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The Independent Power Ranger Movie

For Fans, By Rangers.

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The Independent Power Ranger Movie

The Independent Power Ranger Movie

The Independent Power Ranger Movie

The Independent Power Ranger Movie

The Independent Power Ranger Movie

For Fans, By Rangers.

For Fans, By Rangers.

For Fans, By Rangers.

For Fans, By Rangers.

Michael Copon
Michael Copon
Michael Copon
Michael Copon
2 Campaigns |
chesapeake, United States
$13,738 USD 257 backers
6% of $200,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

        The Independent Movie

                      With Power Rangers In It

   Hey Guys! It's Michael Copon here, you might remember me as Lucas, the Blue Ranger from Power Rangers Time Force. I'm here to let you in on my idea for a Power Ranger influenced independent film. Now, we're not doing a Power Ranger movie, the film will instead revolve around an original storyline with original characters and an action-packed original plot line, but in the style of Power Rangers and featuring original series Rangers in the film!

   You see, this movie will be the film Ranger fans have wanted to see, just not in the universe of Power Rangers. Instead, the film will revolve around the Police officer Lucas from the future who will be going back in time to convince Wes to join forces with him on this mission to save the world.  Forces have destroyed everything in the future and now its up to this new team of Super Hero's to set things right in the future!  Teaming up with the top scientist and engineers of 2016, these super heros are equipped with advance machinery and the ability to enhance their DNA which makes them super human.  

   Being a former Power Ranger, I am VERY passionate about making this film. I have wanted to expand on the fantasies and ideas of the fans to keep the spirit of the Rangers alive. We are going back to the roots of the first few seasons and bringing back fan favorite characters into the film to make this movie the way the Rangers and the fans would want it to be.  Influenced by Avengers, looper, pacific Rim and the new CGI technology of today, this will truly be the Fan Favorite Power Ranger Movie.

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                   What We Need & What You Get

   Sometimes it's a bit overwhelming when it comes to finding a way of supporting a project, but with this campaign, it's as easy as choosing a perk/reward on the side of the page, and donating right here on indiegogo!

    We need your help to make this film as big as it can be and by donating, we can truly take this film and do it the way it should be done. There is a perk for all Power Ranger fans or even for the independent film lover. We want to give you the movie you deserve, and even a piece of the production to take with you, and in return we will make a movie we can be proud of showing the world!

                                     The Impact

We promise this film really won't be like any other. It's a unique idea from the rangers themselves. It will finally bring an end to the random remakes and spin off ideas built around the walls of Power Rangers, breaking the walls to the Power Ranger universe, making it bigger than any other Ranger influenced film and give the fans the action-packed, ranger-filled film the fans have wanted since watching the original Power Ranger series. You can be a part of the original Power Rangers passion to expand from the series, bringing a whole new light into the ideals behind Power Rangers and expanding in an amazing film for everyone of every age to enjoy!

                             Risks & Challenges

Of course the main challenge is making our goal to shoot the film. Another challenge is the distribution of the movie once it's finished. With that said, we are already contacting and being approached by several major players who are interested in the film and the scope of the people we can reach.

As soon as we are fully funded, we intend to start pre-production right away! I am building a great team with high energy, passionate people, all working with the same goals in mind. It's absolutely amazing. If for some unfortunate reason we don't make our goal your contributions will help fund other projects at Michael Copon Studios.

Be assured that the pledge rewards like t-shirts and posters, etc., for helping us make this possible, will be sent out as soon as they can. Many elements of the rewards will be fulfilled well before the release of the film, the premiere and screenings. For those of you who will be joining us at one of these events or on set; we will do our best to keep you up to date with all that is going on.


• If you become an extra at the $500 reward level or receive a credit by pledging at the $250 reward level, you must be a US citizen or have a US work visa, and not be a member of SAG/AFTRA.

• You must be over 18 or accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to attend the premiere, after party, screenings or visiting the set.

• The video recording can be directed by you but I reserve the right to refuse to say or do what you request if I find it inappropriate. 

• For some of the rewards it may be required to fill out additional paperwork. If you have pledged at the level to appear in the film, you will need to sign a release form.

• The final version of the movie may need additional editing in certain cases to abide by the laws in the country which it is being viewed, or for different types of media, but if you are to be featured in the film, your scene will make the final editing cut.

• Some shooting locations may be subject to change for a number of reasons that may include the amount of money we raise, the particular locations giving us the right to shoot or even script revisions.

• This campaign to raise the funds to make this moving film is all subject to applicable Indiegogo rules/regulations, movie guild rules and applicable laws. If we come across any problems, we will work to have a “Plan B” to make sure you get an alternative reward.

                       Other Ways You Can Help

   If you can't contribute any money don't feel bad, just let your friends know. Spread the word and hopefully someone you know can help us to bring this film to life! Followers and believers are just as powerful as your donations!

   Just remember, It's time to donate!

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Choose your Perk

Every $1 counts

$1 USD
Help make this movie and you will have our utmost appreciation and receive updates about the production. Together we will make this goal $1 at a time!
15 claimed


$10 USD
You'll receive a working script on the day we release the movie in a pdf form. In addition you will receive the updates about the production.
21 claimed

Signed Photo

$25 USD
As well as receiving updates from the production and the the working script, we will also send you a signed photo from a ranger (randomly chosen) from the production.
61 claimed

Signed DVD

$50 USD
In addition to the perks mentioned above, we will send you a limited edition DVD of the film once it is finished. The DVD will be signed personally by an original Ranger (Randomly Chosen) as a special thanks to you!
59 claimed

T-Shirt time

$75 USD
As well as receiving the perks above this, you will also receive an exclusive T-shirt from the production of the film featuring one of the main cast stars! A truly one-of-a-kind shirt from the Rangers themselves. Perfect for you or the die hard Power Ranger fan in your life!
14 claimed

Movie Bundle

$100 USD
As well as receiving the Signed Photo, T-Shirt, and DVD, you will also receive an official limited edition movie poster made exclusively for the backers to our campaign. This is an exclusive limited edition movie bundle from the people who made it all happen!
19 claimed

Phone Thanks

$100 USD
As well as the included Movie Bundle, you will receive a personal Phone Call from one of the Rangers featured in the film. This is an exclusive perk for indie Gogo backers and the perfect experience for the Power Rangers fan in your life!
17 out of 100 of claimed

Social Media Follower

$150 USD
At this level, you will receive the limited edition bundle, and one of the Rangers cast in the film will follow you on a Social Media site (provided by you) for an entire year! This is ideal for the Social Media and Ranger enthusiast!
3 claimed

Video Thanks

$200 USD
At this perk level, you will receive a one-of-a-kind video message thanking you for your contribution to the project by a Ranger them self for your exclusive use. This is a personal thanks to the backer which makes this a cool, unique experience for any fan of Power Rangers!
1 claimed

Name in the credits

$250 USD
At this Level, your name will be featured in the credits under our "Special Thanks" section dedicated specifically to the Backers at this level. You helped us achieve our goal and make this film happen, so as our thanks, your name will be embedded in the film forever! A timeless thanks to the fans!
4 claimed

Set Visit and cast photo

$300 USD
Come and visit us on the set for the film, meet the cast and get a picture taken with a main cast Ranger during your visit. You'd need to cover your own travel and lodging if you are traveling from another city. We will notify you of available filming days for set visits and schedule your exclusive visit.
0 out of 100 of claimed

Be in the movie

$500 USD
Have the chance to be an extra in the movie(see risks and challenges for rules, no guarantee the shot will make the final cut) plus all the above perks. Must provide your own travel and lodging, we will notify you of potential days you would be needed.
1 claimed

Signed Set Prop

$1,000 USD
The lucky backers at this level will receive a signed prop exclusively used in the production of the film! This is as close to the real gear our Rangers will have as you can get, mostly because it is the gear they use in the film! A timeless piece of Memorabilia from the movie for collectors, fans, and film lovers!
1 out of 100 of claimed

Premiere and Party Ticket

$3,000 USD
At this level, you will be invited as a special guest to attend the Movie Premiere and After Party for the film. You will meet the cast and crew, share stories and hang out all night with your favorite rangers, receive exclusive autographed memorabilia and take advantage of pictures and Social Media buzz! A Once in a life experience for any Film lover or Ranger enthusiast!
0 out of 30 of claimed

Associate Producer credit

$5,000 USD
With this perk comes great responsibility! You'll get an Associate Producer credit for the film, effective online and in the movie's end credits. You will also recieve the credit on imdb, and get the entire Exclusive Bundle mentioned in the earlier perks as well as a set visit, and an invitation to the Premiere and after Party. You are officially a part of the team making this film happen, and we couldn't be happier to have you contributing to the film!
0 out of 20 of claimed

Executive Producer Credit

$10,000 USD
At this level, you are a full part of the team working on the film! You'll get an Executive Producer credit on imdb for the film and featured in the end credits as well as being given a speaking roll in the film or naming a character. You will have exclusive access to the set at any time of the production, included in the Premiere and After Party as well as receiving all the gifts and bundles mentioned in earlier perks. You were the biggest part of this film coming to life and we thank you!
0 out of 10 of claimed
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