time to hug it out! Now you're an official insider! We'll send you a pdf copy of the script and you're going to be invited to an online screening of the film, which will be followed by a Q&A session with Corbin, Michael and other cast and crew. You'll ALSO get: your name in the credits, a shout out on our Facebook page, a subscription to our email newsletter and access to our blog.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
17 claimed


$250 USD
If everyone was as generous as you, we'll have no problem making our goal. You get a hard copy of the script, a DVD AND a poster for the movie signed by cast and crew! You'll ALSO get: an invitation to an online screening, followed by a Q&A session, your name in the credits, a shout out on our Facebook page, a subscription to our email newsletter and access to our production blog.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
3 claimed


$500 USD
We're BFF's. Your donation will make a serious difference in this project. So you'll get a ONE HOUR Skype session with your choice of cast and crew. YOU PICK! Writing, acting or producing advice? You'll ALSO get: an invitation to an online screening of the film, a hard copy of the script, DVD and poster (all signed), plus your name in the credits, a shout out on our Facebook page, a subscription to our email newsletter and access to our production blog.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
3 claimed


$1,000 USD
Because you're so special, we're inviting you to join us ON SET. Meet the cast and crew, hang out for the day! (Travel and accommodation not included). And TWO TICKETS to the premiere of the film in LA. Walk the red carpet AND join us for the after party. PLUS you'll receive all the above mentioned PERKS!
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
1 claimed


$2,500 USD
MAKING A CHANGE! Now, you're making a serious difference and we THANK YOU. At this level, we want you to get special credit. Not only will you be a CO-ASSOCIATE PRODUCER, we want you to be PART OF THE FILM. That's right, be an extra in the film... and maybe we can find a "bit" for you to do! PLUS you'll receive all the above mentioned PERKS!
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
1 claimed


$5,000 USD
Because of this donation, we are so much closer to making this happen! We can't thank you enough, but we can try! You're part of the team and will be invited on set for lunch with Corbin and other cast and crew members. You'll get a CO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCER credit. You'll also receive two tickets to the premiere of the film in LA and join us at the after party. And most of the other above mentioned perks.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 claimed


$10,000 USD
We don't throw that kind of status around often, but you deserve it! Expect a hand written thank you letter from the cast and crew. At this level, we'll screen the film in your hometown and have Corbin Bleu join you as host, along with other cast and crew. (Must be in North America) You'll also get CO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCER credit and some of the other above mentioned perks.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed


$25,000 USD
If you're a corporation or business and want to get involved, we'd be happy to incorporate your brand into the film and will promote your brand via our website, Twitter handle, Facebook page and through our promotional efforts (including banners, screenings, posters, etc.) Please contact us for details.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 claimed
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