We are a close knit group of designers, collegues and friends from Wimbledon College of Art. Our graduation show will allow us to express what we achieve as Theatre Designers; of the diversity and craft that is involved in our practise.
We are story tellers in innumberable forms. Our strengths as a class lay not only in set and costume design for theatre, but also set construction, costume making, design for dance, sound design, lighting design, design for site specific performance, animation, photography, fine art, illustration and video design. The list could go on. Ultimately, we are aiming to produce an ambitious and memorable show, to surpass previous years and those to come in expressing techinical competence as well as wild imagination.
Our target of £2000 will go towards the Theatre Design degree show catalogue, food and drink for our private view and most importantly flats, plinths and paint for the production of the show!
Your support would be unquestionably appreciated, even if its a share of this page!
We hope you will visit our show and experience what we have been, and will be, working so hard to achieve- Thank you!
Follow us on instagram for reglular updates of previous work and current endeavours https://instagram.com/WCA_THEATRE_DESIGN_15