Short Summary
My name is Alexander Snow and I am a professional animator (www.alexandermsnow.com) and have worked on films like Zootopia, Big Hero 6, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Amazing Spiderman 1 & 2, Hotel Transylvania, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, and more. From DC to Marvel to Image and beyond, I am and have always been a huge fan of comics and story telling.
I think what DC has done with the films, and the current/upcoming slate of shows is incredible, but at the same time I feel like there is a middle ground that mixes all the elements together that we have yet to experience as an audience (Live-Action and Animated Films, Young Justice (action) + Teen Titans Go (comedy) + Redesigns of characters (powers, costumes, etc)).
The reason I'm coming to Indiegogo is to make this a reality at the level both you and I expect and want. The truth of the situation is that I can't do this alone. I did "Koji" entirely out of pocket with the mind set that in order for the artists to be able to put the time and effort necessary to achieve the quality I was looking for, everyone needed to be paid for their time and work. On top of that, as an artist myself, this industry is far too familiar with taking advantage of the artists and I didn't want to follow that behavior. It is important to me to make people excited to work on the projects I lead and have as much fun as possible, while still hitting deadlines and delivering the end result. We have already started moving fast toward the finish line, but there is still a ton to do. The more you can help through donation and/or spreading the word, the better the short will turn out and the faster you will be able to enjoy it.
What We Need & What You Get
I know what your thinking. 25 grand for 5-8 minutes of Animation? Holy Shnikies Batman, that’s a lotta lettuce. Although this price seems steep for a short film, I promise you that for the quality we are aiming for, this is actually very cheap in the animation market. For something that is similar length, and lower quality, it could cost as much as 10x the amount we are asking. So please understand that we are dedicated to bringing you something really awesome for a reasonable price, even if it seems high at first glance.
As you might be able to tell from the graph above, the team and I need this funding to take care of the animation and the post production (clean up, coloring, sound, editing, etc). Not to mention the cost of the rewards as well as IndieGOGO's percentage that is deducted from the funds. Animation and what comes after is not cheap, as I'm sure you all know, especially at the level of quality we are aiming for. All the money will be going to bringing this short to you as soon as possible, and the more we have means the more talent we can hire to attack this and get it out.
The current rewards and perks are simple, straight forward and not too flashy for a reason. We don't want to spend the money and time it requires to get you cool toys/shirts/maquettes and more and sacrifice getting you the product you are actually donating for (the short) in any way. We want to take the money and jump right in and make this thing amazing for you. Animation is not a fast or easy process. Even if we go at warp speed it is still a hard thing to accomplish, especially since much of the team is made up of working professionals with busy schedules. I definitely want to get you cool rewards and show you how thankful I am for your support, but I cant think of a better way to do that than to make you an awesome finished product that you helped bring to life.
We are hoping to create the full short, but depending how much funding we are able to get (partial or fully funded) will determine whether we are doing 1 or all 6 of the mini sections that make up this 5-8 min scene, and whether or not they will be able to be completed with color.
In case of a spectacular turnout and reception and we are able to make an extra 5k on top of our goal, we will be able to create our BONUS post-credits scene featuring our take on everyone’s favorite Robin, Carrie Kelley!
If somehow we are able to earn any additional funds in addition to the stretch goal, they will be used to bring you the film quicker. Money that exceeds our goal may also allow us to create new rewards to thank you for the support which is something we’d really like to do.
The Impact
I don't know how much impact this short will really have, or needs to have to be honest. I just want to create something fun and cool that people can enjoy, and to improve and grow as an artist through the process of making this. I do however feel really proud of the version of Poison Ivy we were able to create. It was important to me to redesign her in a way that felt like a real woman and not just a sex symbol. I didn't feel that she needed to be in her classic outfit to feel attractive, and the changes we made instantly empowered her character (in my opinion). I also wanted to really figure out her powers where they made a little more sense and were a little more fun/cool. I wanted you to see her in action and think "woah, I wish I could do that", and also start to imagine what you would create out of the beans if you really did have her abilities. Other than that I think this is just a fun short that's impact doesn't need to be anything greater than people liking it.
Risks & Challenges
Creating an animated short/scene is an extremely labor intensive process. Nothing exists so you have to write it, design it, storyboard it, animate it (harder to find expert 2d animators than CG), color it, composite it, add sound, add music, etc. It takes a long time and it's expensive because it takes so many people working together to create stuff at the level I am aiming for and expect of myself. The team and I truly can't do this without your help.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you can't donate, please share this campaign with anybody and everyone you know. Whether it's telling everyone at your local comic shop or animation club, or posting something on social media, or just texting a friend, everything helps. I really believe this is something cool that deserves to exist and I hope you do as well. Thanks ahead of time for all your time, patience, help, and consideration and we truly can't do this without you.