The Gist
From the pages of ABSOLUTE. books 1 and 2 comes Samurai Priest in his first solo story! A 24 page "silent" black and white adventure during a thunderous stormy night in the realm of Pazaus. The Samurai Priest transverses the land in search of a lost relic encountering dangerous foes along his journey. Will he find what he seeks, or perish in his quest?! This issue is a true grit indie fashion comic with all traditional art (and digital sound effects).
Main cover
Art - Jason Bascom
A brief history
The Samurai Priest first appeared in ABSOLUTE. book 1. He was sent by a rogue group, known as the Tumulti, to aid and protect a duo in their quest to take back the planet from the Onvi, a villainous alien race that conquured Earth ages ago.
Interior pages
Variant cover
Art by Shelby Robertson
Sketch Cards! (while supplies last)
Signed and nunbered on the back. Only 10 available!
What We Need & What You Get
We are crowdfunding to raise funds in order to get the book printed and shipped. And, maybe pay Jason for his hard work! You get a comic that was drawn and created out of the love for the passion of cool fun books, at least we hope you think it's cool and fun!
The Impact
THE IMPACT IS HUGE!!! No, not really. If you don't back this project you won't be missing any story arcs in the ABSOLUTE. line. BUT, we hope you pick it up anyway!
Risks & Challenges
Not backing is risky! Kidding. No idea on the risk. The challenges in making this is keeping the art up to snuff since it's difficult for me to see fine details and normally rely on photoshop to draw and zoom in but this was all traditional so not much zooming was involved.
Other Ways You Can Help
Sharing out the campaign on your social media is always helpful as well as word of mouth at your local comic shop or book store! Show people the campaign on your phone, text them the website, send smoke signals...anything is appreciated!