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Unseen Art: experiencing art for the first time

Re-creating classic paintings in 3D that may be touched, made freely available worldwide.

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Unseen Art: experiencing art for the first time

Unseen Art: experiencing art for the first time

Unseen Art: experiencing art for the first time

Unseen Art: experiencing art for the first time

Unseen Art: experiencing art for the first time

Re-creating classic paintings in 3D that may be touched, made freely available worldwide.

Re-creating classic paintings in 3D that may be touched, made freely available worldwide.

Re-creating classic paintings in 3D that may be touched, made freely available worldwide.

Re-creating classic paintings in 3D that may be touched, made freely available worldwide.

Marc Dillon
Marc Dillon
Marc Dillon
Marc Dillon
2 Campaigns |
Helsinki, Finland
$4,205 USD 62 backers
14% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Suomenkielinen versio löytyy englanninkielisen alta. (In Finnish below the English)

The Unseen Art project - a new way to experience art with touch, for the blind and for everyone. 

Have you ever been touched by art?  Have you had an emotional reaction while viewing a painting, have you gotten a different point of view, or learned something about the world or yourself?

Have you ever touched the work of a great artist?  Have you ever wanted to get up close and personal, and experience the art with your own hands?

You can experience art in a new way, and open art to others for the first time.  There are many people in the world who have heard of classical artworks their whole lives but are unable to see them. 

The project is involving people from all over the world to recreate classical art We are creating a new opportunity for people in the world to experience art.  The project is involving people from all over the world to recreate classical art paintings in 3D so that they may be touched and felt, both in exhibitions and in people's homes. 3D models of the paintings are free and printable anywhere in the world where there's access to a 3D printer.

"It would be a revolution to get blind people going to art galleries, people hate them because there is nothing there to touch!"

Your contribution will give people the opportunity to experience paintings for the first time in their lives. 

Many people around the world have heard of many classical artworks but never been able to see them.  Very few in the world have ever touched any of them. 

If you love art, supporting the campaign will give you a beautiful rendition of a masterpiece of art you can touch, experience different light and shadows, and display as a unique part of a home or office.

If you love technology or 3D, backing the campaign will help push the technology and awareness higher, and give new opportunities for virtual 3D art to become tactile, concrete, and physical.

If you know or love a blind or visually impaired person, you can give them a piece of art to experience for the first time, and make it more accessible for everyone around the world.

If you work in an office or own a business, a striking and unique artwork can impress and show philanthropy to your customers and partners.

A small contribution and a referral to your friends will make a great difference in people's lives.  

Anyone will be able to experience them for the first time through touch, and create their own impressions and opinions. Make a global impact together with us allows blind and visually impaired people and anyone interested in art  to personally experience the inspiration, education, and thought-provoking feelings that meaningful art creates.

Creating equal access for art globally is our passion and goal.

By backing our campaign we will be able to approach 3D artists to contribute their interpretations of 3D art, and anyone in the world can download them for free and print them anywhere there is a 3D printer, such as many libraries, Universities, in their homes, or from a local business.

We cannot do it without you!

Backing this campaign will help at any level.  All perks will be sent out regardless of the amount raised.  We believe in creating connections of people and making the world's art freely available.  

Featured in:

Evolution / Behind the scenes

In Finnish

Unseen Art -projekti

Yhdessä Sinun kanssasi annamme sokeille ja näkövammaisille täysin uudenlaisen mahdollisuuden kokea taidetta. Ihmiset ympäri maailmaa voivat osallistua luomaan 3D-mallinnoksia klassisista taideteoksista, jotta niitä pääsee koskettamaan niin näyttelyissä kuin ihmisten omissa kodeissa. Maalausten 3D-mallinnokset ovat ilmaisia ja printattavissa missä päin maailmaa tahansa, mistä löytyy 3D-printteri.

Päämäärämme ja intohimomme on luoda kaikille yhtäläinen mahdollisuus kokea taidetta. Maailma on pullollaan ihmisiä, jotka ovat koko ikänsä kuulleet klassisista taideteoksista – niin sanotuista taiteen peruskivistä – joita he eivät kuitenkaan ole koskaan itse päässeet näkemään.

Tarvitsemme apuasi.

Tukemalla kampanjaamme autat meitä lähestymään 3D-taiteilijoita, jotka voivat tarjota maailmalle tulkintansa klassisista taideteoksista 3D-muodossa. Kuka tahansa; missä päin maailmaa tahansa, mistä vain löytyy 3D-printteri; voi ilmaiseksi ladata 3D-mallinnoksia ja printata niitä esimerkiksi kirjastoissa, yliopistoissa, omissa kodeissaan tai paikallisissa liikkeissä.

Sokeille, näkövammaisille – ja sinulle

Miljoonat ihmiset ympäri maailmaa ovat kuulleet monista klassisista taideteoksista, mutteivät ole koskaan voineet nähdä niitä. Aniharvoilla on ollut mahdollisuus koskettaa niitä. Nyt kuka tahansa voi kokea nämä taideteokset ensi kertaa kosketuksen kautta, ja luoda näin oman näkemyksensä ja mielipiteensä niistä. Tehkäämme tästä yhdessä maailmanlaajuinen ilmiö, jotta sokeat, näkövammaiset ja ketkä tahansa muut taiteesta kiinnostuneet ihmiset voisivat kokea henkilökohtaisesti ne inspiroivat, sivistävät ja ajatuksia herättävät tunteet, mitä merkityksellinen taide meille antaa.

Auta meitä!

Apusi on meille todella tärkeä, valitsit minkä hintaisen vastalahjan tahansa. Kaikki vastalahjat hoidetaan perille vastaanottajille huolimatta siitä, minkä summan saamme kasaan. Uskomme, että luomalla yhteyden toisiimme saamme taiteen kaikkien ulottuville.
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Choose your Perk


Early bird! Buy one get one

$55 USD
Get your own touchable Mona Lisa's face and get one for a friend, loved one, or donate to a local blind / visually impaired organization. The touchable Mona Lisa face model, lovingly re-created in 3D with depth and texture, similar to the model we were testing with blind and visually impaired people around the world. A great way to get a new impression of something very special that few have ever touched before.
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Exhibition contributor

$10 USD
Your name on a plaque in the exhibitions and on the website to show you are making a difference in many people's lives.
10 claimed

Touchable Mona Lisa's face

$30 USD
Your own touchable Mona Lisa face model. Lovingly re-created in 3D with depth and texture, similar to the model we were testing with blind and visually impaired people around the world. A great way to get a new impression of something very special that few have ever touched before.
12 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Full Mona Lisa Small

$100 USD
A model of the full Mona Lisa in a smaller size. Beautiful impression of the classic art work in a size that can be handed to anyone, placed on a desk or table, or hung on the wall.
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Exhibition Sponsor

$1,000 USD
Sponsorship to create the world's first Unseen Art exhibition. Your name or logo displayed on the posters and the exhibition itself.
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Early bird:Full Size Mona Lisa

$1,500 USD
A breathtaking model of the Mona Lisa for your home, office, or organization. Limited time at this cost, only one available! This is 3D printed with a sand technique, has a lovely texture and will last many lifetimes. A simply stunning piece!
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Full Unseen Art Exhibition

$10,000 USD
A full exhibition of Unseen Art, including at least 5 pieces of 3D interpreted classical art. Includes membership in the art panel so that artwork may also be selected by you.
0 claimed
sold out

Unseen Art Panel Membership

$250 USD
Only -1 left

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