Short Summary
Buck Lee Productions is driven to create new works that give voice to women and marginalized voices, and a platform on which to be heard.
Kosmic Joke: Killing Time is a 6-person, all female cast, with a female director/set-designer/costume-designer. Meet out actors here!
By taking on so many tasks to mount this production ourselves, our cast and crew are galvanized to make this production affordable - without compromising our mission to create the work we want to do that will also contribute to a larger discussion of women in society.
Beyond that, we simply want to tell a good story. By using themes of science fiction, and placing our story in a bleak future alongside a message hope, we hope to abstract a cautionary tale that our audience here and now can digest to form new solutions for our global future.
What We Need & What You Get
Our sustainably-minded production is simple by design, and just needs a little help getting to the night of our performance, fully dressed.
- Each actor will be paid a one-time $100 stipend, for a total cost of $600. With all of our actors commuting from out of town, this helps offset their travel expenses.
- Set costs: $200
- Photography costs: $80
- Marketing costs: $40
- Costume costs: $30
Total: $950
We will receive a third of ticket sales ($15 divided by 3 = $5) for a house with 70 seats. If we fill the house, we will receive the $350 remaining, so we are crowdfunding for the $600 needed to break even.
Check out our rewards list for how we want to care for your contributions!
The Impact
- We are excited about the possibility of creating new roles for women in theatre that are exciting, challenging, and distinct from other roles available.
- We are thrilled to be challenging our Boulder community, which has now become the home of a new Google campus, with our themes of net neutrality and women in tech.
- Buck Lee Productions will also be producing a new show in the Spring, and we plan to continue developing new work that makes waves.
- We deeply want to be in dialogue with our community, and we want to be held accountable for the work we do - we are always open to transparency and communication. Get in touch with us!
Risks & Challenges
Our world premiere is a one-night only performance, and we may not sell out the house, and not break even with our budget, but that's okay!
Killing Time needs this budget to get to our world premiere, but once we create this performance, we will be able to take our production to a smaller venue, the Nomad to continue running.
- Because Killing Time is a short play, this production will enable us to create follow-up pieces that we can serially release next season, to create the full play in 3 parts.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- if you are an artist, or someone who is just interested in the creative process, we welcome you to come to our rehearsals!
- if you live in Boulder, or will be visiting on January 31st, 2018, please join us in the audience!
- To be involved in future Buck Lee Productions, get in touch with us at
Thank you!