![The Game Header]()
![Titanic sailing at night Render]()
Race against the odds to clear your name aboard a ship sailing into history.
"Titanic: Honor and Glory" will be an adventure game set on board a fully explorable and faithfully recreated 3D model of the doomed liner RMS Titanic. The player will experience the voyage first hand while trying to clear his name of a wrongful accusation.
Utilizing the most cutting edge features of Crytek's CryENGINE 3, you'll experience one of the most dramatic moments in history.
The player will be able to explore the entire ship, from the top of the fourth funnel to the popeller shaft tunnels below, and every deck and room in between including all first, second, and third class public rooms, corridors, and cabins, and all crew areas and major engineering spaces. Two modes of play will be included in the game-
Story Mode:
The player will interract with historical figures to try to solve the mystery. The player will visit every class and be forced to interract with even the most exotic areas of the ship. Story Mode climaxes with an accurate and real-time sinking of the ship.
![Titanic sinking Render]()
Dodge danger and death to save yourself and others as the ship sinks under your feet.
The year is 1912. While on a train from London to Southampton, Owen "Robert" Morgan is arrested by Scotland Yard detectives for robbing the British Museum. Only thing is- Robert isn't guilty. Knowing the real villain will be fleeing England on the Titanic, the player breaks free and stows aboard the ship to hunt him down, bring him to justice, and clear his own name. Hot on his trail, with allies and enemies all over the vessel, Robert Morgan finds himself at the center of one of history's most tragic disasters.
Explorer Mode:
With no time limits, a place to be, or a care in world, explore the ship as you'd like.
Wander the levels of the Grand Staircase, walk through the galleys, take a peek at the engines, wind your way through Scotland Road, mosey on over to the bridge, and explore any class and any room you'd like without the worry of a crewman catching you. Every cabin, corridor, closet, and bathroom will be accessible. In explorer mode, you may even have the option to learn more about the ship in the process through interactive guides, reading material and other interactive tidbits throughout the ship.
Sample work-in-progress play:
Click here for our latest video featuring an actual in-game tour of the entire Grand Staircase from Boat to F Deck and including the Reception Room and Pool. The models are still being worked on in-game, but this video gives a good picture of the way we'd like to allow players to explore the ship.
![Interior images Renderings]()
Explore all these areas and more to your heart's content.
Please click here for our Frequently Asked Questions page for additional information about various aspects of the project.
![The Team Header]()
![Four Funnels Entertainment Logo Logo]()
![Portraits Core Team Member Portraits]()
Our team, self titled "Four Funnels Entertainment" is a small group of Titanic designers and developers.
Tom Lynskey, The Project Mananger, Director, Story Developer/Writer, Jedi: Tom is a film maker and Titanic historian. He is best known for his film "The Last Signals" about the Titanic's two telegraph operators, Harold Bride and John Phillips. He mainly makes films about history and develops them into an exciting story line, still faithful to the truth.
Matt DeWinkeleer, Interior Modeler, Historian: Matt is a professional 3D modeler and designer, as well as an experienced Titanic historian. For the past couple years he has been modeling a faithful reconstruction of the interior of the Titanic for the game utilizing as many resources as possible to deliver the most authentic model as possible.
Kyle Hudak, Exterior Modeler: Kyle, too, is a professional 3D modeler who is focusing on the exterior of the ship and other techinical areas of her, such as the boiler rooms and mechanics of the ship. Kyle, too, is using as many resources as are available. In the past, he has built a Virtual Sailor Titanic model, and contributed mainly to a Mafia Titanic Mod.
Derek Verveer, CryEngine Specialist, Developer: Derek is the CryEngine 3 converter and manager. When the models are completed, he inserts them into the game engine, and with the teams help, he adjusts the right lightng and ambient settings. He is also the tech specialist. Of the team, he knows best what equipment is needed for what purposes.
Sean Hewitt, Sound Manager: Sean specializes in directing and recording the sounds aspects of the game. He records sounds for it in all different places and is able to manipulate what he records into an accurate and dramatic piece of audio. As the game progresses, he will also manage the voice recordings.
Ken Marschall, Visual and Technical Consultant: Ken is a renowned artist who has painted many wonderful images depicting the Titanic, be it sailing, sinking, or otherwise, paintings seen in a vast number of books, documentaries and other media. His paintings of Titanic have been an inspiration to many, including our own team, and have been instrumental in bringing Titanic and her story to life for anybody who has seen them. Ken was also a consultant for James Cameron's 'Titanic' (1997), as well as many other Titanic projects, and a visual effects artist for a number of feature films, among many other accomplishments.
Steve Hall, Technical Advisor: Steve is a renowned Titanic/Olympic Class historian and author of a number of books about these ships, including 'Titanic In Photographs' and the two volumes of 'Titanic: The Ship Magnificent'. Steve is also currently a consultant with the Blue Star Line for Professor Clive Palmer's Titanic II project.
Parks Stephenson, Technical and Historical Consultant: Parks is a retired naval officer, Titanic historian, and documentarian, having worked on and appearing in documentaries including National Geographic's 'Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron' and History Channel's 'Titanic at 100: Mystery Solved', among others on the Titanic and other subjects. More recently he has done work regarding various areas of Titanic for James Cameron's upcoming book 'Exploring the Deep' (Release date: June 2013).
Nicolas Murgia, Period Texture Artist: Nicolas is our go-to guy for creating elegant and accurate textures for use on our game models. He uses GIMP to carefully create period designs from various refertence materials, matching them to the real thing as closely as possible and adding further depth to ther accuracy and detail of our models.
In addition to 15 other team members and contributors to our efforts to create this game, we're working to bring the best possible Titanic game we can!
To learn a little more about the core team members, click here.
![The Goal Header]()
Why we need your help:
The simple answer is that we simply cannot fund the entire project ourselves, and without the necessary funding we cannot go much further.
Essentially the entire current team is working on an unpaid, volunteer basis. We do so because we're passionate about the Titanic, everything about it, and are keen to finish this project and bring people a wonderful game and the opportunity to see the Titanic in all her glory. However, we can only go so far with what we have now in terms of hardware, software, team members, and unpaid time devoted to working on the project.
What the money will be used for:
A large portion of the money we earn here on Indiegogo, if we only reach our primary goal, will go towards purchasing computer hardware and software. All of our current equipment is quite out of date, and either on the verge of failure, or already obsolete. For the past two years we've been working on modeling and designing the ship and game, but it moves at a greuling pace due to our limited equipment. Upgrading what we have will drastically improve our work efficiency. We will also be purchasing better programs to build the 3D models and sound libraries to develop the soundtrack.
Another key part of the budget goes to resources. We need to buy higher quality plans of the ship and high resolution photographs to inform us about every nook and cranny of the vessel, as well as books to get a better picture of the ship's history.
Phase 2?
Phase 2 incolves the modeling and CryEngine conversions. It is also the finalization stage for the story, the cinematics, and other critical parts of the game. Phase 2 is also the most expensive stage, as all the equipment needed for this phase will be used for later phases, too. Phase 3 is mainly sounds, voice acting, and programming and game-scripting to make it an interactive story. Phase 4 is testing, and Phase 5 is distribution, hopefully via a third party distributer.
What else will any money be used for?
If we are funded enough to work across all project phases, here are a few things we're looking at that will incur expenses that are currently out of our hands, including what's needed for Pahse 2:
- Newer and better computers and compueter hardware. for high-poly 3D modeling and work in CryENGINE 3.
- Accessories such as drawing tablets for creating artwork and textures.
- New software for 3D modeling, rendering and otehr tasks.
- Software and equipment for sound recording and processing, as well as music composition.
- Software and equipment, or commisioning of a third party, for motion capture animation.
- The hiring/commissioning of voice actors, artists, programmers, and others to work on various aspects of the game.
- Possible coverage for some lost wages so that our interior modeler, and possibly other members of the team, can devote more time to work on the game, thus speeding the project up a bit.
- Reference material such as plans and photographs for Titanic and other ships and game elements, and books.
- Legal, licensing, outreach/advertising, and other expenses to cover miscellaneous aspects of the project.
- ...And much more that cannot be listed here.
All funds, no matter how much, will go toward improving and working on the game.
Release date?
We do not, as of yet, have a specific date for completion. We have been working on this project as volunteers, and as such are not able to devote as much time as we'd like to the game. But rest assured, we're working as hard as we can, as much as we can, to accomplish what needs to be done, and with your help we will be able to reach our goals, devote more time and resources, and bring more people on board to get things done.
Stretch Goals.
Phase 2 can be covered with $20,000 and may take approximately a year to accomplish. But, there are ways we can speed up work in this phase, or even the full game if more funds are raised.
Nomadic Level
For $20,000, we can fund Phase 2 of the video game. We'll be able to scrape by on what we need and get the equipment required. However, when it comes time, we will have to fund Phase 3 in about a year.
Carpathia Level
For $40,000, we can comfortably fund Phase 2 and devote more time and effort towards it. We could also probably cut the time in half for devloping the phase. Again, though, we would have to raise funds again when the time comes for Phase 3.
Lusitania Level
For $60,000, we can fund the entire game- all phases at once without having to run another funding campaign. However, it would take some time to get through, and we won't be able to devote as much effort towards it as we'd like, but it would give us the required budget.
Titanic Level
For $80,000, we'll be able to comfortably cover all expenses required and give this game our full time and energy! $80,000 would allow us to purchase all equipment required to produce an efficient and stunning game.