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The Last Hurrah

Aaron Elson has been interviewing World War 2 veterans for 25 years. There are still many whose stories have never been told.

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The Last Hurrah

The Last Hurrah

The Last Hurrah

The Last Hurrah

The Last Hurrah

Aaron Elson has been interviewing World War 2 veterans for 25 years. There are still many whose stories have never been told.

Aaron Elson has been interviewing World War 2 veterans for 25 years. There are still many whose stories have never been told.

Aaron Elson has been interviewing World War 2 veterans for 25 years. There are still many whose stories have never been told.

Aaron Elson has been interviewing World War 2 veterans for 25 years. There are still many whose stories have never been told.

Aaron Elson
Aaron Elson
Aaron Elson
Aaron Elson
2 Campaigns |
New Britain, United States
$300 USD 5 backers
46% of $650 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

The Last Hurrah

You'd be amazed at how many World War 2 veterans are still with us, and still spry in their early nineties. Don Knapp, a veteran of the 712th Tank Battalion who you may have seen on "Patton 360," recently scored a hole-in-one on his 94th birthday. You'd also be amazed at how many of their stories still haven't been preserved. I've been interviewing World War 2 veterans for 25 years. I still have many to interview, and could use some help before it's too late.

I first attended a reunion of the 712th in 1987 looking for veterans who remembered my dad, who died of a heart attack seven years earlier. I found three, and all the stories he told when I was young came back to life. At the same time, I realized that the stories I heard in the hospitality room, the hotel lobby, the parking lot, were an important part of history that needed to be preserved. Since then I've recorded 600 hours of interviews, written six books, launched a popular web site, and produced a series of oral history audiobooks. In 2008 I became a part of history myself, joining more than 600,000 Americans who were laid off from their jobs that month in the early stages of the Great Recession.

I defied the odds and found a job after two years and five months, but now I've voluntarily cut back to part time work so I can continue my passion for oral history. Your donation, however small, will not only help record and preserve the stories of more members of the fading Greatest Generation, but will assist in putting those stories in front of the public as I exhibit at air shows and other military and history-related events.


The stories of our fathers and grandfathers (and great-grandfathers)

"These are the stories of our fathers and grandfathers." A reviewer wrote that at Amazon for my first book. "These guys are a hoot!" This was the reaction of a listener who left eBay feedback for one of my audiobooks.

What I need is: a) office space b) travel expenses c) blank CDs

So please check out my perks. I think you'll find them attractive, while at the same time helping to preserve a small but important piece of American history.


The veterans I've interviewed, the stories they've told, these are real people and real events. I once posted a story on my web site that was sent to me by a woman who helped her father-in-law write down his experiences. I then received an e-mail from a person in Tennessee who was named after an officer mentioned in the story. This officer was going from foxhole to foxhole checking on his men. The woman's father-in-law said he was cold. The officer removed his trenchcoat and gave it to the two men to keep them warm. The officer was later killed. I thought what an amazing thing it must be to learn that you were named after so compassionate a person. This is just one of many stories that have been generated by my work.


No Retweet, No Surrender

There are many ways to help without donating money. You can share my campaign with your Facebook friends or tweet about the campaign. Every push of a button increases the campaign's visibility and just could be the spark that puts it over the top. You can also help by suggesting veterans for me to interview as time and travel permit. And you can help by joining the campaign's "team" and increasing its visibility in a heavily crowded crowdfunding field.

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Choose your Perk

World War mp3

$3 USD
I'll send you a secret link to a page with a selection of mp3 excerpts from several of my interviews.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 20 of claimed

World War Z

$5 USD
No, not a zombie epic, but an hourlong CD filled with 15 stories about meeting old "Blood and Guts" himself, Gen. George S. Patton. Veterans I've interviewed would quote, word for word, speeches Patton gave some 50 years after hearing him talk.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
1 out of 10 of claimed

Premonitions, Visions, etc.

$10 USD
"I'm gonna die tomorrow," young paratrooper Johnny Daum said to his buddy Ed Boccafogli on the eve of D-Day. Today Daum's grave in the American cemetery in Normandy is a stop on the official tour. A two-hour double CD filled with similar stories for which there is no logical explanation.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

You Could Die Laughing

$10 USD
When he was invited to a reunion of the German fighter squadron that may have shot down his B-24, former navigator Frank Bertram asked to see the polished joystick of an ME-109, which the group used for a gavel. He turned it upside down and said " says 'Made in Japan.'" He was kidding, of course. A two-hour double audio CD filled with similarly humorous stories.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Bailout package

$10 USD
In 2008 the government launched the first $700 billion bailout of the financial industry. Having just been laid off after 20 years at a newspaper, Aaron decided he would launch his own bailout package, a two-hour double CD full of stories told by paratroopers and former prisoners of war about jumping out of planes.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

God in a Foxhole

$10 USD
It's said there are no atheists in foxholes. The stories on this two-hour, double audio CD are tied together by a theme of religion.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Love and War

$10 USD
While digitizing an audiotape on Valentine's Day a few years back, I discovered a story told by the veteran's wife about how they met. It inspired me to put together a two-hour double audio CD filled with similar tales of romance.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Slinging the booze

$13 USD
A three-hour triple audio CD filled with stories food and liquid refreshment on the front, liberated wine cellars, Calvados, German beer, torpedo juice, potatoes roasted on the engine of a tank, chicken coated with plaster of paris, etc.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Semper Four

$15 USD
A six-CD audiobook containing four full-length interviews with Marine veterans who took part in battles on Iwo Jima, Peleliu and Tinian.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

The Tanker Tapes

$20 USD
This is the audiobook that launched "Oral History Audiobooks" eight years ago, and was recently remixed. It contains 11 hours of interviews with veterans of the 712th Tank Battalion, with which Aaron's father served.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Tanks for the Memories

$20 USD
The expanded second edition of Aaron's first print book, this gives a look into the day to day lives of the tankers in combat.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
1 out of 5 of claimed

Three on a Match

$25 USD
Three autographed print books of oral history by Aaron Elson, "Tanks for the Memories," "A Mile in Their Shoes," and "9 Lives."
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
0 out of 5 of claimed

The Armored Fist

$30 USD
An autographed copy of Aaron's new hardcover book, published in England, telling the story of the 712th Tank Battalion from the Great Depression to the end of the war in Europe.
0 out of 5 of claimed

The D-Dayly Double

$40 USD
Two full-length, 11-hour audiobooks, "The D-Day Tapes" and "From D-Day to the Bulge."
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 5 of claimed

Right in the Kisser

$50 USD
POW, as in Prisoner of War. Three audiobooks, "For You the War Is Over," "March Madness," and "The Kassel Cassettes," full of interviews with ex-POWs.
1 out of 3 of claimed

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