Educational Services has been supporting agricultural
entrepreneurialism in Haiti to the benefit of many Haitian families.
It became personal after several team members survived the earthquake side by side with millions of shaken Haitians. Their request was help creating jobs in agriculture and help selling Haitian coffee. The once famous Haitian coffee industry was in ruins and its great taste was lost to the world.
Now we have a chance to replant, re-educate and rebuild this once famous industry bringing back a vital livelihood to family farmers and reforesting the hillsides with trees that will change lives.
A seed planted today yields coffee in two years
Working in collaboration with
Makouti Agro Entreprise,
Partners of the Americas' Farmer to Farmer program and
Haiti Coffee, our goal is to plant 250,000 seedlings over the next 5 years.
We currently are planting 25,000 seedlings in 10 locations at a start up cost of $4 per tree.
Each tree is estimated to produce a net profit of $1 in its first harvest two years from now and more in subsequent years. Not only is this vital to the environment, but to the livelihoods of the coffee producing families who are wrestling against climate change, coffee beetles, coffee rust, deforestation and a lack of capital to replant. Your assistance can make all the difference.
Haiti once produced 50% of the world's coffee
It's hard to imagine that political strife, embargoes, deforestation and climate change could take that away from us. Image what that means to those whose livelihood depended on those trees. In the 1940's coffee made up 40% of Haiti's GDP. Replanting coffee will once again have a huge impact but it has to start with planting the seeds and re-educating the industry. Haitian coffee has the potential. It closely resembles Jamaican Mountain Blue. And yes, we are planting the Blue Mountain Varietal.
Other Ways You Can Help
- Help us spread the word about our campaign and about Haitian coffee
- Follow our progress on Facebook
- The more people hear about Haitian coffee the more people will ask for it at their local coffee shop
- Close the loop from farm to cup by visiting HaitiCoffee.com and try it. It's awesome!