Angels with Scaly Wings – The Dragon Dating, Mystery & Drama Visual Novel
Angels with Scaly Wings is a unique visual novel currently in development for Windows, Mac OS and Linux set in a world populated by dragons.
A mysterious portal is discovered and you, the player, are selected as one of the few humans to travel to the world of dragons. While you serve as an ambassador, you learn more about the strangely familiar place, and discover that your human colleague knows more than he's letting on...
It will be up to you and the friends you make to uncover the conspiracy that threatens the newly discovered world... and in the process, you may even find love.
Angels with Scaly Wings has been Greenlit on Steam! All perks containing the game will come with a Steam key.
Novel sized script
A unique story, with elements of comedy, drama and mystery.
A variety of different paths, leading to at least 11 different endings.
At least 4 potential love interests (2 male, 2 female), each with their own path, story and endings.
Shorter, one-off romances with secondary characters.
Here you can find all our pledge levels explained in more detail:
The Game - Early Bird
Limited to 20 backers, this pledge level entitles you to Angels with Scaly Wings at a discounted price, as a digital, DRM-free copy for PC, Mac OS and Linux. If our game gets Greenlit on Steam, you will also receive a Steam key.
The game
This pledge level entitles you to a digital, DRM-free copy of Angels with Scaly Wings for PC, Mac OS and Linux. If our game gets Greenlit on Steam, you will also receive a Steam key.
Deluxe Edition – Early Bird
Limited to 20 backers, this pledge level entitles you to a digital, DRM-free Deluxe copy of Angels with Scaly Wings at a discounted price for PC, Mac OS and Linux. If our game gets Greenlit on Steam, you will also receive a Steam key.
The Deluxe Edition of Angels with Scaly Wings includes digital extras, such as the soundtrack, artwork, wallpapers and more.
Deluxe Edition
This pledge level entitles you to a digital, DRM-free Deluxe copy of Angels with Scaly Wings for PC, Mac OS and Linux. If our game gets Greenlit on Steam, you will also receive a Steam key.
The Deluxe Edition of Angels with Scaly Wings includes digital extras, such as the soundtrack, artwork, wallpapers and more.
Supporter – Early Bird
Limited to 20 backers, this pledge level offers access to our exclusive backer forum at a discounted price. In this forum, you can get involved with the development process by voting on certain topics and making your own suggestions. There will also be an exclusive developer blog with regular updates containing news, sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes content and more at least twice a month.
You will also be listed as Supporter in the game's credits. Whether you use your real name, initials or a nickname is up to you.
Also includes a digital copy of the Deluxe Edition of Angels with Scaly Wings.
This pledge level offers access to our exclusive backer forum. In this forum, you can get involved with the development process by voting on certain topics and making your own suggestions. There will also be an exclusive developer blog with regular updates containing news, sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes content and more at least twice a month.
You will also be listed as Supporter in the game's credits. Whether you use your real name, initials or a nickname is up to you.
Also includes a digital copy of the Deluxe Edition of Angels with Scaly Wings.
Character Design
Our character designer will design you a dragon. Ever wanted to see yourself or a friend as a dragon or have a dragon character you want to see drawn? Now's your chance! You can be as involved in the creation process as you like. Send us a description with as much detail as you like, pictures, or anything else to get us started! We will send you the files of the finished design, similar in quality and style as the examples below.
Also includes all rewards of the Supporter perk: A digital Deluxe copy of the game, your name in the credits and access to our exclusive backer forum.
Examples of Character Design:
Digital Artwork
Not only will you receive a custom character design of a dragon by our character designer (as above), but you will also receive a Digital Artwork of your character by our CG artist.
This allows for a more involved picture, with the scene, background and more up to you. You can be as detailed in your description as you like, or leave it up to us! We will send you the files of the finished picture, similar in quality and style to the examples below.
Also includes all rewards of the Supporter perk: A digital Deluxe copy of the game, your name in the credits and access to our exclusive backer forum.
Examples of Digital Artwork:
Character Cameo
Not only will you receive a custom character design by our character designer and a Digital Artwork by our CG artist, but your dragon character will also have a small cameo role in the game.
This means your character will be shown in the game and will have the opportunity to say a few sentences to the player character. You can be as involved in the creation process of this cameo scene as you want and we will try to incorporate all requests, though some things may not be possible within the scope of the game's storyline.
Of course, we will also send you the files of the custom sprite artwork of your character we will use in the game.
Also includes all rewards of the Supporter perk: A digital Deluxe copy of the game, your name in the credits and access to our exclusive backer forum.
You will have the opportunity to create a secondary (dragon) character in the game in accordance with our writers and artists.
A secondary character will be present during multiple scenes throughout the game and also will have one optional character scene for the player to play through (similar to the ones found at the end of our demo). You can be as involved in the creation of this scene as you like, or just leave it up to us!
While we will try to accommodate all your requests, certain things may not be possible within the scope of the game. The character scenes featured at the end of our demo are a good indicator of what you can expect of your own character scene.
You will also be listed as Benefactor in the credits of the final game. Whether you use your real name, initials or a nickname is up to you.
This also includes all rewards of the "Digital Artwork" perk, meaning full body digital character design by our character designer, a digital artwork by our CG artist, a Digital Deluxe copy of the game and access to our exclusive backer forum.
You will have the unique opportunity to create a main (dragon) character in the game in accordance with our writers and artists.
As one of the main characters (and even a possible love interest, if you so desire), your dragon will be featured throughout the game, with numerous dialogue options, their own storyline, as many character scenes as the other four main dragons and will also add two additional endings to the game with your character as the main focus.
Many custom assets will be created just for your dragon, like sprites, theme music, backgrounds as well as numerous artworks by our CG artist. Your character's scenes will be depicted with stunning detail as you play through their very own storyline! All of these assets will be sent to you digitally to enjoy outside of the game as well. You can be as involved in the creation process as you would like, or leave it up to us!
While we will try to accommodate all your requests, certain things may not be possible within the scope of the game.
You will also be listed as Sponsor in the final game. Whether you use your real name, initials or a nickname is up to you.
This also includes all rewards of the "Digital Artwork" perk, meaning full body digital character design by our character designer, a digital artwork by our CG artist, a Digital Deluxe copy of the game and access to our exclusive backer forum.
Why do we need Indiegogo?
Indiegogo is the perfect platform for us to gauge interest in our project. Over the past year, we have worked on developing and fleshing out the world, story, characters and mechanics of Angels with Scaly Wings. The game is planned out beginning to end, and now we only need the resources to make our vision come alive. You can find a taste of this in our demo, which represents the prologue, as well as the first chapter of the game.
While we would love to continue working on this project in our own free time (as we have so far), a successful Indiegogo campaign will enable us to focus our time on developing the game as well as hire more talent to deliver a quality visual novel. Without your help, this game may never see the light of day.
How long is the game going to be?
The game is divided into 5 chapters, the first of which you can play in our demo. However, with the different choices you make throughout the course of the whole game, each path and each of the game's 13 endings only represents a part of the overall story of Angels with Scaly Wings.
A single playthrough may only take a couple of hours, but branching paths and replaying the game with different choices are part of the game's design, and as such, it will take much more than a single playthrough to experience everything our game has to offer.
Overall, the story of Angels with Scaly Wings will have a total word count of 150.000 - 200.000 words, which should give you an idea of the overall scope.
What will the rating be?
The game is definitely intended for mature audiences.
It certainly doesn’t shy away from showing the violence and its results where applicable - something you can already see in the demo during the investigation scene.
Of course, the optional romance scenes will also do their part.
What can you tell us about the protagonist?
Visually, the main character is never defined, so it’s up to the players what they want their main character to be like.
Are you planning to port Angels with Scaly Wings to other platforms, such as Android, iOS or consoles?
We would love to! After the game's release on PC, Mac OS and Linux, we are planning on porting the game to mobile devices and, depending on the demand, maybe even consoles.
I already pledged, but now I want to upgrade to a different perk, HELP!
Please send us a message, so we can assist you with this!
I have pledged for the supporter perk or above, now where can I find this "exclusive backer forum"?
You can find the backer forum at
Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that during creation of a yuku account, you may be presented with an offer of some kind (opt-in), please keep that in mind when you make your accounts and be on the lookout for this to take the appropriate option.
What else can we do to show our support?
Spread the word! Share our campaign on Facebook, Twitter or any other social network. Even if there are enough people out there who would love to play this game and help make it a reality, they can only help us if they know about our campaign. The more people we can reach, the better!
Have any additional questions?
Please don't hesitate to contact us via our social media channels, email or the contact link towards the top of this page!
Risks & Challenges
Creating a game is no easy feat and as with all game development, there is always the risk of unexpected problems or delays, especially with a small team like us.
However, we have set the release & estimated delivery date to give us a buffer to absorb any unexpected delays or problems we could face before release.
We have now been working on this game for almost a year. With our spare time and our own resources, we have made significant progress already.
We are aware of the responsibility placed on our shoulders once our game is funded. While we are very grateful for the opportunity and trust from our backers, we can also assure you that for us, this project is a work of passion and something all of us want to see made. We will do our utmost to make it a reality.