My name is Joanna Peders, I'm 22, and in May 2016 I graduated from Roanoke College with a psychology and creative writing double major and a Spanish minor. I love cows, owls, cats, and bees, the color green, dancing, and working with kids.
Oh, and I love India.
That's how this whole thing got started. Sorta. Let's rewind to a year ago when I was about to enter my senior year of college, when I thought I was going to be headed to Bangladesh on a Fulbright or to a Spanish-speaking country with the Peace Corps. Neither of those things happened because I was not chosen for either program.
That brings us to spring break where we find me confused, directionless, frustrated, and very, very upset. And we all know that when you go home on breaks there is only one topic of conversation, What are you going to do after you graduate? Thankfully, as I dished to one of my mentors at church that my two sure fire plans had failed me, she gave me the email address of someone she knew in India who might be willing to give me some purpose after I graduated.
India. She said India.
If you know anything about me, you have probably heard something about India come out of my mouth as some point--about Bollywoods, about my trip during school, about dancing, about the food. India was a place I dreamed of living in, but I had no idea how to get there.
And now some Sunday during spring break I was simply being handed an opportunity to return to the land of my dreams. Slightly disbelieving and suspicious of something that wasn't an "official program" like the Fulbright or Peace Corps, I sent an email.
Heeeeeeey. My name is Joanna Peders and I'm a soon-to-be college graduate with no solid plans, so would you like me to spend nine months living in your house, so I can experience life actually as it's lived in India? HMU if you're down.
Or something like that. A few weeks later I had my reply.
AAAAAYYYYYYEEE. We would totally love to have you crash in our house, and because living in India is just a vacation if you're not really doing something, would you be diggity-down to helping out at the school we're affiliated with? kthxbai
Or something like that. The next few months unrolled a very messy plan for me to stay in Chhatarpur for nine months and live as close to the real life of an Indian as I could. Because let's be real, how can you experience another country really if you don't put down roots (even if they're temporary roots for nine months) and live there? Especially in a country like India that is so vastly diverse and has such a long and rich history that I will spend my entire life trying to learn all of it.
*Fast forward noises* Now we're back in today a few minutes since you first started reading this. It's August, and I'm supposed to be leaving in about a week. Blame it on a weak character, procrastination, a busy schedule, anxiety, whatever you want, but I am late in getting this fundraiser kicked off. Please forgive me this once and still consider giving despite the timetable.
What do I need the money for exactly?
- $2700 - amount to live on in India as recommended by my contact at the school ($300 a month for 9 months)
- Includes clothing, food, transportation, communication, etc. But not housing (housing will be provided).
- $200 - the cost of the visa (and the passport photos, shipping, etc.)
- $1446.85 - the cost of my plane tickets (to be amended to the exact amount once I know it)
- $300 - the cost of supplies
- Includes sunscreen, bug spray, toiletries, etc.
***Thank you, Dad, for already covering the cost of my student loans
Everyone who donates will receive an email detailing exactly what their donation paid for.
What can you do?
- Monetarily
- I'm offering the following donation levels, and you can choose to either donate based on what reward you would like (for example, $50 for a crocheted scarf) or to cover one of the above needs (for example, a month of expenses at $300):
- $1 - If you can't give much, but still want to help out this is an option for you. As a reward for your good intentions, your name will appear on the back of my trip t-shirt.
- $2-$5 - An equally inexpensive option, you get both your name on the back of my trip t-shirt and a poem in Poertner* form written and illustrated on a postcard by me.
- $6-$20 - Able to give a little more? That's great! I really appreciate it. You get your name on the back of my trip t-shirt and a souvenir from India (either one of your choice or something that makes me think of you). Possible souvenirs include chai, scarves, trinkets, etc.
- $21-$50 - Your generosity is greatly appreciated. In return you get your name on the back of my trip t-shirt, a poem in Poertner* form written and illustrated on a postcard by me, and a choice between a crocheted scarf or stuffed animal. **SUPPLIES LIMITED
- $51-$100 - Whoa. Thanks bunches. You're awesome. In return for this crazy generosity you get your name on the back of my trip t-shirt, a poem in Poertner* form written and illustrated on a postcard by me, a souvenir from India (either one of your choice or something that makes me think of you)--possible souvenirs include chai, scarves, trinkets, etc.--and a choice between a crocheted scarf or stuffed animal. **SUPPLIES LIMITED
- $100< - Hot diggity dog! Your generosity is beyond words. In return you get you get your name on the back of my trip t-shirt, a poem in Poertner* form written and illustrated on a postcard by me, a souvenir from India (either one of your choice or something that makes me think of you)--possible souvenirs include chai, scarves, trinkets, etc.--and a crocheted blanket.
- BUILD YOUR OWN - If the rewards I have here are not your thing or you have an idea I haven't offered, I am all for talking alternative options, including doing work, as long as they are ethical and legal. PLEASE EMAIL ME FIRST BEFORE SELECTING THIS OPTION SO WE CAN COME TO A CONSENSUS.
- Non-monetarily
- If you can't throw your dollars at me (I totally understand), but still want to throw something at me, I accept prayers, advice, encouragement, and donations of supplies.
Why should you donate?
That's an excellent question, and I probably won't give you a satisfactory answer. Why? Because this is your hard-earned cash you're parting with. I don't know what makes you open your wallet. I'm hoping it's sparkling-eyed college graduates who want to experience and help out the world in the little ways their able, but maybe that's not it. Maybe it's to get some nifty handmade things that have a lot of character. Maybe it's because you're all about adventure and taking steps into the unknown (often plummeting before you find your wings). Whatever the reason you do end up giving to me instead of buying a latte or going to see a movie or whatever this sacrifice means to you, know that I am sincerely grateful. Without this money, I'll really be scraping the bottom of my own very shallow bucket.
Whether you support monetarily or not, can sign up for updates throughout the fundraising process and my year abroad HERE:
*example illustrated Poertner and definition of the form (
*trip t-shirt mock-up
*example crocheted scarf
*example crocheted stuffed animal
*example crocheted blanket