A feature documentary animated film based on the book 'Planting Seeds: Practicing Mindfulness with Children' by Thich Nhat Hanh & the Plum Village Community
From bigotry to empathy, this is the true story of a conservative Christian attempting to find the answers. And it all begins with two words. "I'm Gay."
Members of the ex-Inside Xbox crew are developing a multi-platform gaming show that surpasses everything that we’ve done before. And we need your help.
In July 2012, One World Youth Project (nonprofit) will host student leaders from the University of Guyana for our Summer Training Conference in Kosovo.
Short film set a year into the zombie apocalypse in London. A woman is in her car in a multi-story car park but she soon finds herself surrounded by zombies...
I'm trying to raise $20k to donate half to the National Wildlife Federation (for the bears), and half to the American Cancer Society (because cancer is shitty).
In the form of an episodic web video series, we will attempt to examine how males are portrayed in video games and why said portrayals can be damaging.
Max Started the campaign that turned into a landslide of support for Karen Huff Klein and against bullying.. I feel Max deserves a small reward himself?...*
Lunch around my office is ~$10 if you include a soda or something, so $500 would cover me for quite some time. I'd ask for less but Indiegogo's minimum is $500.