"Many stories about transgender people focus on the transition: the excruciating decision, the first public appearances, and the surgery.
What happens afterwards as the years roll by?
The Journey Home follows Paula Sophia as she negotiates the world after transitioning, battling to keep her job, staying relevant to her children, and trying to find a new way to express herself artistically and spiritually.
The Journey Home is a story about a family in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, an American family."
- Paula Sophia
A Little About The Project
The Journey Home is a documentary film 13 years in the making. It follows Paula Sophia, a transgender woman living in Oklahoma City as she navigates her transition, gender reassignment surgeries, divorce and re-marriage, all while raising two children, protecting the public as a Police Officer, running for Public Office, and publishing her unique voice in poetry and novels. "
Directed by award-winning filmmaker Peter Hermes, The Journey Home is an intimate look at the struggles and triumphs of a person who finally had the courage to stand up and be herself in a society that tries constantly to place us all in neatly defined boxes.
The Nitty Gritty
We are looking to raise at least $30,000 to finish this film. This will cover all aspects of post-production, music and festival rights, as well as expenses related to the Production of the film over the last 13 years.
Final Thoughts
This is a film of hope, struggle, success and failure. For anyone who has ever felt that they were meant for more or haven't yet fully realized who they are. For those who decided to stand up and fly their flags of individuality and be their true self instead of cowering and raising a white flag of surrender. This is an important story of personal growth that will inspire our generation that being ourselves is more important than the status quo. This is everyone's story.