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Amazing Adventures Multi-Genre RPG

Multi-Genre Role Playing with the SIEGE Engine! Wild west, zombie horror, sci-fi, pulp and more!

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Amazing Adventures Multi-Genre RPG

Amazing Adventures Multi-Genre RPG

Amazing Adventures Multi-Genre RPG

Amazing Adventures Multi-Genre RPG

Amazing Adventures Multi-Genre RPG

Multi-Genre Role Playing with the SIEGE Engine! Wild west, zombie horror, sci-fi, pulp and more!

Multi-Genre Role Playing with the SIEGE Engine! Wild west, zombie horror, sci-fi, pulp and more!

Multi-Genre Role Playing with the SIEGE Engine! Wild west, zombie horror, sci-fi, pulp and more!

Multi-Genre Role Playing with the SIEGE Engine! Wild west, zombie horror, sci-fi, pulp and more!

Stephen Chenault
Stephen Chenault
Stephen Chenault
Stephen Chenault
3 Campaigns |
Little Rock, United States
$21,470 USD 191 backers
429% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Run down #12: Holy Carolina! This campaign ended with a tremendous surge of support. You've unlocked both the William St. John fiction and (with a little fudge) the FoundryVTT for AA! Trollzah! From everyone here at TLG, Thank You for coming out and making sure that Amazing Adventures remains a pillar of the TLG line, a wonderful companion to Castles & Crusades and building stone for so many more things in the future! Thank you and a hearty Trollzah to you all!

We will move on the giveaway very soon! Anyone who pledged at the $50 or above perk level will have their name netered into a drawing for an autographed copy of both the 2010 Gen Con Early Preview Amazing Adventures and the 1st official printing of Amazing Adventures!


ALSO, because we've had questions about the monster book (coming soon), we are going to extend a FREE copy of the ORIGINAL Amazing Adventures Manual of Monsters (the book has sold out) PDF to all backers. And please spread the word and help us build a community on Indiegogo!

Clarification: The AA CK Guide here is not the Castles & Crusades CKG. It is the Amazing Adventures Chronicle Keeper's Guide, an ALL NEW BOOK for this fundraiser. See below for more information.

What Is Amazing Adventures?

Amazing Adventures is the SIEGE Engine multi-genre table top Role Playing Game that allows you to engage in any kind of adventure, in any genre or story style you like! Whether your thing is 1930s pulp adventure, far-future space opera and planetary romance, modern urban fantasy, wild west gunslinging, or swashbuckling 16th century heroics, you'll find all the tools you need in the Amazing Adventures Role Playing Game! Complete rules to create and run games, character creation, combat, secret societies, a rogue's gallery and an attribute check system that allows the game master and player to pummel any challenge to a pulp!

It is fully compatible with Castles & Crusades the SIEGE Engine Fantasy RPG.

Now, we invite you to join us in bringing to your table the latest iteration of Amazing Adventures, in all its true multi-genre glory, to the SIEGE Engine rules system. Within its pages you’ll find:

  • Brand new character classes, and classic classes tweaked to work with a modern rules engine, including: the spell-slinging Arcanist; the Gadgeteer or Powered (super-science or mutation-based powers); the super-sleuth Investigator; the hardened Demon Hunter; the rough-and-tumble, stealthy Hooligan; the psionic Mentalist; the down-and-dirty Pugilist; the rapid-fire Gunslinger; the blades-flashing Duelist; the deadeye shot Zen Archer; the adventuring treasure-hunter Raider; the Socialite, who always has the perfect resources for the situation at hand, and others!  
  • Complete vehicle combat rules, plus statistics for a range of vehicles from standard passenger cars to modern jet fighters and beyond.
  • Firearms rules, designed for exciting modern combat, along with over 150 individual types of firearms fully statted out and described for your game!
  • A complete SIEGE Engine psionics system, thoroughly tested for compatibility with the existing rules.
  • Backgrounds, Knowledge Skills, Traits, and optional Generic Class Abilities for character customization options.
  • Fate points which allow you to accomplish great feats of heroics!
  • And so much more!

Is This a New Edition? What's Changing?

The next printing of AA is going to shift its presentation in several ways. It is NOT, however, a new edition. Your existing books are not obsolete with this new presentation and reorganization. Here is what you can expect:

1. It will be full-color all round wih a brand new layout and new art.

2. It’s re-branded from specifically “pulp” to “multi-genre” to better reflect the original intent.

3. We will now have a traditional 3-book paradigm: a Player’s Handbook, Chronicle Keeper’s Guide, and a Codex Monstorum (monster manual). The Codex Monstorum will receive a separate crowdfunding campaign a bit down the road. 

4. The Companion is going away, but EVERYTHING from it is folded into the player’s and CK’s guides. This means that yes, the AA Player’s Handbook will have a lot more character classes in it as well as more spells and psionic powers.

5. The GM is renamed the Chronicle Keeper (CK) to fit better with C&C.

6. The rules themselves are NOT significantly changing; you WILL still be able to use your first and second prints just fine. Errata are incorporated and things are cleaned up but the game will not be heavily revised. The magic system is getting a cleanup; the psionics system may get a minor cleanup. The gadgeteering system is clarified and covers powered heroes (supers). The changes overall will be along the lines of what we’ve seen with C&C over the years.

7. Some new and expanded bits may be added – Cinematic unarmed combat, more genre advice, and things like that. Mostly this will be in the CK’s Guide to fill out the page count.

8. The monster book is still in development but expect to see a lot of Lovecraftian creatures, creatures of mythology, cryptozoological creatures (like Sasquatch and Nessie), Gothic horror monsters, sci-fi creatures, things like that.

9. The Book of Powers and StarSIEGE ARE NOT GOING INTO THE CORE BOOK. Both of these are slated for eventual updates and expansions, so they’re also not going away. The CURRENT plan (which is subject to change) is for StarSIEGE to get an expansion to 128 pages, and become a hardcover. I hope that the Book of Powers will also see an expansion to 128 pages along with a rename, and a hardcover treatment as a proper Supers genre book. We’re planning on many genre books to tie into Amazing Adventures and Castles & Crusades moving forward.

Again, this is a cleanup and reorganization, NOT a full second edition. First and second print books will still work just fine, just as with C&C. For distribution purposes it’s going in as a new game, but we don’t see this as a violation of our “no new editions” policy, because it is NOT making your prior books obsolete.

What Is the SIEGE Engine?

The SIEGE Engine is the house game system for Troll Lord Games. It powers Castles & Crusades, Amazing Adventures, and several other games. It is based on the Open Game License and features the same 6 attributes you are familiar with from the World's Most Famous RPG. It is also d20-driven for familiar game play.

The system's task resolution makes use of SIEGE Checks: roll a d20, add your character's level, ability bonuses, and other bonuses, and try to hit a target number called a Challenge Class (CC).

For Primary attributes, CC is 12 + challenge level (CL). For Secondary attributes, the target number is 18 + CL. Characters have 3 primary attributes (one set by class, the other two chosen), and 3 secondary attributes. Combat replaces the target number with the opponent's AC and character level / primes with a Base to Hit bonus. 

It's that simple! The SIEGE Engine is designed to be intuitive, fast-playing, and wide open for creative play. It's your game - play it your way with the SIEGE Engine and Amazing Adventures!


Shipping costs will be assessed during our survey, which comes from  BackerKit soon after the Kickstarter closes. Please Note: We try to keep  shipping costs at a minimum. While this is mainly a book oriented  Kickstarter, any add-ons or extra books or merchandise (if any is  offered) may cause the shipping price to rise, especially if the order  is international (out of the US). Please contact if you have any questions about shipping  before you pledge.


$8,000 - The Brotherhood of William St. John: Unlocked!! This sourcebook outlines the Brotherhood of William St. John, an adventuring organization that since the Victorian era has battled the forces of darkness, and to which your heroes can belong. It traces the Brotherhood, its enemies, and its allies through the ages from the late 1800s through to the far distant future! This expansion will be offered as a digital download for $50 perk levels and above.

$12,000 - Rings of the Red God: Unlocked!! Rings of the Red God was a mega-adventure published for the 5e version of Amazing Adventures and served as a sequel to our Rise of the Red God mini-campaign. It consists of three loosely connected adventures that see heroes traveling the multiverse through the Rings of Brass (from Aihrde) to battle the Red God once and for all. It will be converted to the SIEGE Engine for use with the latest printing of the O.G. Amazing Adventures! This expansion will be offered as a digital download for $50 perk levels and above.

$16,000 - Ruins of Ends Meet: Unlocked! This adventure originally for the 5e version of AA is by Stephen Chenault and brings one of his iconic locales from Aihrde to the countryside of Arkansas (or wherever you wish to locate it) and serves as a base of operations for multiversal adventuring. It will be converted back to the SIEGE Engine to use in your Amazing Adventures games! This expansion will be offered as a digital download for $50 perk levels and above.

$20,000 - The Legacy of William St. John: Unlocked!! This fiction collection by Jason Vey brings together all of the short stories based in the worlds of Amazing Adventures in one place. Look for the familiar stories you know, and a few new exciting tales of adventure and derring-do in the pulp, sci-fi, and urban fantasy traditions! This expansion will be offered as a digital download for $50 perk levels and above.

$21,470 - Amazing Adventures on Foundry: Unlocked! we'll release Amazing Adventures on FoundryVTT, virtual tabletop program! It will have the full conversion of the Amazing Adventures basic rules and a Quick Start Guide to get you going. We will also be offering an BRAND NEW, never published adventure along with all of this! This VTT expansion will be offered as a digital download for $50 perk levels and above.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

AA Players Handbook Digital

AA Players Handbook Digital

$15 USD $19 USD (21% off)
A digital-only version of the Amazing Adventures Players Handbook for PDF lovers and those looking to check things out.
Included Items
  • AA Players Handbook Digital
17 claimed
All-in Digital

All-in Digital

$40 USD $74 USD (45% off)
Both of the core rulebooks and the Shadows of the Red God and Deeper Dark Trilogy, all in PDF format! Go all-in digital for your pulp adventures! Note that this level does not include the CK screens in digital-only format (which we are not offering at this time).
Included Items
  • AA Players Handbook Digital
  • AA CK Guide Digital
  • Shadows of the Red God Digital
  • Deeper Dark Trilogy Digital
26 claimed
AA PHB Print & Digital

AA PHB Print & Digital

$50 USD $70 USD (28% off)
Get the Amazing Adventures Players Handbook in both Digital AND Print! All the rules you need to play or run the game in one book!
Included Items
  • AA Players Handbook Digital
  • AA Players Handbook Print
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.
AA Full Core Rules (PHB, CKG)

AA Full Core Rules (PHB, CKG)

$99 USD $140 USD (29% off)
Both core books for the Amazing Adventures RPG in one! The Player's Handbook includes all the rules for players and GMs alike! The Chronicle Keeper's Guide offers a wealth of additional information on role playing in different genres, optional rules and subsystems, world building, adventure design and more!
Included Items
  • AA Players Handbook Digital
  • AA Players Handbook Print
  • CK Guide Print & Digital
5 claimed
Ships worldwide.
AA Complete Game

AA Complete Game

$125 USD $175 USD (28% off)
Everything you need to get up and running with an Amazing Adventures campaign covering several levels of experience including both rulebooks, the CK Screens, and TWO mega-adventure bundles! All in both print AND digital format! The perfect jumping-in point for Game Masters!
Included Items
  • AA Players Handbook Digital
  • AA Players Handbook Print
  • CK Guide Print & Digital
  • AA Screens Print & Digital
  • AA Shadows of the Red God P&D
  • Deeper Dark Trilogy P&D
124 claimed
Ships worldwide.
AA Players Handbook Leather

AA Players Handbook Leather

$125 USD $150 USD (16% off)
The Amazing Adventures Players Handbook in FULL LEATHER with two tone gold foil, spin hubs and ribbon bookmark! Includes all the rules you need to play or run the game in one gorgeous tome.
Included Items
  • AA Players Handbook Digital
  • AA Players Handbook Leather
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.
AA CK Guilde Leather

AA CK Guilde Leather

$125 USD $150 USD (16% off)
The Chronicle Keeper's Guide offers a wealth of additional information on role playing in different genres, optional rules and subsystems, world building, adventure design and more, in FULL LEATHER with two tone gold foil, spin hubs and ribbon bookmark!
Included Items
  • AA CK Guide Leather
  • AA CK Guide Digital
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
AA Complete Game With Leathers

AA Complete Game With Leathers

$375 USD $475 USD (21% off)
Everything you need to get up and running with an Amazing Adventures campaign covering several levels of experience including both rulebooks, the CK Screens, and TWO mega-adventure bundles! All in both print AND digital format! The perfect jumping-in point for Game Masters...NOW IN FULL LEATHER AND STANDARD EDITIONS!
Included Items
  • AA Players Handbook Digital
  • AA Players Handbook Print
  • CK Guide Print & Digital
  • AA Screens Print & Digital
  • AA Shadows of the Red God P&D
  • Deeper Dark Trilogy P&D
  • AA Players Handbook Leather
  • AA CK Guide Leather
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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