Short Summary
- I was born in Benin West Africa . I spent half of my life in West Africa and half of my life here in the United States. As a result of this I have an even feel for the two different cultures . My goal in life was always to impact to world for the better. Everything I do derives from the faith I have in God and it’s my motivation to see the world turn from destroying itself to healing itself.
- UniSon is a film is about fathers and sons. I realized that no matter where you're from having a father around, or not, will affect your life somehow. So many of us grow wanting to be like our fathers, and fathers so very much want for their children to mimic them. Sometimes this could lead to trouble. This story takes a very cyclical approach to this reality, and emphasizes the importance of living by example because your children are always watching.
- I want to see the the world become healthy in it’s core. According to statistics 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes. 80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes. Fatherless boys and girls are: twice as likely to drop out of high school; twice as likely to end up in jail; four times more likely to need help for emotional or behavioral problems. I want to see young man being raised up to be the next generation leaders. I don’t know if I will solve all problems with UniSon but I will speak form my heart and experiences and showcase ideas and stories to support a resolution.
What We Need & What You Get
I'm hoping to raise $5,500.
- I will be filming three consecutive days in a location I must rent. A location that will fit the profile of my characters low income lifestyles. The money will also be used to support my actors on the days they choose to work on UniSon and believe in me. To create the world of my characters, especially the father who is an actor in search of the perfect role, their will be a number of props, wardrobe, and set dressings I will need to acquire. I have already scoured flea markets, and asked every friend for what they own. Items will need to be bought, and even though I hope not to spend my full budget on them, the details form wardrobe to the crayons Junior holds play to the films theme and tone. We get a wonderful package form our school, but we will seek to expand on the lens for the camera to photograph UniSon as my Cinematographer and I planed - a natural real life, long depth, and upfront close ups of the characters. Finally the budget will be spent to care and feed my cast and crew. Even when make PB&Js sandwiches costs will occur as they always do. I promise we will all think of you all as we take the short breaks to eat admiring this world you so generously helped us create.
Movie Comparables
The Impact
- In supporting me with this project I hope my film UniSon will evoke a conversation regarding change in parentless communities. In my future films I vow to continue to tell stories in hopes of nurturing healthier relationships in our households.
- I make films to inspire, empower, and spark conversations on real life issues that need resolving. It is in my spirit to assist solutions on how we can go about solving those issues and heal the hurt that's in the world.
The Crew
WRITER DIRECTOR Nobel Kekele Current Student at the New York Film Academy . Shoots shorts, music videos , commercials . Has gotten a lot of positive feedback on his latetst short fim "The Redemption." A link to that is provided.
Nobel Kekele
CINEMATOGRAPHER Matthew Devlin : Has shot short films and music videos. As well as working as crew for feature films, short films, commercials and even live broadcasts. He is a Steadicam owner and camera operator as well as grip and electric crew member. He shot my short film " The redemption " who received a lot of praise for it's cinematography being a no budget movie. He is my favorite collaborator thus far.
Matthew Devlin
COMPOSER Mannywellz: Maryland - based artist, Mannywellz released a number of different projects , some reaching to one million plays on Spotify . He has been the main producer of all of his sounds and one of his latest single "wrong place" garnered over 70,000 plays .
Risks & Challenges
One of the biggest obstacles I will have in process of achieving this goal is "Time." It will be difficult to raise this money with the little time I have before production begin .
- I believe that nothing is impossible . The story being told here will inspire people and spring them into action in helping making it come to reality.
- I will continue to reach out to as much people as possible to help support this project.
Other Ways You Can Help
Donating towards this project would mean so much to me .
Another great way to help is to share this with 10-20 people in your contacts , network , community.