Hi, My name is Kate Orne. I'm a photographer
and former editor at Interview magazine. I moved to upstate New York
more than 5 years ago after living in NYC for 20+ years. I was tired of
the noise and concrete and I longed to be close to nature in a way
similar to how I had grown up in Sweden.
As a creator
I have often felt isolated in my work ( perhaps even more so when I
lived in the city ) but I've always loved talking with fellow creators,
learning what keeps them up
at night and what gets them up in the morning, learning about things
that I had perhaps not thought about or about those things or ideas to
which I had not been previously exposed.
So I started to reach out
to artists and creators whom I admired, whom lived upstate, to discover what was going on in their minds & lives.
In the process, I created photo essays and engaged in powerful, insightful and intimate
one-on-one conversations with some amazing talent including:
And thus,
Upstate Diary was
born; Set in the sanctuaries, homes and work spaces of these creators
and presenting the reader with their most private thoughts. I have learned that we all need to be
inspired, whether we are creatively inclined or not, and that on this earth we all share passion, conflicts,
dreams, struggle and insecurities - this is life itself.
The online version of Upstate Diary was launched November 1st, 2014 and was very well received. It is currently read in over 15 countries.
Now I want to create
the first Print Edition; something for the reader to hold, to touch - I want to achieve a more intimate feeling.
And your contribution will make this happen!
The first print edition will be
a released this summer. It will be a beautifully made collector's item and will be available upstate, in the NYC and via
Upstate Diary.
You will definitely learn something new, find something new, become
inspired by these stories and be inspired to explore further.
What I need.
- I have a printer lined up whom is as keen on quality as I am and I also have someone to help me lay out the issue. Additional to these costs will be the Indigogo and Paypal fees and the shipping fees of the perks.
The funding goal is $11,000 and this will pay for all of the above.
What you'll get :-)
- The perks which you will receive for your support? Click the side bar section title to check them out. Some will invite you to personally engage with these amazing Creative Minds for privileged visits into their homes, workshops and studios. A perfect opportunity for an inspiring getaway this summer!
- And if I don't raise it all, I won't throw in the towel. I will do what it takes, 'cause that's how I roll.
Why do I believe in UD?
Upstate Diary is filling a niche that has been unfulfilled until now.
All Upstate Diary's content is unique and original.
Other ways you can help!
Please Share this campaign via email and social media, Indiegogo has all the share tools!!
Let's create a meaningful, inspiring Journal that we can all benefit from!
Love, Kate
P.S. Please contact me with questions!