At its 2009 peak, The Rider’s Digest circulated 32,000 free copies a month, including over 2,000 to loyal subscribers. Unfortunately the printed magazine went bust a couple of years later, and since 2012 it has only been available online.
However, August '22 will be The Rider’s Digest’s 25th anniversary, and we plan to publish a glossy, full colour, A4, perfect bound, 200 page 25th Anniversary Edition by way of celebration.
It will feature all-new content from all your TRD faves including Paul Blezard, Jonathan Boorstein, TW Day, Alan Dowds, Harriet Drury (Girl Biker), Jacqui Furneaux, Martin Haskell, Paddy Handscombe (The Last Word First), Simon Kewer, Peter Martin (Oldlongdog), Martin Newman (Boy Biker 1), Harriet Ridley, Andy Sanson, Smiffy (Boy Biker 3), Tom Stewart, Polly Taylor, Tinks (R6 Girl), Geoff Thomas, Roger Tuson, Paddy Tyson, Kevin Williams and Rod Young.
The cost of the magazine is £10 including p&p to UK postal addresses.
Apparently it is usual to offer different levels of perks; the first 500 get it a quid cheaper, or receive a souvenir key ring or some such, but this is a lot more straightforward. If we manage to get a 1,200 pledges, everyone who's paid a tenner will get a copy of the magazine - if we don't nobody will (please note, if we fail to reach our target figure, you will receive a refund).
So please share this link with everybody you know who might be interested.
We are happy to post to the rest of the world and inclusive costs are: Europe £13; World £16; USA £17; and Aus/NZ £18.
Providing we reach our target, everyone who has paid the appropriate amount will have their magazine(s) despatched by the end of August 2022.
Please be sure to 'Select a perk' (right) rather than 'Make a contribution' so that we have your postal address and can apply the correct p&p charges if you are outside of the UK.