Dear potential investors,
This particular project takes me back to my childhood when I was trying to explain how the air condition system works.Very interesting point is that people buy it only when they feel hot,or cold at winter...
Now,we all take our shower every morning,lunch or at the night time,before going to sleep.We do it to be clean and fresh,so it means that people buy shower rooms or bath systems when they want to prevent them-selves from being dirty...
I have always dreamed about having this quick refreshing 2-3 minute douche,without getting wet,but it was all a dream...
Until one day when I started to draw a project of the WORLDS FIRST AIR DOUCHE SYSTEM,which uses special antibacterial-ionic air flow.
Just imagine that you are in your office,and there is a meeting in 20 minutes.
You have had a few today,and they where very important,so of course you sweated.
Or if you woke up late,and there is nothing more urgent,than to take a coffee,shower,your papers and head to your working place.
Or maybe you woke up one lazy Sunday morning,and you really don't want to touch your hair with a water,because you just don't feel like it...
Some people just like to stay in shower for hours and hours,sing a song,or think about life.
I have the solution.
I would like to collaborate with a company named Dyson,but to create my real project,and make it work in all senses,I need to raise 1,000,000 $
This would be a perfect gadget for more than 74% of the population on planet earth.
As we are in 2013,we do not really care about some regular things that we have at our houses,like for example the microwave,or television,radio,fridge...but think about it carefully.Ask yourself a question,could you live without those things?
100 years ago people could do without them,but its very hard to imagine our society without it nowadays...face it,it's true.
Innovations are coming to our world every day,but they do not gain attention from the people.
Money raised for this project will be spent with "brain",including PR campaigns,manufacturing the system,developing better and more compact versions for different surroundings.
We all have a coin,or two,and we all know that one dollar will not hurt your budget.
Some people are able to give more,and it is very generous if they do so.
What I propose you,is to participate in something totally new,participate in something what could become so common like your fridge,or your TV,or your brand new hi-fi system.
*Air douche works by the principe of super-fast controlled air stream,which will be coming from 12 different sides.
*User can control the speed,temperature,style and ratio of the air
*Different modes are available,such as:
-Refreshing mode
-Cleaning mode
-Anti-sweat mode
*Compact size,adjustable to your hight for more pleasure
*Air stream contains ionic air with antibacterial effect,to make you feel even more fresh than ever!
And the last thing that I have to say is that the hope dies last...
Thank you very much for your time,and I hope to hear from you soon.
You can also contact me on for further questions.
Sincerely yours Andrey Kudimov