12 short films in 12 months
As an online film student, I quickly realized that if I wanted to be competitive in my field, I knew I needed to do something. So in May 2021, I decided to film 12 short films in 12 months. During that time, I grew as a storyteller and as a director, working with some of the most amazing cast and crew Houston, TX has to offer.
The Dinner Party is the final film of this year-long project. A nod to Jonathan Lynn's 1985 Clue, The Dinner Party is a mystery-comedy about 10 strangers who all show up to a mansion for a dinner party and once they are there, they find out that the only way out of the house is to reveal a secret. Unfortunately, this secret will change their lives forever if it gets out.
Paying for The Dinner Party
We need $10,000. This money will go towards many things including, but not limited to:
- Securing the mansion for the 4-day shoot - $6000
- Food for cast and crew during the 4-day shoot - $2000
- Marketing - $500
- Film festival fees - $1500
We have created a perk for every character in the final film. These perks range from a special thanks in the final film to signed movie posters and scripts to early access to the final film.
Your help
The Dinner Party has been a year in the making, a cross country move, recasts, shoots postponed, backaches, tears, and more. Your contribution to this final film would help the completion of one of the most ambitious projects I have ever taken on.
Meet the Team
Ray Taylor - Director
A film student at The Los Angeles Film School, Ray challenged himself to create 12 short films in 12 months in May of 2021. Since then, he has released 6 short films, currently has 3 in post-production and two in pre-production. He has begun looking beyond his year-long project and has written two short scripts and has a feature-length documentary lined up this year.
Paige Lauren - Writer
Paige Lauren was born and raised in Houston, TX but moved to Los Angeles after college. She writes short films and is working on ideas for several pilots. Paige has written all the scripts for Ray's year-long project.
Bri Griffith - Producer
Bri Griffith was born and raised in Ohio. After graduating from The University of Akron, she moved to Los Angeles and has worked on several student films in various roles. Bri has produced all of the short films in the year-long project alongside Ray and Paige
Penny - Paige Lauren
Jessica - Cierra Noel
Dina - Sarah Jack
Dave - Alex Trent
Pete - Garrett Torian
Richard - Wayne White
Lorraine - Trish Powell
Mark - Carson Fowler
Waiter - Edson Saldago
Ellen - Liz Larson
Risks & Challenges
Without these funds, we cannot secure the location. Without the location, we cannot film this film. That said, over the past year, I have learned how to run a productive, successful set month after month, improving each month. I promise you that with these funds, you will be receiving a top-quality film run by a group of professionals.
Other Ways You Can Help
Sharing our link and sending it to all of your family and friends would also help us trumendously. Just getting the word out there is help in and of itself.