Our nation’s animal shelters are in crisis. For the last three years, the number of dogs being euthanized has dramatically risen and something has to change.
Who Will Let the Dogs Out is a nonprofit organization with a mission to raise awareness and resources for homeless dogs and the heroes who fight for them.
First, we listened and learned. Over the course of 150 visits to shelters and rescues in 13 states, we’ve learned a lot. This book draws from those experiences and conversations with hundreds of Animal Control Officers, Shelter and Rescue directors, advocates, veterinarians, and volunteers. We’ve met thousands of animals in dog pounds and million-dollar shelters. We’ve seen the struggle and the heartbreak. It’s time to offer solutions.
We know change is possible. Instead of looking at what we don’t have, let’s focus on what we do have. We have people passionately committed to saving lives. We have communities that do not want animals to be neglected or destroyed. We have families in search of healthy and happy dogs. But the most important resource we have is our own creativity, our connections within our own communities, and our ability to change.
So, we wrote a book. Who Will Let the Dogs Out: Stories and Solutions for Shelters and Rescues is a book about hands-on solutions for shelters and the reverberating impact of individuals. For many, it’s a primer on what is happening and an invitation to get involved. But for the shelters, it’s a blueprint for creating a shelter that provides shelter in the truest sense of the word, and serves as an important community resource. It’s about saving the dogs, but also about saving the people who have struggled too long without the resources and support they need.
The book is full of stories of shelters who have found solid ways to save the dogs in their care. It shares ideas for leadership, veterinary access, and community engagement—the three things we believe are critical if we want to solve our current crisis.
We made a goal. We want to put copies of this book into the hands of the people on the front lines of the shelter and rescue crisis and give them the ideas and inspiration to change the story.
You can help us reach that goal. We estimate we need to raise $15,000 to print and mail copies of the book to any shelter or rescue who would like a copy.
Already we’ve invested over $5000 in editing and design work to make this book inviting, engaging, accessible, and we think, beautiful.
Choose a Perk.
- Buy a book/s for yourself.
- Buy a book/s to have sent to a shelter. You can pick the shelter you’d like to receive the book/s you purchase or we can choose one of our shelter or rescue partners.
- Buy a book for yourself AND have a book/s sent to a shelter in any quantity.
- Pick from our many perks, including a 3-night stay in a dog-friendly rental!
- Donate to support this project and expand our reach.
We will use funds wisely. Everything we raise as a part of this campaign will go toward printing and mailing books. The more we raise, the more books we can distribute to the thousands of shelters and rescues who can use them.
We will change sheltering together. We’ll use this book as a platform to start a new conversation about how we create sustainable shelters where dogs can heal and move on to better lives. And where pet owners can come to find support, resources, training, and a community focused on caring for the animals in their midst.
We believe that TOGETHER we can let the dogs out.