In the United States, between 1950 and 1991, there were 928 nuclear tests at the Nevada Test site. These tests launched nuclear fallout into the air that would coat towns over 200 miles away. Today, downwinders and multiple generations of their families are plagued with medical complications such as cancer. They continue to fight against nuclear testing as the government advocates for the return of atomic testing.
Originally from New York, I moved to California to study at Chapman's Dodge College of Film and Media Arts. I started researching this issue years ago, first interested in downwinders in Kazakhstan. After diving into the topic, I realized the scope of the downwinder community in the United States, specifically the American West. When given the opportunity to make a thesis documentary at Chapman, I knew this is story that needed to be told.
Already we have two downwinders who are willing to share their stories. Both of them are diagnosed with cancer and both of them help other downwinders full-time. They have photos of the tests, atomic minutes, and fliers telling residents to watch the skies.
What We Need:
As an independent project, we're looking to passionate contributors to help us make this film a possibility.
- Funds for crew meals
- Funding for transportation (crew is traveling from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City)
- Lodging for crew and equipment (4 nights total)
- Costs associated with post-production services (Coloring, composers, licensing, film festival submissions)
What You Get:
- Exclusive newsletters and behind the scenes as we travel through California, Nevada, and Utah
- Special thank you in the credits of the film
The Impact
Right now, the United States is actively looking to start testing nuclear weapons again. With atomic events looming, it's crucial we hear the stories of those who have been hurt by their own government. Downwinders are also at a vulnerable turning point. RECA (the Radioactive Expansion Compensation Act) expired June 10th 2024, leaving many of those downwinders suffering from cancer and other ailments without compensation.
Right now is a critical time for both the future of the downwinders and for the world from an atomic perspective.
Risks & Challenges
We have a long way to go; the traveling alone is 10 hours each way and we're on a tight shooting schedule. Although there are challenges, we're fully capable to overcome them with your help:
- Traveling 1400 miles total
- Feeding the crew three meals a day
- Staying four nights in Salt Lake City
- Post Production: composing and color
If you can't support with funds, don't worry!
- Send this Indiegogo link and share the project with those interested
- Reach out to me (Sascha) and let me know any thoughts or comments you have
By contributing, you are joining a community rallying behind downwinders and making this project a reality.
Thank you for your time and consideration!