The video above is our short film version of this feature film project. We hope you have a lot of fun watching it and get a very good idea of what we plan to do next...
We (Russ & Phil) have been
making short films together for nearly 20 years, and it's about bloody time we
had the chance to combine our talents and make our dream project for you all to
enjoy. So many people have supported us both on our long journey as filmmakers and
we want to be able to show our gratitude to everyone by finally making our
first feature film together and proving that you were right, that we could do
We have both made award winning shorts over the years and have pleased both crowds and fellow filmmakers. We are both finishing up projects right now including a Bigfoot film and a documentary about the making of 'The Blair Witch Project'. In this short space we won't go into details about our work - you can find out more about us in the links at the bottom of the page. We would love to hear from you too, so if you have any questions please feel free to contact us!
Since we were both young, the tales of the Mad Axeman have terrified and enthralled us. Even now, wandering into the woods brings back memories of playground stories warning us of the madman lurking in the darkness... Russ was so obsessed with this tale that he even used a school trip project to screen print a scene depicting the Mad Axeman, where all the other kids were making pretty pictures of flowers and things.
It is time to bring this obsession out for you all to enjoy, and to give you a scary and fun film based on this legend from our childhood. We know you are going to love our film... After all, who doesn't love a bloody good beheading!
We have told you a little about us, but we need to make it clear that you are just as important in this project. With your help, support and funding we will be able to fulfill our lifelong dream. And look, you have already begun to help us just by being here and reading about our campaign! Thanks for that.
We (and when I say we, I mean all of us - since you are now part of this too) will be making a feature length horror film which we plan on filming early 2015 and having ready in time for some big Film Festivals in the second half of the year. In this industry nothing is certain but we are aiming for cinema showings and a DVD and VOD release.
The film will see the Legend of the Mad Axeman retold with wonderfully nasty events from our vivid imaginations. The tale told is of the Mad Axeman, and his bloody murder spree over one night...
If you haven't already done so, please watch our short film at the top of the page to get a small taste of the film and to see what you will have a hand in making...
We have always been proud to be able to produce no or extremely low budget short films that have entertained a great many people and led to awards and high praise from fans, peers and fellow filmmakers.
The time has now come for us to step into a bigger world where film is not only fun, but it is a business too. As good as we are at making short films for no money, in order to complete our feature film we will need to have a budget. We have worked hard at bringing the budget down as low as possible to make this venture affordable.
We are asking for £16,000 to fully produce The Legend of the Mad Axeman, In the film world this isn't a lot of money, but to us it is a huge deal and will get our film made to a really high standard! Let us explain where this money will go...
Cast & Crew. Since this is a feature project it will take longer to shoot. We will need to be able to pay our amazing cast and crew for each day they are with us. The money will allow us to shoot longer, getting better results.
Catering. We can't let anyone work on an empty stomach! We will be able to provide a good amount of food for all of our team each day of the shoot. You can help us take care of everyone!
Equipment. You can help us to make this film the best quality possible by giving us the opportunity to use some really professional gear! This will really help the film to stand out when it is finished.
Props & Effects. It's a horror film - this speaks for itself. We want the best effects possible!
Festivals. Once the film is done, we need to get as much exposure as possible by entering into as many Film Festivals as possible and getting the film noticed by the right people. This can be costly - marketing and promotion and screenings. Sometimes this cost isn't factored in until later and more fund raising is necessary, but we have already budgeted for it here!
- Finally there are all the little things that get forgotten... Transportation, office and admin costs, accommodation (for actors or crew travelling to us), and of course our indiegogo campaign and perks.
As you can see the costs soon add up on a feature film! Everything you can give us will make this film better. And please remember, your contribution to us isn't just financing one film. You are helping us to kickstart our whole career in the film industry because once this film is made we will be in a position to make many more (and we can tell you that we do have a long list of scripts and ideas ready to go...) and we shall be eternally grateful to you, our kind helpers. You are investing in a fantastic project, but you are also investing in us as people. We know so many of you believe in us and what we do and here is your chance to join us!
What about the perks, I hear you ask!
We want this film to be a real collaboration and we want to offer you a lot of fun and great results for putting your money into our film. Our aim is to keep you, our investors, well informed throughout the whole process of the project. We want to give you a unique look inside the making of The Legend of the Mad Axeman at every step of the way.
Of course there will be plenty of goodies for you including digital production diaries, production stills and credits on the film itself. Tickets to a screening of the film, posters and t-shirts are also on the perks list! There is even a chance to join us on set and be part of the film as a victim of the Axeman! You can also become an Associate or Executive Producer and really get involved in our production.
Take a look for yourself and see which perk level suits you. Like we said, we know £16,000 is a lot of money, but we know that if everyone joins together and helps it won't take much for us to reach this total. We feel that you would rather have as much of your money on the screen as possible, instead of being spent on getting lots of little things physically made and sent to you, so we are offering many digital perks to keep the perk costs down to a minimum, but we know you are going to love the things we have for you...
There is no doubt about it... People love horror films, and we aim to deliver something that we are proud of, something new, and above all else something that will be a real crowd-pleaser. Our short film was extremely well received and we were asked to be the opening short for the Frightfest London Halloween All-Nighter. What can I say! What an honour. The screening was fantasic and the full house of horror fans lapped it up. We got a huge round of applause at the end, as well as chuckles and cheers in all the right places! The film played so well that we were asked back to the following three All-Nighter screenings (Bristol, Edinburgh and Glasgow). This reaction to the short makes us feel that we have something very special here and our feature version is a film that seems destined to make a big splash!
We have had great success with our short films before and now it is time to prove that we can be equally successful with a full length film!
This is a horror film, made by horror fans, for horror fans. We know what we want, and we know how to deliver it. (and even if you don't like horror - maybe we can convert you) The Legend of the Mad Axeman is going to be fun for everyone!
You have already been a huge help by reading this far and showing your interest and enthusiasm at joining us on this scary, fun and exciting venture. We are fully aware that not everyone can offer as much as others financially so even if you can't afford to give us any money (or can only afford a small amount) we really don't want you to feel bad about it...
You would be helping us out big time just by sending this campaign out to as many people as you can. If you can help us spread the word of what we are trying to achieve that is very important too. Perhaps you know other people who are able to help us fund our film. You getting the word out to them is what we need!
Use your social networking skills to make some noise about our campaign! Get the word out there to as many people as possible! Use your Facebook, Twitter, Email, Word of mouth and the Indiegogo share tools to send people here to find out what we are doing!
Thank you so much!
We look forward to making THE LEGEND OF THE MAD AXEMAN with your help, and we can't wait for you all to see what you have given us the opportunity to do.