A new age of sword & sorcery adventure awaits as Ardanna's quest begins. Created and written by Wyatt Holliday (Rocket Gal), with art by Dean Flores and letters by Eric Weathers.
Current Status: In Fulfillment
The Story
Obsessed with uncovering clues that would prove his stolen birthright, Sabian traveled the globe cutting himself on broken hearts. His final voyage was 15 years ago...
Now, having been inspired by his many stories as a child, Ardanna begins the search for her missing father. As our heroine rescues Tavin Sael from the dungeons of Oakengarde Keep, Nestor of Nikias brokers a deal that will lead him to The Citadel Above the Sun. Meanwhile, dark forces rise in Tyr Ahminus...
Stretch Goals
All Backers - All backers will receive an exclusive foil trading card, the first Artifact of Ulim-Nur, Ardanna's Armor!
$5,000 (Unlocked!) - Legends of Ulim-Nur trading card #1: Ardanna
$9,348 (Unlocked!) - Print 9348 (Ardanna)
$10,000 (Unlocked!) - Legends of Ulim-Nur trading card #2: The Withered King
The Ardanna Companion
This supplemental behind-the-scenes book features design sketches, page layouts, notes, script pages, samples from the unpublished novel, and more! These will not be released elsewhere and are exclusive to The Ardanna Companion.
Note: This item is also available as an Add-On at checkout with no additional shipping cost.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't back us right now, you can also help by following and sharing this campaign on your social media!