A big thank you to all of you who DID ACT and tryed to help us with this project. Even though we didn't succeed here, we'll continue to search for partners to this project as long as it takes... :-)
"The Global Perspective"
Are we able to get the picture as a whole easily?
Un très grand MERCI à tous ceux qui ont essayé de nous aider avec ce projet en participant activement à cette aventure. Même si nous n'avons pas réussi ici, nous allons continuer la recherche de partenariat ailleurs et aussi long temps qu'il le faudra...
Toute suggestions constructives sont les bienvenues, :-)
Why Participate
foreshore -Sandgate
The Giant Steps
A work of Art designed to "Walk" all over the world.
The project:
It consists of TWO GIANT FOOTPRINTS to be set up outdoors.
The GIANT STEP will be constructed from 418-painted bamboo sticks and will measure, 100mx40mx4m high x 2.
Why: to create a strong and universally recognizable image, by playing with chaos-movement-transformation-structure, just like any other human activity (education, art, industry, philosophy, business, music, etc) in order to highlight the necessity of global perspective.
Where: on the beach of Sandgate-Brisbane, Australia
When: during the two-day Art Festival (music, dance, exhibition, etc), September 2014
Who: Sculptor-painter, Viliam Mauritz in collaboration with a Swiss production team, the organizer of this event, Music By The Sea (MTBS) in Australia and you, our supporters.
The concept:
The Giant Steps installation, with movement transforms a selection of seemingly random people who carry bamboo poles to transform them into the structure of two giant footprints that ultimately form a giant step. In isolation and through lack of perspective, the people are simply people and the bamboo poles are simply bamboo poles. Gathered and moved together, they transform to create a thing of beauty, a structure: a Giant Steps that will continue to walk around the world.
The whole action will be filmed from above and a live screening will be provided. An Art exhibition related to this topic will accompany this event.
- (See testimonial video)
- This "game"is completely open. It can end anywhere. Love the idea that even the author doesn't know where it will end. (A. Switzerland)
- I'm a teacher. One must "step higher" in order to be able to see things as a whole. That's the purpose of education, isn't it ? For me it's like "viewing" my own work... ( Pascal, Switzerland )
- The fact that it is only fully visible from an aerial perspective is very interesting to me. The participants in the event and onlookers will create something that is beyond their own means of understanding. This is a very interesting concept. (Australia)
- I see the footprint as a global issue of mankind's presence and effect on the planet, both historically and environmentally. ( Kurt, Germany)
- There is more than one element that defines "Footprint", Not just the physical imprint, it can also be an existential question. (Claude, France)
- Because for me it is conceptual and visual and will be combined or fused with music while the assembling of the project is also theatrical. "Footprint" combines and embraces all elements of Art: Visual, Aural, and it is participatory. (Mathew, Australia)
- Because it highlights the necessity of global perspective...(P. ,Austria)
- I believe that the idea of the footprints coming out from "nowhere" and disappearing is very relevant nowadays...(Daniel, Switzerland)
- Because it's simple yet a great project and I love it! ( Z. , Hungary)
- The powerof nature and its capacity to wash away all evidence of our activities, discriminating against no one! (Australia)
- I love it because it can go enywhere around the world, it's versatility means that it may even come to me one day... ( V. Russia)
- Because, this is the unique opportunity for me to participate in such a huge international Art project! ( Jan, Slovakia)
- Because I can be part of the international community that takes part and in turn becomes part of the local community involved. (Australia)
- This event has different facets and our footprints evoke lots of different thoughts in me. What do we leave behind us, how things are elusive and from chaos to structure and from there to who knows what and where...? ( Switzerland )
The artwork - The Giant Steps
The work of art is the centerpiece of the festival where it will be exposed.
There are 4 aspects to consider about the installation:
It will be mounted in real time during the festival creating the element of surprise. And will demonstrate the "chaos to structure transformation" concept.
- The Giant aspect of the Work of Art -dimensions: (100x40x4m )x2 - creates a "lack of visibility experience" connected with the idea of "We need distance to see clearly"
- The "Giant Step" that will take place in the festival is the first of a series of steps, "The Giant Walk" that will be installed in many cities around the world, reaching Switzerland as the final destination. This art project will continue and go on and on visiting many cities.
- No need to mention the symbolism of the shape of the artwork: "A Step"
Since you are the sponsor of the first steps, this "Giant Walk" is considered as instated by you.
We expect this artistic walk to be highly covered by medias around the world as the The Giant Walk goes on and on...
Please see the portrait of the artist following this link
What we need, what we will do: The festival
The festival is organized by "
Music By The Sea".
Many Artists and musicians will be attending. All the action will take place around the Giant artwork...
With your 30'000 USD, we will be able to set this artwork up during the festival, finance the bamboos, painting, insurance, materials, assistance, transportation, taxes etc.
The attendance is expected to be high. The nature of
the festival and it's originality will attract many people.
By playing with
chaos-movement-transformation-structure, this installation creates an ambiance that places its viewer directly in a situation of vulnerability, experiencing a lack of visibility. Inside we are players but we do not see much for we lack a sense of perspective. From a distance, from above, we become informed spectators and we can see the picture as a whole; the big picture.
This project raises all kind of questions and symbolically touches on many topical issues. If you have any and if you wish to speak about them, why not write about them here. Those most appropriate will be exposed during this event and on our website.
(see full concept PDF)