Adventurer. Dreamer. Romantic. Fool. Charlatan. Mercenary.
It all depends on who you ask. Even after he started making a name for himself, people would give different answers when asked about the purple Kemeten named SONDERON.
Stow away on board the Helios to travel with Sonderon back to his first adventure following exile from his own star system, as he embarks on a journey where the odds are overwhelmingly stacked against him. What was supposed to be a relaxing day on Alcenar 8, would quickly turn into an accidental high-thrill rescue mission leaving Sonderon with more questions about his ancestral past and about his secret quest for the SPHERE OF NOD! How does this all connect? Aim your tractor beam our way and grab a copy of VOYAGE!
What is the overarching story about?
Eons ago, a broken promise altered the universe when an artifact called the Sphere of Nod, derived from that promise, was shattered and scattered throughout all corners of a multitude of galaxies. There the lost shards remained waiting for someone to find them and restore the universe once more--bringing eternal peace.
Enter the exiled Kemeten, Sonderon--village idiot turned explorer and adventurer, tasked with a burden he never wanted; to find broken pieces of the Sphere of Nod artifact. Unfortunately, dark forces lurk behind every turn of Sonderon's path—sinister forces trying to stop him from obtaining the pieces of the Sphere.
VOYAGE: FORCEPLAY 8 page bonus story
WHO'S PLAYING WHO? A band of bounty hunters- Drainer, Irene, and Coral are after Sonderon for a precious artifact, the very same thing he himself is after. Will Sonderon obtain this odd artifact and emerge from this adventure unscathed and in time to bring the artifact back to his mysterious employer? Sonderon's fate is in your hands!
This story is a bonus 8 page tale to thank all of you for your incredible support. So many fans of Sonderon have demanded the return of the purple Kemeten in his own series--so that's exactly what we're bringing to you with VOYAGE: PRINCIPIUM and FORCEPLAY!
VOYAGE is a full-color 7x10.25" graphic novel containing 48 pages of pure badass comic genius brought to you by our super team of creators, connected by our love of sci-fi and our time at the Kubert School, share the dream of bringing this first epic issue of VOYAGE to you! Help us make this dream a reality by backing VOYAGE!
All of the art for VOYAGE will be completed and ready to go to print by the end of the campaign so our backers won't have to wait long to get it into their hands!
Sonderon Art Contest!
Yes--that's right! A sci-fi Sonderon art contest is open to all! Please send submissions through this link-- Zackarysart then click my name, Zackary Marois and DM me. Contest ends October 31, 2023 and will be announced the day the campaign is over. Winner will get a lot of love! Check out the awesome rewards below!
Stretch goal #1 ( 10 paged Scorn MINICOMIC)
Scorn! A pot smoking demon forced to abide by a hit list to reap the souls of only the weirdest individuals in Sonderon's universe and bring them back to his overlord master. He's unstoppable, he's undeniable, and most important of all--he's always high! Once this stretch goal is unlocked, everyone who has pledged a physical tier will receive this magnificent mini comic to balance out the cosmic forces!
Stretch goal #2 ( 8 paged REPTILIA MINICOMIC)
Somewhere in the cosmic causeway, there's a time traveling babe called Reptilia whose job is temporal reconstruction. During one of these temporal reconstruction missions, she finds herself face to face with the mighty Aztecan Empire!
Stretch goal #3 (Adam Kubert 8 -1/2 X 11 print) $7000
Once this tier is unlocked, everyone who just pledged a physical tier will receive this mini print on top of the previous stretch goals. THATS AMAZING!!