Libby's story is powerful because it shows us that change is possible when we work together to accomplish our goals over time. The condition of workers, human rights, segregation, and many other issues have greatly improved since Libby began taking action in the 1940's. Those changes occurred through the efforts of many people over time. The intention of publishing this book is to inspire people to take action on the issues that are important to them, because taking consistent action over time, with other people, will make a difference.
I met Libby Frank over 20 years ago after having completed two internships with the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) during college. When I attended a local WILPF branch meeting after graduation, Libby was a natural mentor. Like Libby, I wanted to leave the world better than I found it, but unlike Libby I was unsure of how to do it. Libby asked me about what I wanted to do in the peace and justice movement and when I didn’t know she promptly recruited me to the Middle East Committee. As we worked together on the Committee, I got to know Libby’s story. Over her many years of activism, Libby supported racial equality and desegregation, the rights of workers, equal treatment for women, and a just peace in the Middle East. Early on in her work, Libby recognized the intersectionality of all forms of oppression.
In the course of a conversation she might say, “When I went to the World Youth Festival in East Germany…” or “When I hosted Jane Fonda for the Peace Center…” or “That was on my second delegation to the Middle East…” or “Did I tell you about how I helped Pete Seeger change the lyrics to the Hammer song?”
I wondered how Libby came to spend her life working on these issues. How did she come to travel the world in pursuit of a more just global society? Libby was sharing one of these anecdotes with me over lunch at the Trolley Car Diner in Mt, Airy (now closed) when I said, “I’d like to write your story.” That was in 2013. Now the book is written and the world is ready for it.
In publishing this book, I imagine extending Libby's mentorship to all its readers. This is not just an individual odyssey, but a look at what it means to have a lifelong commitment to making the world better. Like Libby, most of us need to earn a living, maintain a household, and care for family members—in addition to any social action. Libby is a model of how to do it all. She is an unassuming hero that we can emulate in our own ways. With your help, this book will inspire people to consistently take one small action at a time; and we will all contribute to a shared legacy of leaving the world better than we found it.
What We Need & Why
After exploring various options, Libby and I have decided to “independently publish” the book. This means we will pay a professional publishing company to publish the book, ensuring that it meets publishing industry standards. The company we have selected will help us complete all aspects of the publishing process:
- Professional editing
- Book cover design
- Layout design
- ISBN number
- Digital formatting
- Distribution to retailers
- Marketing strategy to get the book known (and sold).
We have already raised some of the funds, and now only need to raise a remaining amount of $5,500 to cover this final step in the project. As a thank-you for your contribution, we will send you a digital copy of the book once it is published for all contributions of $25 and a hard copy for contributions of $50. For contributions of $100 or more we will send you an autographed copy of the book.
Who Is Libby Frank?
Libby Frank had her first paid job in peace work as Director of the Bergen County Peace Center in NJ (1969-1973). Her next peace job was as Executive Director of the U.S. section of WILPF (1981-1986). Prior to that, she held a variety of leadership positions such as chair of the WILPF Childhood Education Committee (1965-1969), founder and chair of the WILPF Middle East Committee (1973-1981), and leader of the WILPF Middle East Delegation (1978). As a result of her peace and justice work, Libby Frank, has been the subject of television, radio, and news articles over her decades of activism. She has delivered countless speeches around the country and globally on the topics of peace, justice, and the Middle East.
Who Is Heather Shafter?
I completed two internships with WILPF (U.S. National Office and France National Office) and participated in the local Philadelphia chapter for many years afterwards. During that time, I had a term as branch Coordinator and Membership Coordinator. I currently work as the COO of BRODY Professional Development, a communication skills training company.
In the course of writing this book, I was credited for my editorial contributions to 2 published books: Impact: Presentations That Get Results by Marjorie Brody, and the Young Adult novel The Prophetess by Evonne Marzouk. I will also be listed as co-author on a memoir that is currently signed with a publisher and scheduled for publication in 2023.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you are not able to contribute financially, you can still help. Small acts multiplied by many people transform the world!
- Tell people you know about this campaign
- Like the book’s page on Facebook
- Invite your friends to Like the book’s page on Facebook
- Share your own struggles for peace and justice to inspire others—we will include inspiring stories in the epilogue and/or our social media.
Thank you for your support!
Libby Frank and Heather Shafter