"#1 GRAYEYE ORIGINS" is a 80+ story pages graphic novel & the first book of the WILD VOID universe. In addition to the story it will contain several pages of bonus material (concept arts, lore etc.). It'll be printed as a very high quality paperback.
Explore a post-apocalyptic sci-fi world through freelancer & former detective Gunnar. If you like Blade Runner, Escape from New York, Blade, Riddick & Mad Max this is for you!
The retro style & vibrant colors combined with themes such as detective work & mecha make this book a truly unique mixture you don't want to miss.
Being a unicorn in terms of style & themes is great, but we see our main strength in worldbuilding, character development & story telling & thus creating a completely immersive experience.
SHIPPING (tracked & in boxes!):
- US ≈ 12 USD
- Europe 10 EUR
- Rest of the World ≈ 19 USD
WARNING: Indiegogo has added an automatic tip feature to their checkout. For now it seems that we as creators cannot opt out of it. To only pay the prices listed here (items + shipping), just set the Indiegogo tip amount to zero.
You can read the 20+ story pages fully colored & lettered Preview Book here on FlipHTML5.
classic cover
exclusive line-art version - won't be available again!
exclusive Retrowave version - won't be available again!
Get a taste of this unique mixture and take a look at the 20+ pages preview book at the bottom of the campaign.
**Order until October 31st for the rewards above**
proportions are not shown correctly - please read the sizes. Poster frames are not included in the scope of delivery & are purely for better representation.
Below you can take a closer look at some bundle items
#3 - Songs will be added to the cassette but also available for everyone on YouTube.
#2 Stretch Goal - Realistic Gunnar Poster
I'm Alex, the creator of the Wild Void universe & the writer of the novel. Although this is my first graphic novel, I am not new to story writing & world building. I'm also game designer & developer & have been working over 4 years now on a game with its own huge fantasy world & hundreds of characters.
And that's where I met our artist Luka Brico, who is now also working with me on Wild Void. Luka & I are very excited to put this unicorn of books into your hands. You can check out Luca's incredible portfolio here https://www.artstation.com/luka_brico
Another part of the team is Tyler, the composer of the Wild Void OST. I also worked with him several times before. You can check out his great portfolio here https://tylerzanemusic.com/
Yes, exactly what you think - these badass pictures fit the campaign! xD
If we get this campaign to the first stretch goal I (Alex) will challenge myself against our main protagonist Gunnar!
How? Well, when this campaign is over I'll try to be in the same shape as the badass fictional character I created. YES, this guy below. I'll be the most ripped creator. If we manage to hit 30k I'll reveal my final shape & you can decide who the REAL badass is!
So, for you guys, the community, It's not long before Christmas & Holidays. Take this chance and join me on a WILD "Road to badass shape". To spur you on I will give away one "Most Wanted Bundle". All you have to do is send me an image of yourself working out & sweating as if you just took a shower! Send it to wildvoidnovel@gmail.com.
Apart from the end of the world there is only one risk, and that is a delay due to unforeseeable reasons.
We try to minimize that by considering common issues for our delivery date already. But there is no way you won't get this book. Luka is a full-time artist & super consistent & we already finished 20+ pages so we have a good understanding on how long it will take to finish the whole book.
As a developer of a game with a community of several thousand people I always delivered what was promised, communicated clearly during the whole process & if any issues occurred shared them with full transparency.
Although this is my first graphic novel, it's not my first project / business venture. I worked very hard the last several years & I'll continue to do so to keep my good reputation.
Our funding goal is the minimum amount of money we need to finish the book & deliver your orders. On first glance it might appear quite high, but we are professionals & only offer what is feasible. This is why we can say with confidence, that there is no way you are not getting this book, as soon as it gets funded. Also keep in mind that all funds include shipping, fees, taxes & of course manufacturing costs so only a portion of it can actually be used to complete the book.
You can read the 20+ story pages fully colored & lettered Preview Book here on FlipHTML5.
Review of the preview book by Zak Webber /sci-fi comic nexus:
"Wild Void by writer Alexander "Timberwolf" Paul and artist Luka Brico is a lone gun drama with a hint of mystery, brought to life with some truly captivating artwork. Brico has an offbeat, almost nostalgic 70s style and an adept use of colour, creating some vibrantly surreal images." - full review here
Review of preview book by Megan Leigh / The Noob Reviews:
SMASH that SUBSCRIBE button & hit the bell on our YouTube channel for
- more future updates
- livestreams (e.g. working on the novel & Give Aways)
- & "How to Videos" based on my experience
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WEBSITE: https://wild-void.com
FINAL MESSAGE from this sweet lady