Howdy , my name is Clint ! My brother and I were raised on a ranch in Texas . We had a nice place and raised some of the best beef in the country . My dad and granddad were well known for the quality of cattle we raised . A few years ago we lost our youngest brother to a horse accident . He didn't show up on time so we went looking and found him laid out in bad shape . He was care flighted to the hospital where he spent thirty nine days there , most of that in ICU . We brought him home an invalid and gave him the best care possible for four and a half years . It was a sad day when he passed . Between large hospital bills and the drought , we had to sell our ranch to cover all the accumulated bills . After the loss of our brother and our land we wanted a change of scenery so what was left of my family , Mom , me and Seth ,moved to Montana for a fresh start . We weren't sure what we wanted to do but quickly realized ranching was in our blood ! Seth joined the army , something he had wanted to for years but just couldn't be spared while we tried to save our ranch . Mom is a great support to us and is of course a welcomed part of this deal and also helping put money in the bank ! Me , I couldn't be happy away from horses and cow and soon had a job on a large ranch .
We live frugally and save as much as we can . Ranches are expensive and I know with what I have learned through the years of running our place in Texas and what I have learned here at the ranch I work on , that that we can be successful and once again raise beef that will melt in your mouth . All we are looking for is a start , to acquire a good productive piece of land with the potential for raising top quality beef . We have some money saved but without a proper start with help from your donations the reality of producing high quality beef is a far distance dream . To be able to have our own place and raise the type of cattle the way we see is best is what we have worked for since we were young'uns. For me and my brother it is a life we know that we both love . We know it means being out in freezing weather , hot weather , up all night to make sure the cows are calving alright , and a hundred other things , that we might be crazy knowing they have to be done , but the satisfaction is the reward of being on the land , among the cows , to see calves running and bucking . It is worth it to us .
For me to be out on the land as darkness fades and the earth awakens , to see color in the sky and hear the silence give way to nature is the most special time of day . We could work for others and be satisfied as others are but not us . To be responsible for for the land and the animals is the challenge and joy in our lives . Seth had been in the Army for three months when he called and said " I'm glad I'm doing this . I'm enjoying it but I am a rancher and when my time is up I am coming home to a ranch . "
We have looked at ranches around and have found one that we think fits us and what we wish to accomplish the best . Land is expensive and so is the cow market . All money raised is going directly to the purchase of land and cattle with a few pieces of necessary equipment . We know how to make do with a little and that is part of the fun and challenge of building a persons dream , to get a start and build from there !
A lot of people raise beef , this is true . What sets us apart ? We plan on raising beef to supply locally . To have people buy from us an animal that they know where it was raised , how it was raised and know it will feed and nourish them while at the same time be the highest quality , best tasting steak and burger they can sink their teeth into ! Also be supporting the local economy at the same time !
Even if we don't reach our goal in the allotted time the funds we do receive will get us closer to our ranch becoming a reality . They won't be touched until they are put as payment on a piece of property and livestock .
There are a few companies that offer good steak online . They offer a taste of what we are looking to produce !
We need all the help we can get from people like you for the start we are looking to get . Even if you can't contribute to our request we thank you for being interested . You can help us still , by helping spread the word as far and wide as possible ! The more people that help get the word out the more successful we could be . Thank you all for helping in any way you are able .