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Videotape - A short film

Help us realize our short film about four kids, an abandoned villa and an unspeakable secret.

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Videotape - A short film

Videotape - A short film

Videotape - A short film

Videotape - A short film

Videotape - A short film

Help us realize our short film about four kids, an abandoned villa and an unspeakable secret.

Help us realize our short film about four kids, an abandoned villa and an unspeakable secret.

Help us realize our short film about four kids, an abandoned villa and an unspeakable secret.

Help us realize our short film about four kids, an abandoned villa and an unspeakable secret.

Alberico Bartoccini
Alberico Bartoccini
Alberico Bartoccini
Alberico Bartoccini
1 Campaign |
Roma, Italy
$2,045 USD 47 backers
25% of $8,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Videotape is a short movie project narrating the story of a group of kids and the discovery of a terrible secret. In order to realize this short film we need your help.                                                            Videotape è un progetto di cortometraggio che racconta la storia di un gruppo di adolescenti e la scoperta di un terribile segreto. Per realizzare questo piccolo film abbiamo bisogno del vostro aiuto.

Suburbs of Rome (Italy), Summer of 1993. On top of a wide valley, a group of four kids has built a small shelter in which they spend the afternoons after schooltime. On one of those summer afternoons, the kids take their bikes and go for a journey through the paths of Tolfa and Allumiere. Suddenly, they discover a beautiful medieval farmstead. They don't know it yet, but what they'll find in it will change their lives forever.

Provincia romana, estate del ‘93. In cima a una vallata, quattro ragazzi hanno costruito un piccolo rifugio in cui trascorrere i pomeriggi dopo la scuola. In uno di quei pomeriggi, i ragazzi imbracciano le loro biciclette e si avventurano lungo i sentieri dei Monti della Tolfa. Improvvisamente, si imbattono in un bellissimo casale medievale. Non lo sanno ancora, ma quello che troveranno al suo interno cambierà per sempre le loro esistenze.

We decided to shoot Videotape because we wanted put on a story generational and universal at the same time. We chose to set this very story in a certain period between the 80's and the 90's, because teenagers born and raised in the 00's have lost too soon the typical pureness and innocence of the kids of the 90's, when we were young.

Abbiamo deciso di girare videotape perché vogliamo mettere in scena un racconto generazionale e universale allo stesso tempo: la scelta di ambientare questa nostra storia in un periodo che va dagli anni Ottanta all’inizio degli anni Novanta è dovuta al fatto che gli adolescenti nati e cresciuti dopo il 2000 hanno perduto prematuramente quella purezza e quella ingenuità tipiche, invece, delle generazioni precedenti. 

The pure landscapes immerse in the nature of Tolfa and Allimiere (the stunning countryside near Rome) express the story in a effective way. The choice of the locations has probably been the easiest part of the preproduction of this short film. It took the time for a walk here to realize that these locations would have been perfect for the mood of our story.

A rendere la narrazione ancora più efficace i paesaggi incontaminati immersi nella natura di Tolfa e Allumiere (la meravigliosa campagna in provincia di Roma). La scelta delle location è stata, forse, la parte più “semplice” della preproduzione di questo corto: ci è bastato fare una passeggiata lungo i sentieri dei boschi del territorio, o addentrarci tra le cascate di Monte Piantangeli per accorgerci che Tolfa e Allumiere si sarebbero rivelate fondamentali per la messinscena di questo cortometraggio.

Telling this small but ambitious story, we would like to be the voice of those who have no courage to talk, tearing down the wall of silence that surrounds the teenagers of our times. In this way, Videotape can be the manifesto of a free adolescence, that deserves to stay pure, and becomes also the voice of those who can't desire that pureness anymore.

Con questo cortometraggio, raccontando questa piccola ma ambiziosa storia, vorremmo simbolicamente dare voce a chi non ha il coraggio e la forza di parlare, abbattendo quel muro di omertà che circonda troppo spesso i giovani del nostro tempo. In questo senso, Videotape può diventare manifesto di un’adolescenza libera, che merita di restare “pura” e si fa portavoce, in qualche modo, anche di chi, quella purezza, non può più agognarla.

To visualize the spirit of this short film, we trusted in the evoking music of a synthwave band named Dance with the Dead, a pleasant return to our childhood, to a not too distant past. The listening of these tracks leaves a wistful and bittersweet aftertaste that describes perfectly the main scenes of the movie.

Follow and support DANCE WITH THE DEAD on bandcamp:

Per immaginare lo spirito di questo cortometraggio, ci siamo affidati alle musiche evocative di un gruppo musicale synthwave chiamato Dance with the Dead, che con le loro sonorità rappresentano, per noi, un piacevole rimando all’infanzia, a un passato non troppo lontano. L’ascolto di questi brani lascia un retrogusto nostalgico vagamente agrodolce perfetto per descrivere, musicalmente, le scene portanti del film.

The story of Videotape is symbolical and physical at the same time. That's why we found – in the narration – four essential locations:

  • the house, represented by the shelter and the abandoned house (the medieval farmstead);
  • the natural pool, where the kids play at the very beginning of the story;
  • the railway bridge, the opening and closing of the short film;
  • the videotape, set in the secret room found in the farmstead.

Essendo Videotape un racconto simbolico, oltre che narrativo, abbiamo individuato al suo interno quattro “luoghi” fondamentali:

  • la casa, rappresentata dal rifugio e dalla casa abbandonata;
  • la piscina naturale, in cui i ragazzi faranno il bagno all’inizio del cortometraggio;
  • il ponte della ferrovia, apertura e chiusura della storia;
  • il videotape, ambientato nella stanza segreta che i ragazzi trovano all’interno della casa abbandonata.

Our short film is already in pre-production, but we need your help if we really want to shoot it. We fixed our goal to 8000$ because we want to cover all the out of pocket expenses, the payments for all the cast and crew, the insurances and the transfers from one location to another.

Il nostro cortometraggio è già in preproduzione, ma per andare avanti nelle riprese abbiamo bisogno del vostro aiuto. Abbiamo fissato un "goal" di 8000$ che ci servirà a coprire tutte le spese vive (che riguardano vitto e alloggio per cast e troupe), i compensi e i rimborsi (per tutto il cast tecnico ed artistico) del cortometraggio.

Videotape is a zero budget project that is taking form thanks to the will, the love and the professionalism of a wonderful team.
Videotape è un progetto a zero budget che sta prendendo forma grazie alla volontà, all'amore e alla professionalità di un team di lavoro incredibile.

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$35 USD
If you decide to donate us 35$, you will appear in the "special thanks" section, during the credits at the end of the film, you will receive an hi-res poster of the film and in addition to our gratitude (we will find a way to send it to you), we will send you some stickers.
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$10 USD
If you decide to donate us 10$, in addition to our gratitude (we will find a way to send it to you), you will appear in the "special thanks" section, during the credits at the end of the film.
13 claimed


$25 USD
If you decide to donate us 25$, you will appear in the "special thanks" section, during the credits at the end of the film, you will receive an hi-res poster of the film and in addition to our gratitude (we will find a way to send it to you), we will send you some stickers.
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$50 USD
If you decide to donate us 50$, you will appear in the "special thanks" section, during the credits at the end of the film, you will receive a digital copy of the movie and in addition to our gratitude (we will find a way to send it to you), we will send you some stickers and a printed 50x70cm poster of the film.
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$50 USD
If you decide to donate us 50$, you will appear in the "special thanks" section, during the credits at the end of the film, and we will send you an invitation for two for the premiere of the short film (it will take place in Rome, Italy, within the end of 2016).
6 claimed


$100 USD
If you decide to donate us 100$, you will appear in the "special thanks" section, during the credits at the end of the film, we will thank you live on all of our social networks and in addition to our gratitude (we will find a way to send it to you), we will send you some stickers, a printed 50x70cm poster of the film and a copy of a DVD regular edition.
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$250 USD
If you decide to donate us 250$, you will appear in the "special thanks" section, during the credits at the end of the film, we will thank you live on all of our social networks and in addition to our gratitude (we will find a way to send it to you), we will send you some stickers, a printed 50x70cm poster of the film and a copy of a DVD, and a special box set in a VHS format with a digital copy on USB pendriv and some printed frame of the film.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$500 USD
If you decide to donate us 500$, you will appear in the credits as ASSOCIATE PRODUCER, we will thank you live on all of our social networks and in addition to our gratitude (we will SURELY find a way to send it to you), we will send you some stickers, a printed 50x70cm poster of the film and a copy of the DVD.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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