The Imperium
A love letter to the classic British telefantasy of the 1960s.
Created by Tzvi Lebetkin and Dominic Racho - The Imperium takes iconic characters and deconstructed them to their roots, reassembles them in, and then dumps them all into a super group with a stonking, mind bending action and archaic adventure.
Biblical: Bible Stories For Atheists, Creationists, Rationalists and Rogues
An incredible epic tale spanning centuries, and fiercely Biblically accurate but with no preaching or polemics agenda - Just a great story well told!!!
This brand new edition, with a revised and rewritten ending harkens from the great tradition of Vertigo comics - in this hard edged tale encompassing the Dove and the Raven from Noah's ark, King Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, and the book of Jonah - tied into one seamless narrative.
Nobel Savages
The lovely Leela with Raquel Welch as Loana from One Million Years B.C.!!!! In the background is the Time Machine, and in the foreground is K-9.
Why are they all together???
WHO GIVES A SHIT!!!!!! It's FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! That's all you really need to know.
This wonderful piece of artwork by Dominic Racho is currently a pinup that's now included in most packages. But when we hit $8000 we're supersizing it to an A2 sized (16.5" x 23.4" or 18" x 24" in the US) poster!!
For the Male Gaze Art Cards
A series of (at least) 5 cards celebrating the much maligned ‘male gaze’. Five stunningly rendered, highly tasteful, art cards by Imperium artist, Dominic Racho, based on my genre related 12 year old masturbatary fantasies. And may I say, I had (and still have) FANTASTIC taste!!!!
So far we have 5 fantasy fillies to choose from for your delight and edification:
(click on the images to enlarge them)
1) No Hanky Panky in the Tardis
Poor old Nicola Bryant. A stunning and awfully healthy young lady cast to be Doctor Who’s companion in the early 80’s. Neither her, nor I considered for a second that her costume with consist of being squeezed into a think layer of low cut Spandex, with short shorts and heels.
She said of the costume it was a gay man’s idea of sexy (and the gay man in question was the then producer of Doctor Who, the infamous and incorrigible John Nathan Turner). Well, a gay man, and as it turns out a 12 year old boy - thus Nicola became forever entombed (in the same manner as Zod and how cohorts were entombed in the Superman movie version of the phantom zone) in this rabbi’s spank bank!
2) Keeping the British End Up!!!
The closing line from the pinnacle of James Bond movies - The Spy Who Loved Me, as an ageing Roger Moore creaked over the ravishing form of Barbara Bach in a luxury sea escape vessel, strangely shaped like a giant Hersey’s Kiss.
Upon seeing this scene General Golgo and M were most taken aback!!! ‘Triple-X’ exclaimed Golgol (that being her spy code name)!!! “Bond, what are you doing cried M”
His answer was simple and perfect!
‘Keeping the British End Up!!!!’
(click on the images to enlarge them)
3) Don’t Even THINK It, Citizen!!!
No collection of the rabbi’s formative sexual psyche would be complete without the breath taking form of Judge Anderson.
A Psi-Judge from the world of Judge Dredd, original drawn by the great Brian Bolland and based on Debbie Harry, has sent many a quiver down my spine, and led to the self destructive paper of 2000AD circa 1984 to become hopelessly stuck together!!!
4) Party like it’s 1999
So, with this one I had the great idea to appeal to a broader selection of libidos, and sent for Sandra Benes as played by Zienia Merton in gerry Anderson’s classic Space:1999.
Stunningly beautiful woman that Zienia is, she’s normally just not my type at all. Thankfully for me however, Dominic and I have VERY similar luscious interests, and he ended up drawing her in a form, somewhat more appealing than in real life.
Pahhh - real life!!! We all know it’s over rated anyway!!!
5) I’m Sensing Strong Emotions, Captain!
Coming soon, the beautiful Betazoid that is Deanna Troy, as portrayed by Marina Sirtis has set hearts (and trousers) all of a quiver, from her native Hackney to Talos IV.
In fact, if I’m ever captured by the Talosians (and the REAL ones, who were played by women, not the creepy fake trek ones from Discovery) - forget Susan George as a tool to lull me into submission. Just bang me up with the good ship’s counsellor and I’ll tell you whatever you want to know!!!
6) The Force is Female
Just because I LOVE you guys so much - this series COULD NOT be complete without bthis very special card. We've all thought about it, and I just had to deliver it for you.
NEW A2 Art Prints
This series of prints is A2 sized (16.5" x 23.4" or 18" x 24" in the US).
So, I asked Dominic to do a sketch for the sketch card level - but he misunderstood and ended up doing a full drawing, which I just fell in love with - so thought I'd add it as a new add on perk.
1) A Bohemian in Time and Space
I was SO happy with that, I told the chat on a live stream that if we get just ONE MORE backer, during that stream, we'd commission ANOTHER print. We got another backer, and so here's poster #2!!!
2) The Eyes Have It
3) Reverse the Polarity of the Neutron Flow
Hand Drawn Sketch Cards
We wanted to make sure you had something affordable that would include a personalised piece of original artwork, and so we’re proud to announce the SKETCH CARD level!!!
This includes both graphic novels, art cards and a personalised sketch by Dominic. These sketches can be of whatever you like, but to give you the best quality we’re going to be making a series of 10 suggested sketches for you to choose from - if you go for one of these options you just have a clear idea of what you’re getting!
Hand Drawn Artcards
Own a beautiful, unique piece of stunning bespoke artwork. (click on the images to enlarge them , and you want to because they're FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!)
Hand drawn art cards made of whatever you want by Imperium artist Dominic Racho. They can be colour, they can be black and white, they can be of your favourite Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Comic Book, Lord of the Rings, The Expanse or ANY character you want.
And if you want to kick up up to a whole other level, get a 3D artcard, with lights and electronics built in!!!
Original Imperium Artwork
Dominic just did a FANTASTIC job on the Imperium, and honestly, one of the main reasons I want to get to the $20,000 stretch goal is so we can see some more. But the artwork is just SO much better in real life than printed on the page, where you can see and appreciate every masterful stroke of the pencil.
The four below pages are classed as Deluxe.
Artwork is sold on a first come, first serve basis.
Click here to view the Imperium art gallery.