“Truth Has Fallen” is a 60-minute animated/live action documentary about people wrongfully convicted of murder and the weaknesses in the US justice system.
I'm a citizen of the world who wants to tell a story for the world, the city is my stage, my clay puppets are the actors and my inspiration is the streets.
The FAN project's aim is to build an international database of arts-based lessons for creative students. We will build 25,000+ course websites for art teachers.
Your money will fund these historic actions at the political conventions as we launch our nonviolent strategy to force leaders to address climate change NOW!
SpongeBob SquarePants creator, Steve Hillenburg was a student of Jules Engel's: "He was the most influential artistic person in my life..my 'Art Dad'." [abbrev]
“Truth Has Fallen” is a 60-minute animated/live action documentary about people wrongfully convicted of murder and the weaknesses in the US justice system.