My name is William Hadden, producer & director of Walk Together movie. I have produced TV commercials for local Nashville businesses for 6 years with my company Oak Tree Production Studios. This film is my first film production and means more to me than just making a movie. I believe the God has called me to spread love through art and this film does just that!
Walk Together is a Romantic Christian Comedy. A true love story that shows how God orchestrates on our behalf regardless of our faults. This is your opportunity to be a part of an incredible project. Help us fund this film and spread love through art while giving God glory!
How can two WALK TOGETHER unless they agree.
Amos 3:3
Movie Synopsis:
Two hearts are brought together by fate and instantly connect. In this love tale everything is perfect except for one thing; he lies to cover up his lifestyle of a playboy night club promoter. He’s a successful nightclub manager and she’s a pastor’s daughter rebuilding her life. They fall in love and everything is magical, until she invites him to church to meet her father.
To help cover his lie, he gets his partner at the club to come along with him. His partner, who has his own love story brewing, reluctantly agrees to go. While at church, the two guys try to sneak out early while everyone’s head is bowed. Little did they know they stood up and answered the alter call. They are forced to play along and the pastor is so excited about their decision that he invites them to his home for the family dinner. The situation gets really sticky when the guys find out some shocking news at dinner that could ruin everything.
What We Need
Here is a list where the money will be allocated. We have planned every aspect of this film so that we will be able to streamline production, thus keeping cost low.
- 3 actors for 5 days of filming
- Location booking fees & permit fees
- Equipment Rental (PA Equipment, Camera crane)
- Hair & Make Up for 5 days of filming
- Lunch for extras & actors for 3 days of filming (25 people)
The Impact
This film will show the redemptive power of God by the transformation of a man that was started through the love of a woman. We deliver God's word through a comfortable format and make it fun and entertaining. Scripture says that love creates the atmosphere for one to learn. Our ultimate goal is that God be glorified while the audience is entertained.
What You Get
We have carefully crafted various levels of contribution and a list of perks that will reward you for your help. At each level, we add a unique and valuable perk while also including EACH previous perk!
- Official thank you & Credit in the film as a financial supporter. Also an on screen appearance as an extra(if desired)
Incredible music Sound Track download & sign picture of the cast.
- (2)Tickets to the private screening of the movie in Nashville
- Exclusive digital download of the film & Signed Script
- Packaged DVD & Soundtrack of the film
- Promotional T-shirt & a special credit at the end of the film as under "Special Production Investment By"
- Special Credit as "Associate Producer" and exclusive access to the production set.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help:
- Get the word out to others and make some noise about our campaign.
- Use the "share" tools to help us get this funding page out