We've added a ball joint in CyberFrog's neck, double jointed elbows, and a bicep pivot! All at YOUR request! Big improvements!
We've been on a nice winning streak with ALL CAPS COMICS campaigns lately. The success of our comics is undisputed, with CYBERFROG: BLOODHONEY, CYBERFROG 2: REKT PLANET and CYBERFROG: WARTS AND ALL breaking crowdfunded comics records.
If you haven't read them yet, you can purchase them and other ALL CAPS COMICS merch at our eBay store, here: https://www.ebay.com/sch/cyberfrog9/m.html?_nkw...![]()
Our customers love our comics, and we love you! It feels like a good time to take a great big step together! I've been working on a line of high quality action figures for the last year, and we're ready to go to production.
Well, we're ready to go to production if I can get your support!
These action figures that I've got cookin' are fantastic. They're competitive with anything you might find on store shelves right now. They're 1/12 scale, like Hasbro's MARVEL LEGENDS toys. They're highly detailed, beautifully painted, and are super articulated! With your help, I can make this dream a reality!
Can I pitch them to you, for your consideration?
Modern CYBERFROG Action Figure!
Our hero, TRIKK RHAN, as he appears in the current CYBERFROG graphic novel series! Ambassador of Pyrdani, PROTECTOR OF EARTH!
Our Frog is super posable, for lots of action and great display possibilities! Even his toes are individually articulated!
- Inter-changeable head (no movement)
- Shoulder rotate/pivot
- 2 pcs elbow joint
- Wrist pivot/hinge joint
- Torso pivot
- “T” pivot hip joints
- Thigh pivot
- 3 pcs knee joint
- Calf pivot
- Ankle pivot/hinge joint
- Toes pivot
If this campaign surpasses our funding goal, we're going to improve your Modern CyberFrog Action figure!
At $400,000, we'll be funded! Let's make these toys!
Once we reach our goal, your Modern CYBERFROG will include:
And let's give your Frog an extra swap-out head with a toothy grimace! He's mad!
At $500,000, let's give your Frog a nasty Bee-Stung swap-out head! OUCH! Anyone have a bandaid?
At $550,000, let's give your Frog some FIREPOWER! And more stretch goal bonuses are on the way!
'90s CYBERFROG Action Figure!
Our hero, Trikk Rhan, as he appeared in the 1990's Harris Comics series CYBERFROG, which was recently collected as a hardcover book in the CYBERFROG: WARTS AND ALL IndieGoGo campaign!
This Frog has the same articulation as Modern CyberFrog!
- Inter-changeable head (no movement)
- Shoulder rotate/pivot
- 2 pcs elbow joint
- Wrist pivot/hinge joint
- Torso pivot
- “T” pivot hip joints
- Thigh pivot
- 3 pcs knee joint
- Calf pivot
- Ankle pivot/hinge joint
- Toes pivot
If this campaign surpasses our funding goal, we're going to improve your 90s CyberFrog Action figure!
At $400,000, we'll be funded! Let's make these toys! Your 90's CYBERFROG will include this display stand
A total of 3 sets of HANDS!
And let's give your Frog an extra swap-out head with a evil grin! Get 'em, CyberFrog!
At $500,000, let's give your Frog a swap out hand, holding a severed Vyzpzz head!
At $550,000, let's give your Frog some FIREPOWER!
HEATHER SWAIN Action Figure!
CyberFrog's pal Heather, survivor of the VYZPZZ INVASION, remembers the world the way it was, and will fight with all of her heart to raise her daughter in a world free from stinging alien parasites!
Your Heather Swain figure is extremely posable, and terrific for creating great fight scenes against the vicious VYZPZZ parasites! But I think you'll agree, she's also one of the most beautiful female action figures ever sculpted!
- Inter-changeable head ball joint
- Shoulder rotate/pivot
- 2 pcs elbow joint
- Wrist pivot/hinge joint
- Torso pivot
- “T” pivot hip joints
- Thigh pivot
- 3 pcs knee joint
- Ankle pivot joint
If this campaign surpasses our funding goal, we're going to improve your HEATHER SWAIN Action figure!
At $400,000, we'll be funded! Let's make these toys!
And once funded, let's add a nice HONEYCOMB STAND DISPLAY w/ ARTICULATED ARM for your HEATHER SWAIN!
Plus your HEATHER SWAIN a total of 3 sets of swap-out hands!
And let's give your Heather Swain this awesome war-ponytail swap out head! Don't mess with this girl!
At $500,000, on the other hand, let's give Heather a nice smile!
At $550,000, let's arm Heather to the teeth!! Here's a WEAPONS PACK for our girl!
VYZPZZ Action Figure!
A terrifying alien plague that infested and destroyed human civilization in 1998, the Vyzpzz (pronounced "Ves-piz") are vicious giant wasps that have conquered and colonized Earth. Their saliva transforms human blood into nourishing honey for their young, and melts flesh and bone into pulp for their hives. Their stings paralyze. Their exoskeletons are hard and thick. They are highly intelligent and cruel.
And there are billions of them.
Vyzpzz Articulation!
Your Vyzpzz action figure is one of the most beautifully articulated toys you'll own! You'll love creating scenes with them, especially if you pre-order more than one! Create your own SWARM!
- Ball joint neck
- Ball joint thorax
- Sting pivot abdomen
- 3 piece pivot leg x 6
- Wing pivot x 4
If this campaign surpasses our funding goal, we're going to improve your VYZPZZ Action figure!
At $400,000, we'll be funded! Let's make these toys!
Also, let's add a nice HONEYCOMB STAND DISPLAY w/ ARTICULATED ARM for your VYZPZZ Alien!
Backers who purchase either "CYBERFROG Wave 1! SET of FOUR" OR "TWO Complete Sets of 4 Toys" will unlock this exclusive VARIANT HEATHER SWAIN ACTION FIGURE option at Check Out! You'll be able to ADD ON your VARIANT HEATHER SWAIN for an additional $40!
She will come complete with all of the accessories and swap outs that this campaign may unlock!
If this campaign over performs beyond our wildest dreams, past $900,000, we will add new bonuses to all of these toys! A flame-thrower for Heather? RumbleBee's Laser Wings for CyberFrog? DeathFly's Amulet for 90's CyberFrog? All possibilities!
Also, we'll unlock the possibility of a bonus comic book or trading card packs for each of these figures! We're ready to make this an even BETTER deal for our backers!
Note about shipping and VAT tax to UK and Europe: We absolutely hate this, but we must add a 20% charge of the total purchase to your order, through the shipping costs in order to be compliant and sell from the United States to our European friends. You'll find that charge at check out. Taxation is theft. Sorry.