Wait... a Queer COMEDY?
Yes! When was the last time you watched a good Queer comedy series? You know, one that incorporates a wide spectrum of funny people, including those who identify as Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Genderqueer, and Trans? Oh, never you say? Exactly our point. Lack of representation means there is a huge void in the media for this kind of content, and THESE THEMS: The Queer Comedy Series is here to fill it (not in the sexy way. Okay, maybe in the sexy way).
What We Need & What You Get
$25K is a lot of money, we know. But it will take that amount to create a quality show to share with the world! Your donations will cover:
- Equipment rental - we plan on filming the series with quality equipment so you can see and hear the actors clearly
- Production Team payments - Wow - and there will be a lot of movie making magic! From the Director of Photography to the lighting technicians, from sound engineers to the actors - These folks need to be paid for their hard work!
- Filming locations - locations are expensive and we have quite a few to cover, including a super fun party scene (no spoilers!)
- Craft services - food for shooting days and lots and lots of coffee
- Post-production costs - editors, sound designers, and festival entries are in this category!
- Condoms and dental dams. Just kidding! You can get those for free at Planned Parenthood (donate at ppaction.org/donate after you give us your money first, thanks).
Our perks are AWESOME!! Each perk has been donated by a person who is involved with the Queer community and also with this show! A big goal for the show is to uplift and showcase LGBTQ+ artists, so go ahead and treat yourself to one of our awesome perks donated by one of these rad artists!
Some fun Perks include:
- "Ask Me My Pronoun" THESE THEMS buttons
- Drag King one-on-one coaching session with professional King, Goldie Peacock
- One of a kind watercolor painting OR an in-person portrait session with artist A.E.Kieren
- Tickets to see "Friends The Musical" Off-Broadway, written by our director Tobly McSmith
- Burlesque one-on-one class with bump-n-grind royalty Darlinda Just Darlinda
- Blind date with cast members (no creeps, thanks)
- And many, many more!!
The Impact
REPRESENTATION MATTERS. All of the actors in this series who are playing Queer characters are open, out, and living happy Queer lives while chasing their dreams and creating exciting art.
Not only that, but our priority when organizing the production team will be focused on hiring LGBTQ+, POC, and female film-makers. Mainstream media is vastly behind the times and we are here to send our message of Love and laughter out to the public. Everyone involved in THESE THEMS is coming from a place of uplifting each other and the Queer community!
Risks & Challenges
Creating a web series of this magnitude is a TON of work, but luckily, we have a kickass team of hard-working professional creators who have been working in their chosen fields for years and years. And with YOUR support, we will be able to fully fund this project and make it a reality.
Other Ways You Can Help
Too broke to donate? We get it. Please help us SPREAD THE LOVE! That's free, ya know.
- Follow us on Instagram at @These_Thems
- Follow us on Twitter at @TheseThems
- "Like" our Facebook page at Facebook.com/TheseThems
- Use the Indiegogo share tools to shout it out, loud and proud!
Want to work with us?
Lez do it! We are still looking to round out our team, especially behind the camera. If you or someone you know is interested, please feel free to reach out at TheseThems@gmail.com.