We all have dreamed about amazing machines that could take us straight to the future. We certainly have. But don't take us wrong: we're not into general relativity. We're into emotional time travel, into sending emotions to the future.
Today, after months of work, we're almost there. We have a working prototype, a final design and a production team anxious to build it. We only need you to make it happen, transforming those dreams into a real product. A one that's ready for you to be touched, shared and enjoyed.
Say hello to the Timeless Box! Yes, it’s a box. But it has some features that make it a very special one...
This mega-simple set allows you to do the following:
We are Honest&Smile, an independent things agency, based in Barcelona, that loves things, thinks things & eventually makes things, too. We can be friends!
Some of our things are conceived as creative campaigns for real "bill-paying" (but nice) clients. However, we've also explored the product design side of life creating projects as
The Love Box (the world's first hand-made video mixer for iPhone 4) or the
AbracadabrApp (A kind of lovebox built inside a MOLESKINE Notebook). We've certainly learnt a lot from them, and we feel ready to keep moving towards the "things creation" side with the Timeless Box adventure.
We've been lucky enough to walk this way with some really cool partners and collaborators among us. Here are some of them.
* Our offices are located inside one of the biggest production houses in Spain,
RCR FILMS, which is our Nr.1 partner for all audiovisual and digital adventures.
* The prototyping and production of the Timeless Box has been lead by the
BERMAC STUDIO, in Sabadell (Barcelona), with
David and
Xavier being our guiding lights in the hard world of converting ideas into real objects.
* We also have our own
"favorite gifts" web shop in Spain, called Regalador.com, which is supporting this new product launch with smiles, hugs and more.
* Back in-house, on
the creative and art direction side, The Timeless Box introductory film has been shot and made teaming up with the talented and tropical Art Director (he's from Costa Rica :)
Bernard Arce. And with all the support and advice in Sant Andreu of our co-workers Alex, Adrià, Sergi, Yari, Amanda, Fernando, Dani, Ferran, Gemma, Sonia and more.
The wonderful voice we've finally chosen to present the Timeless Box film belongs to
Roy Lawson, husband of Goreti and co-owner of the lovely "Rectoria de Sant Miquel de Pineda" hostel, which we sincerely invite you to visit as soon as possible (and remember trying one of Roy's amazing desserts, or one of Goreti's sweet panallets)
* We've also been assessed a helped by our friends in Paris
Antonio Morales and
Marzia Benito, from the
elemotions firm, that has created some pieces of really amazing furniture, indeed. And by
Jaume Arias, artisan from
Marcs Arias, constructor of The Love Box and the AbracadabrApp, helped us in the initial steps, too.
* Finally, the
original idea of the product & it's
creative direction &
coordination comes from
Ignasi Giró. He likes to describe himself as a sort of "Creative Physicist, Nutella lover & optimistic doer, co-founding partner of Honest&Smile & Regalador.com".
And what about the future? Well, if everything goes well, as soon as the crowd-funding is completed, we will press the button and activate the final production of the 1st ever Timeless Box 1.000 units.
The constructors are ready, the designers are ready, and we are anxious to go for it! We only need you to confirm to us this product deserves to exist, and support us on this adventure.
Thanks for reading this.
It's kind of long, we know...
The H&:) team
November 2013, Barcelona