Let’s Do It! World Cleanup happening world-wide and in ONE DAY - also in your country!
With your kind help we can build up teams in all the countries in the world to organise the biggest civic action in human history - a World Cleanup Day on the 8th of September 2018.
Your donation will make sure we find and train capable leaders in every country - including your country! We have unique experience mobilizing a big number of people – having involved ca 14 million people already!
Imagine in 2018, a powerful “green wave” starting in Japan and ending in Hawaii with hundreds of millions of people taking positive action together on the same day.
Our ultimate goal is a clean world, and we have a plan consisting of four big steps:
Then, using technology, the best professionals, and our worldwide volunteer base, we will map the world’s waste.
And finally, together with organizations, experts, and visionaries around the world we will create a plan to stop the waste problem once and for all. We can keep our planet clean, but only if we do it together.
Let’s Do It! is a civic-led mass movement that began in Estonia in 2008 when 50,000 people united together to clean up the entire country (10,000 tonnes of waste) in just five hours. Since then, we have spread this model—one country in one day—around the world. To date, 112 countries and almost 14 million people have joined us and cleaned up more than 500,000 tonnes of illegal waste.
Why are we doing this?
Did you know that every year 20 million tons of garbage is added to our oceans, 80% of it from mainland waste. That’s like dumping over 710,000 Boeing 737 airplanes into the ocean…each year.
The fact is, waste has a nasty little habit of not staying in one place. As trash begins to decompose, harmful chemicals and toxins begin to leak. First into the soil, then it spreads into the water and air– the very things that all living things depend on for a healthy life. Dirty drinking water, the spread of diseases, red-flag air pollution days… these are all related to the waste we produce.
We need to do something about it, because waste is a worldwide problem and knows no borders.
Why we need your help?
If you share our dream of a Clean World, and wish to see the plan succeed, then support us and make a donation for the World Cleanup Day 2018.
Your Support Will Help to Find & Train Over 150 Leaders Who Will Clean Up Their Countries in Just One Day - 8 September 2018
If we really want a clean world and live to see it, we need your help. Let’s Do It! has never been only about waste. It’s about people. This is why it makes a lot of sense to kickstart the whole ambitious plan together with people like you. We have a plan and we have gathered enough experience to make it happen, but to raise the bar and unite 150 countries for a one massive civic action. Raising 150 000 € (ca $162 000) will be our seed money to make Let’s Do It! blossom around the world.
We’ve invested 43,5 million hours of voluntary work to build teams, plan logistics, organise cleanups, etc. Every 100 € (ca 109 USD) raised helps to bring five new volunteers to a cleanup day.
We need the funds to carry out every step of our plan. Even if we do not raise as much as planned here in Indiegogo (but we trust you, guys!), we will keep working our asses off, so that the trash problem would not come and bite you in the butt. But let’s be honest here, your help will make us meet the goals much faster.
Our dedicated staff and volunteers are responsible for seeking out inspiring leaders across the globe, and supporting new and existing teams in their efforts to organize and lead teams of change-makers in their respective countries.
If you are experiencing difficulties with payment (we are truly sorry!) you can become a supporter of World Cleanup Day 2018, by making a transfer to our bank account in Estonia. We'll make sure it will be transferred to this Indiegogo campaign:
Account details: Swedbank
Name of the Owner of the Account: Lets Do It Foundation
IBAN: EE65 2200 2210 5275 4853
By pushing "Contribute now" you can make a donation:
1) via credit card; or
2) using your PayPal account.
Our lasting gratitude for supporting the cause and good feeling from helping to clean up the world from waste. You will join the community of millions of people with your own unique and personal number. As a part of the #iam380million, you get your very own identification, starting from the 14 500 000 volunteers who have participated in Let's Do It campaigns up to date.
Good feeling, lasting gratitude and a specially designed social media token to share and show yourself as a supporter of the Clean World plus your own unique and personal number as an indication of being a part of a Let's Do It! community #iam380million
Our team members from around the world will send you a handwritten postcard with Clean World greetings. Imagine getting a postcard from Lapland, or from Siberia – or from the Philippines, Iceland or Kenya! Each of them unique and one of the kind. You will naturally also receive the “The Feel-Good Contributor" package.
Since caring about the environment we live in is the most humane thing to do, you will receive your own copy of the book
“Human: Instructions for Use” (Operating guide to a healthy body). The book brings up shocking questions, revealing the adversity of such seemingly harmless items as chairs, tables, toothbrushes, sitting toilets, shoes, calendars, etc. and exposes a number of crippling cultural norms that are blindly upheld only because they are so widely accepted.
You will naturally also receive the “The Feel-Good Contributor" package.
You will be awarded with a copy of the documentary film “Let’s do it!” (Taiga Film) that will be released in 2016, covering the efforts of Let's Do It! activists to clean up the Mediterranean Sea.
You will naturally also receive the “The Feel-Good Contributor" package.
For a do-gooder like you, we’d like to give you a gift of music. You will get a special collection from our partner, a Grammy awarded band Monsieur Periné, who are true civic activists and love what Let's Do It! is all about!
You will also receive the “The Feel-Good Contributor" package.
You’re a true change maker and only deserve walking around and being awesome in designer up-cycled T-shirts. You will receive the original UpShirt® by eco-designer Reet Aus. Reet Aus’ UpShirt® is a Tee with the smallest environmental footprint in the World. It’s made 100% out of industrial textile leftovers with no virgin materials used. By wearing the UpShirt®, you are part of saving 77% of water, 93% of energy and avoiding 89% of CO2 emission compared to any conventional cotton T-shirt. You can choose women's (sizes XS, S, M, L, XL) or men's (sizes S, M, L, XL or XXL). How cool is that?
You will naturally also receive the “The Feel-Good Contributor" package and an album from Monsieur Periné to give your walk a jazzy touch!
Wow! You really deserve to be noticed, and two thousand hugs! You will be listed on our web page as one of the supporters of Let’s Do It! World and get to wear the original UpShirt® by eco-designer Reet Aus. Reet Aus’ UpShirt® is a Tee with the smallest environmental footprint in the World. By wearing the UpShirt®, you are part of saving 77% of water, 93% of energy and avoiding 89% of CO2 emission compared to any conventional cotton T-shirt.
Welcome on board! You are invited to Estonia, the birth country of Let’s Do It! and attend the Let’s Do It! Day of Civic Actions on May 7th 2016. We will treat you like the Clean World Captain you are, covering your accommodation, activities and meals. We will make sure you get a true local experience together with our Let’s Do It! World management team. Ever dreamed about white nights, a real sauna experience or want to see if WiFi works in the forest – we will plan a visit together with you, which you will never forget.
Our experience from many countries has shown we can bring real change, and fast, if a massive amount of people are mobilized for one positive cause. It’s all about ambition, action, cooperation and positivity.
Active people in many countries have joined to clean up their countries in one day. In Latvia (210,000), Lithuania (250,000), Portugal (100,000), Slovenia (270,000), Romania (250,000), Albania (147,000), Hungary (200,000), Bulgaria (375,000), Ukraine (500,000), India (54,000), the Philippines (28,000) and in many other countries massive Let’s Do It! cleanups for a clean planet have been taking place.
Success stories
A real change has already happened in Slovenia. The same Let’s Do It! volunteers who cleaned up Slovenia are now leading the change to make Ljubljana the first capital city of Europe to be Zero Waste. Other municipalities and regions have already joined the plan to stop the waste and to start seeing materials as resources. Today, country-wide cleanup campaigns are no longer even necessary.
In Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the cleanups have been so successful in bringing people together, that the tradition still persists. Even though there is no longer the need to mobilize such a massive amount of people to clean up litter. It’s now about celebrating civic activism and doing any kind of community work together.
According to the 2016 Environmental Performance Index, which
ranks 180 countries on how they protect human health and ecosystems, Estonia is
the eighth most environmentally friendly country on Earth. That’s a huge leap –
from 10 000 tonnes of waste in nature to one of the most environmentally friendly
countries on Earth. Slovenia ranks number five in the same category.
In many countries, Let’s Do It! has grown so fast, that it has created a new culture of civic activism and volunteering that was no longer there. Read about some of
our success stories here.
Risks & Challenges
The idea of cleaning the world in one day might sound crazy, maybe even impossible, but we have the plan and we have had some amazing success stories, and some hard core experience. This is our foundation for a plan in which we truly believe in.
Our biggest risk is not finding the right people in time to lead country-wide cleanup actions. This is why every donation you make will be invested in finding and training these leaders, who really have it in them to make it happen. It’s the people who get things done!
Other Ways You Can Help
We believe in the dream of a Clean World. We are driven to find new solutions and bring great ideas to life, together with you. Show your support by spreading the word among your friends, colleagues and others in your contact network.
Together, we can make it happen! You can also help by becoming our partner or help us to find new partners (write to partners@letsdoitworld.org to get in touch).We welcome everyone to join our team and help us to become better. It’s a great way to do more, be more. If you’re interested in joining our international team or contacting a team in your country, check out our website for more information: www.letsdoitworld.org
Do It! is one of the world's fastest growing civic movements; born in Estonia
in 2008 it now unites 112 countries all over the world. The goal of this
grassroots worldwide network is to initiate positive change at a local and
global level, working towards a clean, healthy and waste-free world. I am
confident about the movement´s success.“
"This project is changing the world. People from over 112 countries are becoming engaged, educated and passionate toward the world's one common problem: waste. Let's do it! has changed lives, improved communities and inspired people to make a lasting difference. It's a revolution."
Watch Luke's TEDx talk
"Introduced in 2012 to Let’s Do It! World by a Meridian International Center alumna of the U.S. Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), I have watched this amazing initiative to clean up the world’s waste grow from a seedling to a full fledged tree with branches reaching out around the world. At Meridian International Center, our work with international visitors through the IVLP strives to achieve the same reach through programs of global importance. We are happy to join with the World Clean-Up Initiative and we encourage our IVLP alumni to join us as team leaders to clean up the world’s waste on one glorious day of service to our respective communities. Let’s Do It! World!"