AMTC's 2016-17 Season Fundraiser!
AMTC's 2016-17 Season Fundraiser!
AMTC's 2016-17 Season Fundraiser!
AMTC's 2016-17 Season Fundraiser!
AMTC's 2016-17 Season Fundraiser!
This campaign is closed
AMTC's 2016-17 Season Fundraiser!
AMTC Mission
The mission of the newly-formed American Monarch Theatre Company, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is not only to promote the performing arts and enrich the culture of Easton and the broader Lehigh Valley but to do so in an innovative way.
AMTC is a professional theatre company which seeks to bridge the gap between community and professional theatre by bringing in professional talent from around the country to work with local performers collaboratively. AMTC will also explore interactive theatre, to provide both artists and audience members a more distinctive way to engage with the art form.
Project Need
AMTC is seeking assistance with offsetting the costs of its 2016-2017 season.The cost of producing live, professional theatrical events and providing unparalleled theatre education is greater than ever before. AMTC is challenged by limited start-up funds experienced by all new organizations, and that is....
Where YOU Come In!
Our sights are set high for our first season. With 2 musicals, 1 play, several special events, and a half dozen workshops planned for the 2016-17 season, we need YOUR help to make it all happen!
Our founders are committed to AMTC's success (and some may say a little crazy) and are NOT taking a salary this season. That means every dollar of your tax-deductible donation will go right into the company to pay for rights to each musical/play, compensation for our actors, directors,musicians, rehearsal space, performance space, costumes, props, sets, etc. etc.
By donating, you are saying that this is MY theater, and I want to see great performances and educational opportunities that will change the lives of everyone in my community.
Thank you for your donation!!
-John Andreadis, Executive Director of American Monarch Theatre Company